Du Mei's view of Xin Shanshan is naturally desirable. As an agent, she certainly knows that Wu Meili will not let Xin Shanshan and Feng nuoyuan walk together on the red carpet. She is afraid that Xin Shanshan will agree with her, and then let her go and tell Wu Meili that she will agree as long as Wu meili does not object.

She didn't expect that Xin Shanshan not only promised happily, but also told her that she didn't have to go to Wu Meili branch again.

Du Mei said to Xin Shanshan with difficulty: "thank you, Shanshan, I used to..."

"Ah, what's the relationship between me and Feng nuoyuan?" Xin Shanshan interrupted Du Mei's apology with a smile: "I didn't know Feng nuoyuan would also participate in this film award. If I had known that, you wouldn't have to make this call. I told Feng nuoyuan myself, and I invited him to be my boyfriend. It's OK, sister Du. Do you have anything else to do? "

Du Meilian said in a hurry: "it's gone. Then you have a rest. This is Feng Nuo'er doesn't know about it. "

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." She said happily.

Du Mei was relieved to hang up.

Holding her hand, she fell on the bed, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

Who is Feng nuoyuan? When he was the film emperor, when he attended any activities before, he could not find a female companion to walk on the red carpet together. Which female star didn't break his head to win Feng nuoyuan's arm, but now she can't find a female partner.

Although Xin Shanshan is very clear, the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and vanity fair is a very powerful place. When you are popular, all the organizers and manufacturers are around you, but one day you are in trouble. You are a pool of mud on the ground, and everyone can step on it. Sometimes, even if you trample on you, others will return Afraid to dirty your shoes.

Even though Xin Shanshan knows the background of Feng nuoyuan from Mu Tianhao, she can't help feeling a little bit sad, and even, she feels a little bit cold.

Of course, it is impossible to hide this matter from Wu Meili.

When Wu Meili picked several popular male stars and asked her who she wanted to go with her on the red carpet, she pretended to be careless and said, "I already have a male partner."

"Who." Wu Meili's vigilance immediately increased, tightly staring at Xin Shanshan's eyes.

"Feng nuoyuan," said Xin Shanshan

Wu Meili exploded on the spot: "Xin Shanshan, who allowed you to do this. Feng nuoyuan is looking for you. No, it's impossible according to Feng nuoyuan's arrogance. It must be Du Mei. Ah, how could Du Mei be so shameless. When Feng nuoyuan's family was in the red, we were in the same company. She was not willing to let you and Feng nuoyuan stir fry. Xinshanshan, you turn over your brain. At that time, what Du Mei said about you and how she warned Feng nuoyuan. Oh, now that Feng nuoyuan's family has fallen into trouble, she'll think of you. Why doesn't she think about what she said and what she did before. "

Xin Shanshan took out her ears and said, "what's the matter with sister Du. I don't want to go far away from Feng Nuo on the red carpet with whom. If you don't think about it, I'm the best actress and Feng nuoyuan is the best actor. It's normal that we walk the red carpet together. "

"Normal your sister." Wu Meili spit, Xingzi almost didn't spray. Xinshanshan said, "xinshanshan, you are red now, but you are not so red that you can do whatever you want in this circle. Now Feng's reputation is awesome. This is not only a question of his sexual exposure, but even a picture of him kissing a man. He went to him that evening, and the media took you three to talk about it. That's because you have stopped the rotten news to you. You've done well, and you have not yet confused enough to make your people too. Less. "

When Wu Meili said this, Xin Shanshan was not very happy: "I have such a good relationship with Feng nuoyuan. What's more, we are all from the same company. At this time, I don't accompany him. Who will accompany him?"

"Where are so many people coming from in this circle?" Wu Meili was not polite at all. She said angrily, "Xin Shanshan, I think you've been so successful recently. Don't forget that in addition to the black and black people on the Internet, you still have a natural enemy. You think it's so easy to talk. She didn't punish you recently because Mu Shao had a relationship with Zhu's consortium last time. She hurt her own family. She didn't want you to die. She was waiting for an opportunity to let you die more thoroughly. They haven't done it yet. I didn't expect that you would touch the opportunity with your own hands. Are you stupid. Are you stupid

Of course, Xin Shanshan knows that Wu Meili is for her good. In the entertainment industry, under the spotlight, your life is not your own. Every moment someone records your details. When one day something happens to you, these things will be used by others to attack you, that is, the stones on you.

She's been in this business for so long that she certainly knows the relationship.

"Anyway, she wanted to kill me for a long time. What can I do or not can stop her." When Xin Shanshan heard this, her voice was cold for a moment: "I only know that Feng nuoyuan is my friend. I'm willing to walk the red carpet with him. I don't think I can help him with my current fame. I just don't want him to walk alone on the red carpet. That's all. How others want to write, or how others want to use this matter to deal with me, has nothing to do with me. I just have to be worthy of myself"Simpson."

Wu Meili is really angry. She smashes the folder in her hand on the table, which makes xinshanshan shiver.

After all, xinshanshan was afraid of Wu Meili, but she still said with a stiff neck: "I have decided."

Seeing that Xin Shanshan is so persistent, Wu Meili also eased her temper and sat down to face Xin Shanshan and said slowly, "Shanshan, do you remember that before you met Mu Tianhao, it was not that no one wanted to support you, it was not like touching you, but they wanted you to sleep with them. At that time, I asked you whether you would sleep or not. Do you remember what you said

She dropped her eyes and nodded, "I remember, I said I didn't sleep."

Wu Meili said, "yes, I remember what I said at that time. I said, sleep, there is a red law of sleep, do not sleep, there is no way to sleep. You decide not to sleep, then I will accompany you on this road no matter what. Later, the pressure on you is too strong, a long time, you become a boil contract expired and then change careers. But still did not let you go, she even wanted you to die. It's also because that time, you almost died, you found Mu Tianhao, and then you have today. People outside have seen how you have become popular overnight. You have been nominated for the film by two steps. But I know how difficult it is for you to walk on this road. I know how many tricks you have run behind you. I know that even instant noodles are luxurious when you don't have money. I know that you were the worst when you were kicked out by the landlord. You even slept under the overpass... "

Speaking of the past, Xin Shanshan felt a little uncomfortable. Yes, no one accompanied her through these days, only Wu Meili.

It was Wu Meili who gave her father money in arrears. She helped her again and again. She gave her food when she had no food to eat, and paid her rent when she had no place to live. Therefore, many people did not understand why she was not afraid of Mu Tianhao, but was afraid of Wu meili.

But she knew that she was not afraid. She was respectful, grateful, grateful

She and Wu Meili have come to this day together. They are no longer cooperative relations. Sometimes she even thinks that Wu Meili is her sister, her own sister.

No matter where her life goes, brilliant or bad, anyone may abandon her, but Wu Meili will not.

Wu Meili sighed and then said, "Shanshan, it's not easy for you to come to this day. Although there are many admirers, I hope you are more careful and more careful, because I miss you too much. In addition to, jealous of your Who doesn't want you to fall down and never get up again. Do you know why? "

Xinshanshan thought for a moment: "they all think that I am too fast to be red, blocking their way. They always think that I am lucky and have found Mu Tianhao."

Wu Meili nodded: "indeed, this is a reason, but the main reason is not this. "

Xin Shanshan looks at Wu Meili, not this one. What else could that be.

Don't be all the same. Just because I see her face, I think she hates her, so I want her to die badly.

She really wants to know how annoying she should be.

"You are black because you are different from them." Wu Meili said earnestly.

"Not the same." Xinshanshan suddenly nodded: "Oh, it's different. I'm more beautiful than them."

Wu Meili hardly choked herself with her saliva: "yes, you are more beautiful than them. But it's not a different place. You have to know, this is the entertainment industry, is the pursuit of fame and fortune, is everyone faking, one by one hypocritical, only for red can make money. As for you, you can do it. In order to take in your piece pay, to eat five catties of fat raw, and for Niu jiejie, you dare to argue with Chen Junlan. Who do you think you are? You alone want to pursue dreams and fairness. You're dreaming. "

Xin Shanshan understood what Wu Meili meant. She murmured, "I understand..."

"You know a fart." Wu Meili once again spat on Xin Shanshan's face.

Xin Shanshan wiped a face: "yes, I understand a fart..."

However, Wu Meili didn't seem to get Xin Shanshan's sense of humor at all. She continued: "xinshanshan, everyone climbs into the rich merchant's bed. If you don't, you find a handsome, rich and nice admirer to be your boyfriend. Everyone is telling lies. It's just your true temperament. Everyone is fighting for the benefit, you are the best friend. Everyone talks about dreams, but what they can do is to circle money. What you say is that money is a name, but you are stupid for dreams. Forcing things, you say, you are such an alien, obviously you still have to head up the storm. "

Xin Shanshan nodded: "sister Wu, I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I understand what you mean However, let me be willful for the last time. I'm determined to go on the red carpet with Feng nuoyuan. I'll listen to you for everything except this one. "


Wu Meili did not expect that Xin Shanshan would not eat hard and soft.

She shook her hand: "whatever you want, I don't care about you."

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