Scarlet Falls

Chapter 68 Love Demon

"What the hell?"

The sudden face outside the window made Wang Mo suddenly wake up from the joy that the hunt was about to be successful.

Like being hit at the climax of some kind of clapping activity, his hair stood on end and he stumbled back.

The next moment, there was a bang, the floor-to-ceiling windows shattered, and broken glass scattered all over the floor.

The black figure, wrapped in a violent aura, rushed into the room.

"Brother, are you considering surrendering?"

With an exaggerated smile on his face, but very gentle words in his mouth, he strode forward.

"Official transcendent?"

Wang Mo couldn't hear this. He backed away in horror. Under the sudden fright, he had no intention of fighting with the opponent. He didn't even have time to think about how the opponent chased him. He had clearly checked his surroundings just now through the girl taking a bath. But he still didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and rushed towards the door. At the same time, he shouted sternly at the girl standing blankly among the candles:

"Block him."


The girl with obsessed eyes turned around without hesitation. The black collar around her neck caused a layer of black substance to seep into her skin. She was obviously extremely frightened, but her body was not in control, and she even exploded with power that she could not normally possess. and speed.

Not only her, but also the girl behind the glass window suddenly became alert and rushed out violently.

It just hit the glass window and was bounced back.

Only this girl who had not yet entered the glass window rushed to Wei Wei, her pretty face was full of ferocity and resentment.


Wei Wei raised his hand and slapped her, sending her flying away. Her head hit the wall and she fainted.

"Love slave!"

He just glanced at it and continued walking forward.

It is not a heavy blow to strike oneself, people who are affected by this kind of power usually need such a slap to wake up.


Wang Mo rushed to the door at a speed that was not in line with his usual temperament. The speed was surprisingly fast, but when he pulled it open, the door only opened a gap of about three centimeters. There was an iron chain outside, tightly The door was wrapped around...

He was obviously fine when he first came in, so who could be so wicked?

Wang Mo was so surprised that he almost screamed.

"You don't think I'm so amateur that I can't even lock the door, do you?"

Footsteps sounded quietly in the living room, turning little by little to the passage leading to the door.

The visitor seemed very relaxed and even whistled.

Wang Mo put down his hand holding the door in despair, suddenly gritted his teeth, and punched the thin partition of the shoe cabinet next to the door.

He took out a miniature submachine gun that was thirty or forty centimeters long with a bandage on it. He quickly put it on his shoulder, pressed his back tightly against the door, and aimed it firmly at the strip less than two meters wide. At the end of the corridor, I waited for the footsteps in the living room to approach.

Chug tug tug...

The moment the figure appeared in his field of vision, Wang Mo pulled the trigger fiercely.

Bullets poured out, the smell of gunpowder was pungent, and the forceful recoil made Wang Mo's shoulders numb.

He was not good at weapons. He only knew that his system did not have strong confrontation ability in the early stage, so he hid weapons in various hidden corners of the room. However, before that, he had never even thought about it. Use these things.

It wasn't until he felt a burst of bullets whizzing out that he opened his eyes and released the trigger, looking forward intently.

do you died?

He thought, but when the smoke in front of his eyes cleared, he saw nothing in front of him.

There is not a soul in sight...

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. He raised his head suddenly and saw a black shadow hanging upside down above his head, smiling at him.

Wang Mo's heart trembled with fear, and he hurriedly raised his gun to aim at it, but a fist had already fallen from it.

With a bang, Wang Mo's head was knocked crooked.

Then a hand grabbed his collar and slammed him against the wall.

Before he could wake up, the other party grabbed his back and knocked him to the other side.

The bones in his body were about to fall apart. In Wang Mo's blurry eyes, he saw a hand grabbing his neck.

He quickly approached himself with a smiling face: "What a pity, you resisted..."

"This...may be some misunderstanding..."

Wang Mo was extremely panicked, but on his bruised face, he was trying hard to smile and said in a difficult voice:

"You...listen to my explanation..."


Even though he was in severe pain, he still had to try to show his confidence and calmness at this time.

The most basic ability of a transcendent in the Love Demon System is, in other words, not an ability, but the attribute of strength.


Each demon system has its own attributes.

Researchers at Pioneer Laboratory call it BUFF.

The attribute of the love devil is affinity. Now as Wang Mo's smile appeared while suppressing his inner panic, Wei Wei's liking for him suddenly improved a lot. If they just met by chance and saw this smile, there would be a feeling. There is an urge to like him and want to get to know him. If the two parties are at war with each other, they will subconsciously ease the tension because of this smile.

"No way?"

Wei Wei's voice seemed to be much normal, and he said with a smile: "You tricked everyone here, and you ended up like this..."


Wang Mo became more and more calm, and tried to open his red and swollen eyes, saying, "Life always needs a little fun, right?"

He actually seemed to be chatting with Wei Wei, and slowly raised his hand and put it on Wei Wei's shoulder.

The movements are very subtle and not at all obtrusive.

Hands that exceed the rules.

As long as this action is completed, it will be difficult for the other party to violate the request made within a short period of time.

But usually this ability is more effective on opponents of the opposite sex, or opponents whose sexual orientation matches your own. Occasionally, it can also affect opponents of the same gender. The disadvantage is that after using this ability, if you have a strong will and have been used like this A capable opponent may change his sexual orientation and get closer to him. If the opponent has a strong will, his sexual orientation will be distorted towards the opponent.

Wang Mo looked calm on the outside, but his heart was pounding with nervousness.

He uses his affinity attribute to weaken the opponent's vigilance and hostility, and taps him on the shoulder when he is not prepared. The whole process is his attack.

In the pre-Love Demon stage, there is really a lack of effective means of attack...



Without any warning, a sudden gunshot sounded.

Severe pain gnawed into his chest and abdomen, and the pain of his flesh and intestines being torn apart instantly poured into his brain like a torrent.

A hole was actually blasted out of his stomach.

But he is not dead yet, although the Love Demon's early stage physique can be ranked in the bottom three among the twelve demon physiques.

"When I was in the training camp, some people said that I could defeat the love devil."

Wei Wei smiled and squatted beside him, saying: "I don't know why, but the person who said this is much better than you."

"So, stop resisting like this pointlessly."

"I have been following you for a day, and I know that you are not just hunting, nor are you trying to spread teachings."

"So, tell me what your purpose is and who are your companions?"


He asked slowly, and took hold of Wang Mo's wrist with a rose tattoo, and said with a smile: "The most important thing is..."

"...Where did this tattoo come from?"


In his lowered voice, which was almost gentle, Wang Mo was covered in cold sweat and his whole body was twitching in pain. But when he heard Wei Wei's inquiry, his heart suddenly trembled and he gritted his teeth. He turned his hand and grabbed Wei Wei's wrist.


There seemed to be an invisible sound, like handcuffs falling.

It can even be seen with the naked eye that there is an invisible shackle appearing between the palms of the two of them.

A chain and two rings were instantly stuck on each other's wrists.

Love Demon's second stage ability: Love Shackles.

Through physical contact, a forced contractual relationship is created with the other party.

Before the contract is terminated, the other party cannot harm himself, otherwise, the other party will also suffer corresponding harm.

Just like love, love kills each other.

Wang Mo finally relaxed a little, gritted his teeth and shouted: "You can't ask anything from me..."


Wei Wei glanced at their wrists, the smile on his face did not diminish, and he nodded with satisfaction:


"I just like how stubborn you are..."



Wang Mo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and was extremely suspicious.

But at this moment, Wei Wei had already put the gun back, leaned over to pick up Wang Mo, and came to the living room. He tied him up by pulling the curtains, hung him on the chandelier in the living room, and then walked in He walked into the kitchen and soon took out salt, chili oil, a saw, a set of kitchen knives, an egg beater and other things, laid them out on the coffee table, and tied a cooking apron on himself.

During the training camp, my professional score in the torture class was very high.

Almost a broken record.

"What is he doing?"

Wang Mo looked at Wei Wei's actions, feeling frightened and frightened in his heart. He couldn't hurt himself at all now, otherwise he would also...


Before he could finish speaking, Wei Wei suddenly punched the wounds on his chest and abdomen that were already stretched.

This fierce punch directly made Wang Mo feel the squeeze and secondary destruction of the wound's torn flesh, and he almost fainted.

At the same time, Wei Wei suddenly felt his chest and abdomen shaking violently, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Then he grinned and picked up the kitchen knife on the table with anticipation. After thinking about it, he picked up the egg beater...

Finally he hesitated and picked up a burning candle from the ground.

The candlelight illuminated his smile. He smiled and slowly walked towards Wang Mo who was struggling fiercely.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Be good, don't struggle, it's fun, I promise..."


Next to them, the girls who had become quiet behind the glass windows looked at everything in front of them with dull eyes, as if they didn't understand anything.

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