Standing where she was, she didn't speak for a long time.

Mu Tianhao was sitting there, and his patience was very good. His eyes first looked around him, and finally fell on Xin Shanshan.

Her body is still wearing the black coat on the set, and her hair is still the appearance of shooting in the afternoon, but after a long time, it is not as meticulous as the afternoon dish. A few strands of broken hair fall on her forehead, which softens her clear-cut face.

Plain skin in the light is shining as if transparent general, British eyebrows, soft eyes, very Qiao bridge of the nose, pink lips.

Xin Shanshan is really beautiful. Rao is like Mu Tianhao. All the beautiful women are around him. He is undeniable. Since he saw her for the first time that night, he was attracted by this face.

Love at first sight?

Mu Tianhao sneers in his heart. He knows very well that the so-called love at first sight is really just the intention of seeing the color.

But she had already asked him to give her a full mark.

Don't say that it was Xin Shanshan who sent her to the door on her own initiative. Even if she didn't show up, he still had some ways to make her ask for her in front of him.

To treat women, especially those who are interested in them, Mu Tianhao has always been generous with his patience.

But she was close to the bottom line of his patience.

"Can I have no comments?" Mu Tianhao slightly moved his body and adjusted himself to a more comfortable sitting posture.

Xinshanshan trance over, she said: "very good."

Mu Tianhao raised eyebrows: "I also know that it's very good. In this area, the price of six figures and one square meter, if you can't change it into" very good ", the current money will be almost the same as paper."

Xin Shanshan has calculated the total price of this house in her heart. She really has no words to ask heaven. Let alone her present status, even if she really climbs to the front line position, she really doesn't know how many plays to shoot. This bone has been broken, so that she can get such a house.

"But don't you think there is something wrong with it?" Mu Tian Hao's words turned, and a sharp light came out of his eyes, tightly locked in Xin Shanshan's body.

Xinshanshan looks around, just like Mu Tianhao said. As a luxury house with more than six figures per square meter, she really can't see what is missing!

So, she shook her head very honestly.

Mu Tianhao bent down, and his slender fingertips slipped over the glass table top in front of him. He said softly, "it's dirty."


With her head down, she has a soft white wool carpet under her feet, comfortable touch and spotless appearance. Even the glass vase on the table not far away is still filled with flowers stained with dew. It is obvious that there will be people cleaning here every day.

Where is the dirt? She really can't see.

After a dry smile, Xin Shanshan said, "it's very late now, Mu Shao."

"I know what else I'll bring you here for." Mu Tianhao's words are so natural, and his eyes to Xin Shanshan are quite presumptuous.

Xin Shanshan's heart was staring at by Mu Tianhao and jumped violently. She couldn't help but step back, and her smile on her face became more and more rigid.

"Are you going to stand there all the time?" Mu Tianhao leaned back to the sofa again. His eyelashes drooped and his tone was indifferent: "you prefer me to make everything clearer, such as the additional terms you promised before we signed the contract."

Mu Tianhao said so directly that Xin Shanshan's nerves became tense.

What he said was right. It was her promise. Otherwise, how could she sign up for "Liuguang international" or go to Zhang Musheng's play.

She was relieved to think of it.

At least, Mu Tianhao didn't ask her to accompany his friends. Xin Shanshan doesn't know whether this is a compromise of Mu Tianhao. She only knows that if she runs away in a hurry like that night, she will really seek her own death.

Xin Shanshan slowly exhaled a breath. She looked at Mu Tianhao, who was also looking at him.

When the two eyes met, he seemed to smile, and then he patted his position beside him.

Simpson stepped forward slowly and sat down beside him.

As soon as she sat down, Mu Tianhao supported the back of the sofa with one hand, and almost covered Xin Shanshan with his whole body.

Xin Shanshan subconsciously shrunk into the sofa for a moment. After thinking about what she had agreed with, she raised her head slightly and looked at Tian Hao again.

Mu Tianhao lowered his head and saw that Xin Shanshan's facial features were very clear in front of his eyes. Her eyes were really beautiful. She was calm and smooth. She lifted her eyes with a smile. He could not help thinking of the four words "cutting water and double pupils".

Xin Shanshan was looked at by Mu Tianhao for a long time, but it was unnatural. She gently turned off her head, and her eyes fell on a certain place. She casually said a sentence: "the light is a little too dazzling."Mu Tianhao chuckled. His hands on the sofa naturally stroked Xin Shanshan's hair. His thin lips were close to her ears and whispered, "if you don't shine, how can you see the house clearly?"

"I can see it clearly. If Mu Shao doesn't mind, could you turn down the light?" Simpson's neck shrank and asked in a low voice.

"I mind." Mu Tianhao opposes. One of his hands suddenly clasps Xin Shanshan's jaw, forcing her to look at herself. At the same time, the other hand naturally touches her neck, and the fingertips gently feel the soft skin between her clavicles.

Mu Tianhao's sudden ambiguous action makes Xin Shanshan shocked. Although she has made psychological preparations, she can't do it right here. It's one thing that the light is too bright. What's more, this is the living room, and the glass window is on the ground. From the outside, it's very clear!

"Mu Shao..."

Xin Shanshan raised her hand to push the opening of Tianhao, and the lips of Mu Tianhao suddenly came up.

Mu Tianhao's kiss is very light, so light that his lips are just next to her, not deep.

His breath was so scattered on Xin Shanshan's face, which turned red instantly. A kind of unspeakable dryness and heat feeling spread from her body to her face.

And her reaction was even more wooden and motionless.

Mu Tianhao's lips can't help bending slightly. He doesn't let her go, but he doesn't go deep.

His hand is very natural and Simpson's hand together, the kind of cross fingered grip.

Xin Shanshan's heart was miraculously calm.

"Your reaction is to tell me you've never been kissed?" Mu Tianhao's forehead is full of sinuous, and the voice of the exit seems to be infected with a layer of magic in such a quiet space.

The face of Xin Shan Shan is more red, she says with a little pique: "who says not!"

Last time on the set of the costume drama, he was like this.

"Are you used to kissing people without saying it?" She wanted to keep the distance between them.

Mu Tianhao didn't give her the chance. His smile was even stronger: "you said this to tell me that the last time I kiss you was your first kiss?"

Xin Shanshan was really made by him and couldn't say a word. After holding it for a long time, she yelled: "Mu Tian Hao!"

"I like to hear you call my name like that." Mu Tianhao closed his eyes. His voice was so low that people felt a bit unreal.

Simpson was quiet. She had never experienced such a thing, and she didn't know what to say or do now.

On the contrary, Mu Tianhao is obviously an old hand in this field.

Xin Shanshan's Silence tells her obedience to some extent, and Mu Tianhao is satisfied with his reaction to kiss her.

He likes girls who are simple in some way.

Mu Tianhao knows that Xin Shanshan has been in this circle for two years, but he can still see the word "simplicity" in her body, which is really rare.

Reaching out, Mu Tianhao touched the remote control switch of the electric light. He pressed two keys, and the indoor light gradually dimmed down.

The crystal lamp on the top of the head only has the tassels falling down, and the end is still shining with a little bit of brilliance, like starlight.

The wall lamp in the distance was even more yellow in a mess. The whole room was covered with a kind of hazy light like mist.

Xinshanshan nests in Mu Tianhao's arms and blinks.

Mu Tianhao smiles, and his face touches Xin Shanshan.

Simpson felt a little nervous and looked at the French window again.

Mu Tianhao knows clearly that the automatic curtain closes slowly by touching the button.

Now, there are only two of them in the whole house, and there is no possibility of being peeped at.

Mu Tianhao's hand unties Xin Shanshan's coat, and naturally traps her in the sofa.

The sofa was originally very spacious, but now she was squeezed between him and the sofa, and the air around her suddenly became urgent.

The room was dark.

Simpson's breathing was rapid.

Mu Tianhao once again kisses Xin Shanshan. This time, his kiss is domineering and fierce. The faint tobacco breath between his lips and teeth mixed with his habitual Jaguar male fragrance, which directly attacks Xin Shanshan's nerves.

His unique smell almost instantly drowned her, a very aggressive tongue into her, dexterously and charmingly hook up her tongue tip, rampant plunder, so that she can not resist.

It was just a moment, and she was already dizzy.

Of course, Mu Tianhao would not be satisfied with this. His hands were swimming around Xin Shanshan's waist. When she was unprepared, he suddenly pulled the shirt inside her.

She was wearing a white cotton shirt, which she had worn for a long time.

After being pulled by Mu Tianhao, the place where the clothes were sewn suddenly "pricked"Xinshanshan heard the sound of clothes tearing, the whole person was stiff. When Mu Tianhao's hand touched her waist skin, she suddenly reached out and pushed Mu Tianhao away.

In the dark, Mu Tianhao slightly lowered his face, but soon eased over and said softly, "don't be nervous..."

After that, he pressed it again.

His hands naturally touched her collar. This time, Mu Tianhao simply used his strength and patience to unbutton her shirt one by one.

"Don't!" she cried out, as if she had been frightened

Even the voice was sharp and unusual.

Mu Tianhao's eyes are slightly narrowed, and Xin Shanshan's curled hair has long been scattered. Now it covers most of her face, making people can't see her expression clearly.

"Are you afraid?" Mu Tianhao's thin lips curled up a radian and said in a low voice: "it's too late to say it now."

It's almost on the edge of his patience, and, as Simpson's reaction has told him, she knows what's going to happen next.

Mu Tianhao is on his side and is about to hold up Xin Shanshan. His lips naturally touch her neck socket.

The second physical contact completely destroyed Xin Shanshan's last tense nerve. She almost instinctively slapped Mu Tianhao with her backhand!


Mu Tianhao's action is frozen. Even the air around him seems to have been frozen, falling to freezing point.

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