Xiao Hua thought of the simplest way is to send money to the old man.

Of course, not explicitly.

After following the old man for several days, Xiaohua naturally knew where the old man would go to pick up rags every morning. He deliberately wore a suit of casual clothes that followed the public and carried a lot of others. He put 20000 yuan of cash in his bag and put it on his elbow. When he passed the old man, "it was very natural" fell down.

Naturally, the old man picked up his bag and had a look

"Ah His legs and feet are not convenient, but still drag his legs forward: "your bag is off! You've lost your bag

Xiaohua was walking fast in front of her, thinking in her heart: you ya are mixed up like this, and you still have high moral integrity!

Originally, he wanted to get rid of the old man behind him, but unexpectedly, he chased all the way to the car. As soon as Xiaohua got on the bus, he lost his head and was about to leave. Suddenly, the old man was in front of his car.

I'm afraid the old man will stop the car.

He came over and patted Xiao Hua's window.

Xiao Hua couldn't help it. The window came down.

The old man returned the bag to him: "young man, you run so fast! I've been chasing you for ten minutes without looking at what's missing. The more I call you, the faster you go! Is there something urgent? Here, your money. "

Xiaohua: "it's just

Reluctantly, Xiaohua really didn't want to get back what he had lost for the first time.

Opening the wallet, Xiaohua said, "I have 20000 yuan of cash in it. If you find it, I will give you half of the reward."

The old man frowned: "what do you mean! What do you mean

He looked at Xiao Hua's car again: "young man, I know you have money, but can you earn 20000 yuan a month at your age?"! Don't think of yourself relying on a good father and mother outside blind huohuohuohuohuohuohuohuohuohuo, the old people earn money is not easy, you can long snacks

With that, he left.

Xiaohua is stupefied!


He hit a ghost!

The feeling oneself gives the person to send money not to send out, also fell the reputation of a loser!

After reacting for a long time, Xiao Hua roared: "Laozi's annual salary is 20 million! I don't rely on my father, I don't rely on my mother! This is all the hard-earned money that Laozi earned every cent


It is mu Shao's hard-earned money!

Mu Shao didn't rely on his father or his mother!

The more you think about it, the more angry you are, but you have to go far away. Xiao Hua has to find a way to arrange the old man's life!

He thought it was very simple, but he didn't expect that the operation was very complicated!

At the end of the day, Xiaohua ambushed the old man in the dustbin he wanted to pick up and hid the money for him. Unexpectedly, the old man found it, but the man did not move and waited beside the dustbin.

Xiaohua has been observing him for two hours. He can't help but call one of his subordinates to ask.

After a while, his subordinates came back: "the man ignored me and said something was wrong."

Xiaohua is dazzled for a while, Ya's don't wait for someone to come back to change money!

After half an hour's hesitation, Xiaohua passed by himself. He didn't call the old man, and began to rummage in the dustbin.

The old man himself came up and said, "what are you looking for?"

"Well." Xiao Hua answered.

The old man asked him, "what are you looking for?"

Xiaohua simply said: "lost money! I didn't pay attention to the garbage in the car just now. "

The old man took out the money from his arms and said, "is this a pile? Good, twenty thousand

Xiaohua: "it's just

The old man put the money to Xiaohua: "tell me about you, a young man. You can't use your brain at such a young age. If you drop your wallet in the morning, it's even more straightforward in the afternoon. You just throw the money away! How can your parents show you such a bear child... "

Xiaohua catches the money, presses the impulse on the old man's face and turns away without saying a word.

The old man was still in the back and said, "it's not polite! My two girls don't want to be boyfriends with such a brain not enough... "

He has two daughters?

Xiao Hua didn't listen to this sentence.

After getting on the bus, Xiao Hua responded, "who are you talking about! Who is the bear child! You're the bear boy! Your two daughters are bear children

I really can't help it.

At night, Xiao Hua was lurking on the old man's way home. When the old man came back dragging the rags he had picked up all day, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

The old man's legs are not flexible, and he didn't have time to hide. Xiaohua's car was driving well. He just wiped his side and stopped steadily.

As scheduled, Xiaohua finally saw the old man fall under his wheel.

There were also onlookers around.

"Oh, I hit someone!"

"It's a good car. It seems that it can charge a lot of money."

Xiaohua got out of the car to help the old man: "uncle, are you ok?"The old man looked up and saw Xiao Hua: "it's you again!"

Xiaohua is enough. He doesn't want to show up. If you pick up your wallet and don't chase him back, can he delay the day!

"OK, I'm ok. You haven't met me very much. Go ahead and get busy."


The old man is not wrong!

Xiaohuayi said in a serious way: "that can't do. I've knocked you down. I have to take you to the hospital. I have to cure you."

The old man's eyes glared: "I said that your child is not sick, money can not be drawn out, you are still itchy, I tell you, although I am old, but the old man I have hands and feet, I do not blackmail people!"

Xiaohua almost cried: "uncle, I beg you, let me take you to the hospital, you let me take care of your legs, otherwise..."

Or he'll have a day tomorrow!

Do you know how much my time is worth!

"Or my conscience will be disturbed."

Xiaohua ignored this time. He pressed people inside the hospital, and then looked for someone to look at him 24 hours a day. In spite of his many problems, he cured his legs first, which is also an explanation to Mu Shaoyou.

Whether the old man was willing or not, Xiaohua dragged people to the car and went to the hospital.

In response to this strange situation, the onlookers said one after another: the world is so big! I thought it was a porcelain touch, but I didn't expect to meet a two fool. They didn't want to pay for it. In this world, there are still people who want to go to the pole to pay for it!

Xiaohua arranged the old man to the best private hospital in B city. He gave death orders to the hospital. He could not lose the old man. He could manage enough money. He could cure his leg. He could stay for as long as he could. Even if he stayed for a year and a half, it would be fine!

After the arrangement, Xiaohua no longer went to see the old man, and left directly!

Out of the hospital, it is already in the middle of the night.

Xiaohua sighed. He really felt that he was not easy!

Calculate the time difference.

Xiaohua called Mu Tianhao and said, "Mu Shao, it has been arranged. People can't run away. I've been sent to the hospital. Some people see that there are people treating their legs. Although it's a hospital, it's much better than his own living environment."

Mu Tianhao smiles at the end. Although he doesn't know what Xiaohua is doing, it seems very hard to listen to his tone.

"It's a difficult thing to do?" Mu Tianhao is obviously teasing Xiaohua.

Xiaohua was holding his breath for a day: "that old man is just a stubborn donkey. I don't know how to ask for free money. As soon as I was in a hurry, I hit him directly!"

"Ha ha." Mu Tianhao couldn't help laughing out: "the thing is done well, you should be busy with you if you ask people to watch him stop running."

"I understand, Mu Shao."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Tianhao continues to collect the ingredients from the supermarket on the Liuli platform.

He has now arrived in the United States. The lunch he had arranged with Simpson was just a meeting and a sandwich because of the time.

She was in a hurry to make a reality show.

Mu Tianhao takes the key of the apartment from Xin Shanshan's hand and comes back directly.

Mu Tianhao is very familiar around here. On the way, he bought vegetables and fresh meat, and now he will cook for Xin Shanshan.

The shooting process was quite smooth. Although I was in a hurry after half a day, the progress was still good.

After finishing work, Feng nuoyuan suggested whether to go and play together.

As she packed her bag, she said, "not today. I'm in a hurry to get back to my homework."

Feng nuoyuan said with a smile: "you are not in a hurry to go back to do homework, you are anxious to go back to see Mu Tianhao!"

Everyone laughed tacitly.

Mo Ke said, "I'm going to play! Feng Nanshen, let's not delay the family's farewell rather than getting married! "

Lin Wanyi gives Xin Shanshan a wink and tells her to go.

She ran away.

Feng nuoyuan didn't catch anyone: "Xin Shanshan, do you believe I'll come to the door in a moment! Don't think I don't know where you live! "

Lin Wanyi said, "OK, we can't accompany you! Come on, what do you want to play at night

Feng nuoyuan then calmed down half of his anger: "OK, OK, sir, am I such a short-sighted person! Shall we go to the Empire Hotel? "

"Yes Mo Ke's eyes brightened: "we haven't seen the decadent sound of capitalist society."

Lin Wanyi nodded: "you can do it if you like."

Xue shaoran has been filming with Lin Wanyi for a day. Originally, he wanted Lin Wanyi to go back to have a rest earlier. Even if she wanted to play, he could accompany her. How could he get together with Feng nuoyuan again.

Feng nuoyuan didn't ignore Xue shaoran. He came to him and said, "let's go. There are more people. Besides, you are familiar with the place."

Xue shaoran hummed: "you just let me pay the bill!"Feng nuoyuan said: "how can I? I don't think it's fun without you! What's the matter with a big man leading two women? Besides, it's not safe! "

Therefore, the four people went to experience the decadent sound of capitalism.

Mu Qing saw his classmates after work.

The directors didn't finish work, but they were all busy.

When she returned home, she opened the door and smelled the smell of the meal.

She jumped in, ran to the kitchen, hugged Mu Tianhao from behind, and asked him, "what did you make delicious?"

"Shrimp in Longjing, broccoli with garlic, chicken fillet with pepper, and stewed beef." "Don't move, go for a shower, change clothes and get ready to eat," Mu said

Xin Shanshan smiles and releases Mu Tianhao. She goes to the bathroom to take a bath and changes her home clothes. When she comes out, the food has been arranged. Mu Tianhao people sit down and are obviously waiting for her.

Sit down, Simpson picked up the rice and began to eat.

"Are you so hungry?" Mu Tianhao looks at Xin Shanshan's swallowing and laughs.

While pulling rice in her mouth, she said vaguely, "it's not hungry, it's been a long time since I've eaten such delicious food!"

"You don't cook alone!" Mu Tianhao complains.

Xin Shanshan said, "yes, but I do breakfast more often. At noon, it's downstairs. Sometimes I make it for myself in the evening, but You know I'm not as good as you make

This boast, Mu Tianhao is very popular.

He took a piece of beef for Simpson and said, "eat more."

"Good." Xin Shanshan was smiling. Mu Tianhao took what to eat and said, "I think I am the happiest person now. I don't need to lose weight or make up. I can eat every day."

This kind of life No wonder Lin Wanyi yearns for it!

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