With a greeting from Feng nuoyuan, the studio, which was busy finishing work, suddenly quieted down and looked at the past one after another.

Mu Tianhao!

It's really Mu Tianhao again!

What time is it now? If Mu Tianhao came to visit his company's artists on business during the day, it's fine. After all, everyone knows that Liuguang international has signed Feng nuoyuan as a male artist. Last time he made that TV series, Mu Tianhao went to the set.

However, at this time, how can he appear here?

Xinshanshan lightly skimmed her eyes, saw that gorgeous face, and the corner of the lips inexplicable smile. As long as he appears, the light around him is dim.

What is he doing here?

Not only did Xin Shanshan have this question, but all the people on the set were puzzled. Director Zhang took the lead to meet her. Even though she had already stepped out of the studio and was ready to get on the bus, she turned back.

"Don't worry, director Zhang. You can continue to clean up."

You don't have to worry, but mu Tianhao is standing here so grandly that all the people on the set are focused on him, and the people who should leave don't leave. There are no efficient words.

Feng nuoyuan pushed Xin Shanshan for a moment: "Hey, you don't go there?"

Xin Shanshan white Feng nuoyuan one eye: "why do I want to go?"

"If you don't go, I'll go. If you say hello, you can leave. Otherwise, you can keep it and spend less time." Feng nuoyuan finished, and then he walked over to Mu Tianhao with a smile.

Xinshanshan stood in the same place, and she couldn't walk. If she didn't, it seemed that Mu Tianhao was aiming at her.

Feng nuoyuan and Mu Tianhao are talking in a low voice. From an attitude point of view, he has no flattering feeling towards Mu Tianhao. He is flat and light. After a few words of conversation, he leaves first. Even, he looked back at Simpson and blinked at her.

Xin Shanshan was not polite and wrote back her white eyes to him. When her eyes turned back, she ran into Mu Tianhao's.

Mu Tianhao is looking at Xin Shanshan, and her bright eyes like stars only convey a message to her: come to ye ye!

Xin Shanshan hesitated again and again, so she could only choose to walk towards Mu Tianhao.

Who knows, it's gone before we start.

Just opened his mouth and called a sentence: "Mu Shao..."

Mu Tian Hao simply leaned over the body and opened his mouth in the direction of xinshanshan and said, "xinshanshan, come here for a while."

Xinshanshan subconsciously widened her eyes, and her eyes swept over like a knife.

After touching her nose, Xin Shanshan could only go over with a stiff head. After standing still, she said to the two men politely: "Mu Shao, senior."

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan with a smile. The light in his eyes is like the stars in the sky, clear and distant. He stares at her for a long time, and then slowly opens his mouth: "since we have called the master, we should study hard like the elder in the studio."

Xin Shanshan nodded: "I know, Mu Shao."

Mu Tianhao looked at him, his tone was still calm, but the smile on his face was a little more realistic: "I heard that the match between miss and Xin Shanshan will be arranged the day after tomorrow. If she delays at that time, you can not be polite. As you know, sometimes new people are a little bit unguided. "

After hearing Mu Tianhao's words, Xin Shanshan's head is as big as a fight. Does he think that teaching her is not cruel enough? Also specially told her not to be polite!

Slightly pick eyebrows, eyes around Mu Tianhao's face to look at Xin Shanshan, smile Ying Ying Ying said: "Mu Shaoyan is heavy, your eyes have always been good, and director Zhang is also very satisfied."

"Is it?" Mu Tianhao gently glanced at Xin Shanshan, and his deep and pleasant voice brought a little smile.

We can ignore Mu Tianhao's words and say, "I don't know if Mu Shao has time tomorrow. I want to talk with Mu Shao about the things that we didn't finish last time."

"Of course, I'll see you in the office tomorrow morning at nine o'clock," Mu Tianhao said in a warm voice

"Well, I won't disturb you. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Mu Tianhao's hand reached out and touched it gently, nodded slightly and then left.

Xin Shanshan also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to slip away, but mu Tianhao grabbed her collar: "what are you running for? Or do you really think I have so much free time to come to see you finish work at this time? "

Mu Tianhao tugs at Xin Shanshan's collar. Her strength is not light. She feels that her neck has been strangled.

But in full view of the public, she is not good to do anything, can only stretch out his hand to hold him, holding her collar arm.

Because of Ning Xingchen's small action, Mu Tianhao slightly deviated his head, and his hair hanging in front of his forehead slightly blocked his eyebrows, which made his eyes more profound. His thin lips pursed slightly, and he looked as if he was angry.

She had no idea where she had offended him.

Backhand, Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's hand and took her to go out directly.

The people on the set watched the scene one by one, and they were even more puzzled about what she came from.Out of the studio, Xin Shanshan doesn't see Mu Tianhao's car, and even Wu Meili has no shadow.

Mu Tianhao doesn't speak. Naturally, Xin Shanshan has nothing to say to him. She releases her hand holding his arm and stands there waiting for Wu Meili to come and pick her up.

Mu Tianhao saw the action of Xin Shanshan and pulled her wrist to increase her strength.

With a sharp pain in her wrist, Xin Shanshan's eyebrows frowned at once. She glared at Mu Tianhao and blurted out: "what do you want to do in the middle of the night?"

"What do not do, boring can't sleep, specially come here to find fault, can't you?" Mu Tianhao is really angry.

Xin Shanshan felt puzzled: "Mu Shao, I don't seem to have offended you today."

Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan and is about to speak. Wu Meili comes here. She sees Mu Tianhao holding Xin Shanshan standing here, which seems to be startled. However, she still walks by and says, "Mu SHAOHAO. Shanshan, there's something wrong with the car on the way. I'm afraid it won't make it for a while

As soon as the voice dropped, Xiao Hua drove Mu Tianhao's car over.

Mu Tianhao took xinshanshan and pushed her directly into the co pilot's seat. When he got on the bus, he said to Xiaohua, "you can take her back."

After closing the door, I went straight away.

Wu Meili looks at Xiaohua in a daze. Xiaohua is on business and asks her to get on her own car.

In the dark, sitting in his nanny's car, seeing that Mu Tianhao's car was gone, he turned to his agent and said, "I told you about it. How are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I've already looked for people," he said

She nodded with satisfaction: "when this movie is finished, she will have it."


In the car, Mu Tianhao just concentrate on driving, but controls the steering wheel with one hand, and his other hand still holds Xin Shanshan's wrist.

Xin Shanshan couldn't stand being pinched by Mu Tianhao, so she tried to pull her wrist out of his palm. However, when she moved a little bit, Mu Tianhao's hand was tighter. The more she pulled, the tighter he pinched it, so tight that she felt that his wrist bones would be crushed by him.

After a look at Mu Tianhao, Xin Shanshan just can't bear to say a word.

She did not know exactly where she provoked Mu Tianhao, so that he had to come to find fault with her so late.

Mu Tianhao sees that Xin Shanshan is not struggling, and the hand holding her wrist does not mean to relax.

So, along the way, she endured.

Even though the speed of one car on the high road is extremely low, it still shows the speed of one car on the high road.

She sat quietly in the car without saying a word from the beginning to the end, and even her face didn't even have a look of fear.

Her reaction is to let Mu Tianhao look at her, and the expression on his face is also relaxed.

The car finally drove to Xishan villa area.

Along the Panshan Road, Mu Tianhao slowed down the speed.

The car drove into the door of the villa area, xinshanshan saw the name, is Wancheng Huafu.

When the car stopped in the villa garage, Mu Tianhao finally said, "you've been quite quiet all the way. Why? Did you learn to be obedient or afraid to speak out? "

After several contacts with Mu Tianhao, Xin Shanshan also knows that being soft won't make the master feel better. Of course, it's a dead end to contradict him. It's better to be honest.

"The car is a good car, and your technology is very good. It's within your control." "Even if you don't care about my life, you also care about yourself," she added

So why should she be afraid of the speed of the car?

On the contrary, she should be more afraid now? Mu Tianhao takes her to this villa, and the lights of the villa are all dark, which means that there is no one here. What does he want to do!

Mu Tian Hao listened to Xin Shanshan's words and laughed lazily. His eyes narrowed vaguely: "is it?"

After getting out of the car, Mu Tianhao came around and opened the door for xinshanshan: "get out of the car."

Xin Shanshan's heart sank a little, tightly grasped the seat belt, and whispered, "Mu Shao, I have to film early tomorrow morning."

"I know." Mu Tianhao's lips are still smiling.

"I don't know what Mu Shao brought me here for. If it's not something important, I think..."

"I said get out of the car!" Mu Tianhao's voice was severe, and then he warned, "don't let me repeat my words for the third time."

Xin Shanshan looks at Mu Tianhao's face, and the hand that holds the steering wheel is loosened bit by bit and gets off the car slowly.

The garage door slowly fell, Mu Tianhao pressed the switch, and all the lights in the room were on.

Xin Shanshan follows Mu Tianhao's steps and walks through the corridor to the living room of the villa.The huge crystal lamp and wall lamp on the top of the head make it shine like the day. The decoration style of the villa is that of the luxury style. Most of the furniture is made of African ebony, and the process of baking paint gradually turns the luxury taste to light color.

Looking around, the black and white rendering of the villa is well arranged, with distinct layers and full of space.

The furniture with elegant design and style radiates radiance in the light. The glass vase on the table, the oil painting hanging on the wall, the crystal bead curtain in front of the French window, and the white tripod piano there.

The area here is very large, about 400 square meters, without the face of the courtyard.

It's a completely different world for Simpson.

Before stepping into here again, she never thought that the so-called luxury house could become this kind of appearance!

Mu Tianhao sat down in the sofa and looked at Xin Shanshan who was stunned. He asked casually, "what do you think of this house?"

Xin Shanshan came back to her senses. She looked at Mu Tianhao. For a moment, she didn't know whether he would only ask her about her opinion on the house or whether he had any other deep meaning.

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