After dinner, she cleaned up the kitchen herself.

Mu Tianhao is really tired after a long flight. He nests in his chair in front of the French window to watch New York in the night.

When xinshanshan is ready, Mu Tianhao waves her hand to xinshanshan and asks her to sit here.

Xin Shanshan naturally sat beside Mu Tianhao, also nestled in the sofa. She turned her head to see Mu Tianhao: "do you like to sit here, too?"

"Well." Mu Tianhao half narrowed his eyes: "when I lived here before, when I came back at night, I like such a quiet person."

"Me too." Xin Shanshan smile: "by the way, recently learned to make a new kind of coffee, Mint Coffee, do you want to try it?"

He was about to get up.

Mu Tianhao took Xin Shanshan's waist and let him lie in his arms: "so late to drink coffee, don't you want to sleep at night?"

A pun.

Xin Shanshan's half red face was buried in Mu Tianhao's chest, but she was silent.

Silence for a moment, Mu Tianhao said: "find a film to watch."

"Good!" She jumped to her feet and moved her notebook. There were no CDs she had in her collection, but it was easier to find two films on the Internet.

When Xin Shanshan sits down again, Mu Tianhao puts the computer on his lap, and his other hand is holding Xin Shanshan. Xin Shanshan is very comfortable in Mu Tianhao's arms.

The night was bright. #@The moonlight casts a soft halo through the curtains.

Xin Shanshan's face is very ruddy now. From the perspective of Mu Tianhao, her eyes are covered with a layer of water light, which is amazing temptation.

The name of the movie is.

He doesn't really like you that much.

The beginning of the movie is very interesting, from the aborigines of a tribe in Africa to the city girls in the high-end restaurants in Manhattan, New York. From a middle-aged woman with a rich body to a graceful girl with a devil's figure. %&(&

in almost every corner of the world, a girl is asking: why doesn't he call me? Why didn't he come to me? Why did he suddenly disappear and lose touch?

Then, around such a girl, there are always friends who advise her: maybe he is shy, maybe he is inferior, maybe he doesn't know how to contact you, maybe he just loves you too much, believe me, he must like you

Such relief can make the sister laugh happily, but it will not make him awake.

And the truth is, he just doesn't want to find you.

This film is called, all unmarried young women should go to see the film.

She looked at it very seriously.

In fact, Mu Tianhao is not very interested in such films.

When she goes to the movies, he just sees her.

His hand went through her hair, gently kneaded her neck, and finally came to her clavicle.

Her clavicle is really beautiful.

The lines are elegant and neat. The skin wrapped with such bones radiates white porcelain luster under the light.

Mu Tianhao lowers his head and kisses gently.

Xinshanshan felt itchy and avoided for a while.

Her thoughts are still addicted to the film.

The movie says that if a man likes you, he will use all his strength to find you, mobile phone, email, MSN, and even Google your geographical location, across mountains and rivers, just to see you.

Because, this is not a stone age, really like you, even after the tsunami, flood, even if you disappear in the sea, looking for a needle in a haystack, he will come to you.

If he doesn't do what he promised you, even if it's a phone call.

Please don't make excuses for him. "He's really busy." "he apologized too..."

Is it so busy that he is the president of the United States, or is there really more than one billion business to be discussed in this hour?

Who is not busy in this city?

If you really like it, you won't forget it. If you forget, it means that he doesn't care about your disappointment. Men will never "forget" what they want.

As the movie draws to a close, she sighs a sigh. One of her favorite scenes in this movie is that girl named Gigi, who mistakenly thinks that a boy likes her, and then, after confessing, is sneered at by the boy.

Gigi said:

I may be too sensitive and fussy, but that at least means I care. Do you think you'll win with all these rules that can see through girls?

You may not be hurt again, you may not make yourself embarrassed, but you will never experience that love again.

You're not winning, you're lonely.

Maybe I did a lot of stupid things, but I know that I will find the right person faster than you.

It's over.Mu Tianhao glanced at the huge screen and asked, "is it good-looking?"

Xin Shanshan also knew that Mu Tianhao didn't watch the movie seriously just now, so she said, "well, it's OK."

Mu Tianhao laughed: "what do you want to say?"

After thinking for a while, she whispered, "maybe the so-called happy ending doesn't include giving you a perfect guy. Perhaps the so-called happy ending is to keep moving forward with the hope of never giving up. "

She didn't know that her words would become all the driving force in her future life.

Mu Tianhao doesn't like to watch love movies, but Xin Shanshan does. Just now he didn't seriously watch movies. He just thought that her serious feeling was very calm and calm.

"Didn't we go to the movies together?" Mu Tianhao asked softly.

Xin Shanshan knows that Mu Tianhao is talking about going to the cinema to see a movie. However, she thinks that Mu Tianhao will go to the cinema And still with her

She shook her head: "no, going to the cinema is such a thing It's really not suitable for you and me to do it

Just think about it. What can she and Mu Tianhao see at the cinema?

Do you want to see her latest movie "fengsha"?

When I think about the bed play I had with Zhou Gu Nan, I didn't feel much when I was shooting because I was in it. However, if she and Mu Tianhao went to see this kind of picture Just think about it. Don't do it!

Besides, what a goal she and Mu Tianhao should have to go to the cinema together!

Forget it.

Mu Tianhao lowered his head and held her earlobe, slowly teasing: "the cinema is opened by my family and can be chartered."

Tut, it's really a local tyrant style!

"Well..." Xin Shanshan struggles to get up. Mu Tianhao's eyes are too blazing, which makes her face a little hot, but she can't move like a demon.

Mu Tianhao let go of Xin Shanshan and said, "take off your clothes and do it here."

On the sofa?!

Still facing such a large French window!

God knows how many peepers there are in New York!

Xin Shanshan is at a loss. Mu Tianhao is really It's outrageous to do what you want.

Aware of Xin Shanshan's abnormal reaction, Mu Tianhao has an idea: "Shanshan, in fact, you can Well, a lot of possibilities. "

Xin Shanshan didn't want to understand what Mu Tianhao might mean. She shook her head instinctively.

Mu Tianhao suddenly burst into laughter, laughing very well: "you don't want to move, I'm going to do it."

One of his hands had already wrapped around her waist, making the two bodies close to each other. Her thin clothes could not block the body temperature. Xin Shanshan could feel that Mu Tianhao's temperature was obviously higher than her.

Xin Shanshan wants to step back, but she can't win the hand of a man. Mu Tianhao It's too overbearing.

"Janlo, you've done it so many times, and you're as nervous as you were the first time." Mu Tianhao gently holds up Xin Shanshan's chin, showing her delicate white face and soft voice.

She shook her head, but the confusion in her eyes did not subside.

"Don't be nervous, dear. Close your eyes." Mu Tianhao seduces him.

His face was so close that she didn't dare to face his eyes and closed her eyes slowly.

Her eyelashes are very long, as black and thick as her hair, which sets off the whiteness of her skin. It looks like a crystal doll that is easy to break, which makes people can't bear to hurt.

Mu Tianhao's fingertips rub on Xin Shanshan's cheek, with a soft touch and a faint fragrance. It does not belong to the taste of any cosmetics. It is emitted by the skin itself. It is very light, but it is a great temptation for the opposite sex.

Darkness can only make people more helpless, so Xin Shanshan secretly opens her eyes. Mu Tianhao's enlarged face is very close to her, and the tip of her nose is almost close to her. Xin Shanshan quickly closes her eyes again.

"You're really getting nervous." Mu Tianhao bit on the tip of her nose a little bit, then kisses Xin Shanshan's lip, sticks out his tongue to draw her lip line, and then opens the lip flap to attack her teeth.

"Good, open your mouth."

She was obedient and cooperated with him this time.

Mu Tianhao smiles with satisfaction. His tongue penetrates into Xin Shanshan's mouth, sweeps through every corner, and finally gets entangled with her tongue. His skill is very good. Rao, she is used to his breath and still can't resist the attack of his pure heart.

It was really comfortable, and she couldn't help moving her tongue.

Mu Tianhao feels Xin Shanshan's response and kisses more warmly. He takes a free hand to untie the buttons on her clothes and slowly drops down from her chest.

She only felt dizzy and her thinking became dull.

The body began to heat from the inside and gradually spread to the whole body. It was very hot. Her heart was pounding violently, and her legs were also weak. If Mu Tianhao's arm did not support her behind, she would have been paralyzed.After a long time, Xin Shanshan thought that after a century, Mu Tianhao finally opened her lips and gave her a breathing space.

Xinshanshan tried to breathe. Just now the air in her chest seemed to have been drained. She even thought that she would be suffocated like that. Fortunately, she was still alive. Her face was full of red because of the kiss, which was like a ripe apple. It was very attractive.

"Shanshan, you are so beautiful and beautiful!" Mu Tianhao appreciated that she was just like uncut jade, green and pure.

Xin Shanshan shakes her eyelashes, and the breath of Mu Tianhao sprays on her face, warm and itchy.

"Good, look at me well." Mu Tian Hao coaxes the way.

Simpson's eyes moved, but they were not fully open.

Mu Tianhao tears away Xin Shanshan's clothes like punishment, exposing a large area of snow-white skin on her chest.

Ah Xin Shanshan exclaimed. She felt a chill on her body. She opened her eyes and found that her coat was torn open. The only shelter in front of her was a black bra: "no, don't be here. There are windows..."

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