Tong Yan laughed: "why do you feel sorry for me. I didn't do anything. I like to see your movies, so I have to charter. I like to see you, so I invest. I want to know you and make friends with you, so I will look for you again and again. If I really want to say sorry, it seems that I should say it

"What." Xin Shanshan doesn't understand Tong Yan's meaning.

Tong Yan said: "because I do these are what I want. I have never asked you whether you like it or not. Will you be disturbed because of my appearance? Will everything I do be superfluous? Will I feel troubled when facing me, isn't it?"


Xin Shanshan really does not know what to say, she has never met a person, can be like a gentleman Tongyan this point.

People get along with people, most of them are thinking, what have I paid for you? Why can't you be moved when I treat you so well. Why don't you accept me.

But Tong Yan would think that he did all these because he thought, even if you are good, the other side also has no reason to accept your good, your good to the other side may be a kind of disturbance.

Tong Yan slanted his head and seriously asked Xin Shanshan: "do I disturb you?"

Xin Shanshan really doesn't know how to answer Tong Yan.

Say it's

Simpson really can't say, such an answer is too cruel.

Tong Yan has never done anything wrong. What's more, he never bothers himself when he does these things. Strictly speaking, when Tong Yan really appears in front of himself, there are very few of them. If all of these are interruptions Then there is no reason.

But if it's not

She couldn't say.

After all, she is very clear in her heart that Tong Yan does so much because she likes herself.

And she is not a person who is sentimental, uses others unconditionally to be good to herself, and then satisfies some of her selfish desires.

The kind of heart that everyone pays for their feelings is precious. If they can't respond to each other, or more accurately, they can't give them the kind of response they want, they can't accept the unconditional kindness of the other party to themselves.

Silence for a moment, Xin Shanshan suddenly raised her hand and patted Tong Yan's shoulder. She laughed at Tong Yan and then said, "Tong Yan, I want to ask you a word."

"Well." Tong Yan smile, said: "good, you ask."

"Do you like me?" She asked directly, too directly.

Directly, she felt a little shameless.

Can't help, some words she also must ask clearly, because, no matter oneself know or pretend not to know, she should not let Tong Yan do so.

Tong Yan can't say, she will ask.

After thinking about it for a while, she added, "I don't mean fans like idols, but that kind of love. You You should know what I mean

If Tong Yan says no, Xin Shanshan will not feel that she is amorous. She just wants to ask Tong Yan frankly, that's all.

If it is

Tong Yan thought about it, and then he nodded gently: "yes, Shanshan, you ask me so honestly, I am very happy, but also very unhappy. Happy is because I like the girl is a calm person, she will not rely on my love for my desire. I am not happy, but also because of your calm. Shanshan, you are so direct that you don't have to say what you want to say next. I know what you want to say

Xin Shanshan looks at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan laughed, he raised his hand and touched Xin Shanshan's hair: "because you can't like me, so you want to tell me clearly now that you want to refuse my love. In the future, you don't like me to make any investment or convenient things for you because I like you in places you see or can't see. Because you can't accept the peace of mind, and you can't respond to what I want, so you're ashamed of my liking, right? "

Xin Shanshan nodded, and then she said, "that's why I said sorry to you, Tong Yan, I'm really sorry."

"Do you like Mu Tianhao?" Tong Yan asked this question more calmly than Xin Shanshan asked.

Xinshanshan almost did not hesitate. She nodded directly. She said with a smile, "yes, I like Mu Tianhao."

"Why." Tong Yan said: "which point of me is inferior to Mu Tianhao. He can give you shelter, I can give you whatever he can

Xin Shanshan shook her head: "it's not Tong Yan. I don't think it's true to like someone. You ask me why I like Mu Tianhao, but I don't know. You are right. You are not inferior to him in terms of appearance and value. Even more, you respect me more than he does, and you are more able to let go of your stature to accommodate me. But I just don't like it. "

She smiles at Tong Yan, a pure smile.

"In fact, not only do you ask me that, but sometimes I think so. Why do I like Mu Tianhao?" Xin Shanshan lowered her head: "at the beginning, I didn't like it at first, but I walked step by step to this day, he was always with me, and he took care of me all the time. Maybe I didn't like him at the beginning, but I had already depended on him. I really can't tell you clearly with words. Maybe It's the oldest saying. I just met the most appropriate person at the most appropriate time. If I like it, I don't even know where I can go. However, I know clearly that I won't like you and accept you. How can I accept what you have to me. Tong Yan, it's not that you are good enough, just because I don't have the qualification to accept your good"What's your logic?" Tong Yan chuckled: "it's the first time that I've heard that love also needs return on investment. What I've paid is not what I want you to repay me. I just want to fight for it. Susan, you said you couldn't accept me, but I like you. What's wrong with you. I don't think so. Since I am an investor who doesn't care about the rate of return, why can't you accept it. That's what I'm willing to do. "


"No, but." Tong Yan stood up and said to Xin Shanshan, "I know that you won't accompany me for dinner today, but I'm very happy today because of what you said to me, because you shot an advertisement here, and because I watched you all day. You see, that's all I want. I also know that these are not from you to me, but I am still very happy. Shanshan, thank you for what you said to me today. It's what made me know how stupid I was before. In the future, I'll let you know in another way and let you choose again. "

With these words, Tong Yan didn't give Xin Shanshan any chance to refute, so he turned and left.

Xin Shanshan sits in the same place, a Leng a Leng, this Tong Yan after all means a few, she thinks oneself already said very clear ah.

But why does he understand that drinking what he wants to express is not the same meaning at all.

Mi ran watched Tong Yan go far before sitting over, she was next to Xin Shanshan: "work is over, I let Xiao Mo drive, we can go back."

Xinshanshan calmed down and froze for a while, then nodded.

Miran then said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I heard what Mr. Tong said just now."

"Ah." Xinshanshan listened to Miran's words, but she also shook her head: "yes, it's nothing. I think what I said just now has nothing to hide."

Miran laughed: "of course, you have nothing to hide. On the contrary, you are not only not hiding, but also too straightforward. It's the first time I've met someone who refuses to pursue like you, Simpson

Xin Shanshan listened to MI Ran's words and couldn't help but blush: "ah, this matter..."

She was wondering what to say to Miran.

Miran shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "don't worry, it's a private matter of your feelings. I'm not so gossipy. However, there is a sentence you said wrong, such you, worthy of Tong Yan such a man to you. "

She patted Simpson on the shoulder: "come on, don't worry about these things. You can't make up your mind to worry about it again. Go away. You have a lot of work to do. "

What Mi ran said is not wrong. Xin Shanshan can't change Tong Yan's practice.

She was really busy. In the next few days, she shot another advertisement and magazine cover, as well as some interviews.

The question she asked was just about whether she was confident that she could win the movie. In fact, she had been fantasizing about what she would look like when she got the film back, but when the day was approaching, she was more calm.

can not take the movie behind her, has the final say, and think back, any movie she played at that time, she had already worked hard to get the movie, it was her affirmation of effort, if not, it means that she needs further improvement.

With regard to trophies, she doesn't have the idea of acting in a movie to win a prize.

It's not to say that she doesn't expect the trophy after the movie. How to say, she put her mind better.

The award ceremony of the film awards is getting closer and closer. After finishing all the work Wu Meili has done for her, Xin Shanshan returns home to have a good rest for two days and strengthen her physical exercise. Unexpectedly, she receives a strange phone call.

And the person who called in, Xin Shanshan, is really a person who never thought of, Du Mei.

Du Mei's tone at the other end of the phone seemed unnatural: "Shanshan, I'm calling you in my personal name."

Xinshanshan was a little frightened. She was still very respectful to Du Mei: "sister Du, if you have anything, just say it."

"It's just my personal meaning..." After hesitating for a long time, Du Mei finally put forward her request: "can you be the companion of Feng nuoyuan in this film award ceremony?"

Xin Shanshan was stunned for a moment: "Feng nuoyuan will attend this film award."

Originally she thought that Feng nuoyuan would avoid the limelight in any case.

Du Mei nodded: "yes, attending this film award is the meaning of Feng nuoyuan. At the beginning, I didn't want to trouble you, but you also know that I can't find anyone to walk on the red carpet with Feng nuoyuan. Of course, it's my intention to ask you to be Feng nuoyuan's girlfriend. Feng nuoyuan doesn't know. Can you agree?"

After xinshanshan came back to her senses, she nodded happily: "of course, I'll do it. You don't have to tell Wu Meili."

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