Want to reach out to block, but was stopped by Mu Tianhao, lips again covered, more violent than before, as if to roll up the waves in her mouth.

Xin Shanshan's hands pushing in front of Mu Tianhao's chest soon lost strength. She had to try to pull his clothes, and her thinking ability gradually lost.

Mu Tianhao holds Xin Shanshan and lies on the sofa. Looking at her half naked body and blurred eyes, a heat flow gradually rises from her lower abdomen.

"Shanshan, look at me with wide eyes. The next thing will be very comfortable." Mu Tianhao's voice is soft and magnetic. When she speaks, she has removed all the restraints on her body, showing a delicate and delicate body.

The unique curves of women's body are completely uncovered. The white and tender skin is as smooth as a baby. The delicate and round peaks, flat abdomen, and the hidden places between legs all tempt people to invade. In Mu Tianhao's eyes, Xin Shanshan is like a delicious dish on the table waiting for people to taste.

Without the shelter of her clothes, Xin Shanshan shrank shyly. The coolness in the air made her shiver. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Mu Tianhao throw away the last piece of cloth on her body. His body was very beautiful, with a strong and tight chest and a perfect waistline. What she was most puzzled about was the uplifting in the black grass between his legs.

She lowered her head fiercely. She didn't want to look at Mu Tianhao. Her body trembled slightly, but it seemed that some hot air was hovering in her body and wanted to have a breakthrough.

"Don't try to seduce me with such a casual manner, Simpson, or I'll take you right away." His eyes grew deeper and deeper.

"I don't have one." She retorted in a small voice.

Mu Tianhao pressed down, trapped xinshanshan under her body and unfolded her shrunken body: "don't hide such beautiful things. Shanshan, I have said more than once that your body is really beautiful. Look, here, and here. "

As Mu Tianhao spoke, his fingers made a few circles around the top edge of Xin Shanshan's chest, then crossed her flat abdomen and played a few times between her legs.

Xin Shanshan's original rigid body suddenly an exciting, as if a current from head to foot, instantly whole body numb, paralyzed down.

"Shanshan, you're too sensitive. I haven't started yet. Don't worry. We have a lot of time to take your time. "

Mu Tianhao's hand came back to Xin Shanshan's chest again. It was delicate and soft enough to be covered by his hand. From time to time, he pressed the middle point with his finger, and his head dropped down to hold one of them, licking and sucking like a cold drink.

"Well, no, not here." Xin Shanshan instinctively wants to refuse, and her hands are fixed on the top of her head by Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao deliberately strengthens the stimulation and plays with the prominent Zhurui more forcefully.

"Well..." Her body became hotter and hotter, and her body became hotter and weaker.

Aware of Xin Shanshan's change, Mu Tianhao slightly picks up the corner of her mouth, one hand down to separate her legs, put his body between her legs, so that she does not have the opportunity to close.

The mysterious sensitive area is exposed to Mu Tianhao's line of sight without any cover. The light pink can vaguely see the mysterious depth inside, like a green fruit waiting to be picked.

"What a beautiful goblin."

Mu Tianhao sighs that his lower body is so full that he seems to be dragging on. After thinking about it, he decides to go straight to the theme. Hand to the mysterious area, insert a knuckle, feel the hot package, and then insert the whole finger.

"Ah Xinshanshan exclaimed. The feeling of acid and bloating made her feel an indescribable feeling. She kept twisting her body to escape.

She didn't do it for a long time. She always felt that she couldn't adapt to the general situation.

"Good, bear with it, just go in is a little pain, if you don't want to hurt too much, don't move."

Mu Tianhao frowns. Xin Shanshan is simply challenging his limit. If she continues to twist like this, he can't help it. The white and beautiful body keeps rubbing against himself. No one can resist such friction.

"No, Mu Tianhao I'm really nervous here Xinshanshan didn't obey her orders. Her beautiful face was full of sad color. She didn't want to stay in this place. She just wanted to go back to her bedroom and say, "let me go! Let's go to the bedroom... "

"No, it's right here, Shanshan. I can't stand it. I can't move..." Mu Tianhao squinted, bowed his head and kissed her lips. He whispered, "if you want to twist like this again, if you don't cooperate, I will take other measures."

Before Xin Shanshan understood the meaning of Mu Tianhao's words, her legs were separated to the maximum extent, her waist was lifted up, and then there was a sharp pain.

Xinshanshan screamed with pain and twisted her body to escape the pain. The more she struggled, the stronger the pain.

This can be said to be the first time Mu Tianhao entered xinshanshan when she was not ready.

It's half a squeeze.

They have always been more gentle, except for Xin Shanshan's first time, Mu Tianhao has been very patient to let her fully prepared before entering.But this time, Mu Tianhao couldn't help it. His body seemed to be swimming with a dry heat.

Before he was ready for foreplay, anay began to run out.

This made Xin Shanshan feel painful. At the same time, he didn't feel well. The place he entered was tight and dry. He was stuck at the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of his body. The sweat on Mu Tianhao's face was soaked and he couldn't help swearing. He tried something similar to compulsion for the first time, but he didn't expect it was like this.

"Well It's hard... " Her beautiful face was wrinkled with pain, and her lips turned pale, which made people not bear to bear it, but also gave rise to a kind of abusive pleasure.

"Well, relax a little. It won't hurt soon." Mu Tianhao leaned down to kiss Xin Shanshan. From lips to neck and then to Shuangfeng, his hands kept stroking inside Xueer's thighs, and finally covered the core part of her legs. After a series of efforts, she finally felt that Xin Shanshan's tight body was soft and the place was loose.

"Well Well Ah... " With Mu Tianhao's pacification, Xin Shanshan's pain slowly slows down. The pleasure brought by stimulation is very strong, and her body is hot again. At this time, something in her inner body seems empty and she is expecting something.

Xinshan takes a moment to look back at her.

"Ah! Oh... " This time the physical reaction was not as strong as before. She just frowned and cried in her voice.

The moment Mu Tianhao enters, he feels his body seems to be in conflict with something, and the pleasure comes violently, which makes him also can't help humming.

Cinshanshan's hands clung to the soft wool cushion under her, almost biting her lips to bleed.

"Come on, be good and call my name." Mu Tianhao leaned down and whispered clearly beside Xin Shanshan's ear: "darling, you call my name, ah?"

"Mu Tianhao..." With her eyes half closed, her forehead was covered with sweat and her brows were tightly wrinkled. She did not know whether it was painful or comfortable.

Mu Tianhao gently sipped gas: "not like this, like last time..."

Last time? That time?

She was a little confused.

"Call the night..." Mu Tianhao said in her ear bewitched.

Xinshanshan obedient, gently whispered: "night..."

Mu Tianhao saw that Xin Shanshan's painful expression gradually slowed down, and the corridor that wrapped her was no longer so tight. Knowing that she was getting used to it, Mu Tianhao began to slowly swing her waist. With the moisture he took out each time, gradually Mu Tianhao felt that he was losing control of himself.

After getting comfortable, she was more worried that someone would see the scene through the glass window.

She was almost absent-minded and had to look up from time to time.

In a trance, seeing the light of the searchlight on the top of the building driving from far to near, Xin Shanshan grabs Mu Tianhao's shoulder and says, "Mu Tianhao, shall we go to the bedroom? It's too dangerous..."

"Good, no one will see it..." No matter what the reason, it is impossible to stop Mu Tianhao. Xin Shanshan's emotional moistening makes him go in and out more smoothly, and his pleasure rises layer by layer. Every pore is sighing with comfort, and Mu Tianhao gasps low.

"Well..." Under the impact again and again, Xin Shanshan's body is constantly shaking. I don't know when it starts. The tightness of her body is gradually replaced by another feeling, which makes people feel very comfortable but uncomfortable, as if she wants more.

"Shanshan, tell me if it's comfortable?" Mu Tianhao's rhythm is not fast, but every time he slams into it, the hot and hot friction can almost burn his mind.

With the enhancement of her pleasure, Xin Shanshan's eyes become blurred and moist. Even with her eyes open, she can't see what is in front of her, as if her soul has been taken away. After listening to Mu Tianhao's question, she just nods unconsciously, and her hands unconsciously loosen the blanket under her body and turns around Mu Tianhao's shoulder.

Mu Tianhao smiles, with deep, green fruits. After tasting the taste, the fruit is slowly fermenting, sending out a strong mellow fragrance. He is also addicted to it. Such a night is very beautiful because of the xinshanshan.

The body became very strange. It was obviously very sad, but it was quite comfortable. Strange feeling came from the place where I was entered, and quickly spread to all parts of the body. Even the fingers were trembling. It was really strange.

The voice is constantly spitting out from xinshanshan's mouth, which is unconscious and can't help but hum.

"Shanshan, be good and tell me if it's comfortable?" Mu Tianhao asks in a low breath.

The blurred eyes gradually found the focal length. Mu Tianhao's beautiful face swayed in the sight. Down his neck was his slender body. He was also naked.

Thinking of the man's things in their own body kept back and forth, Xin Shanshan's face was almost bleeding.

"Ah Well... " Very comfortable, do not want to push away, the body involuntarily with the swing, want to feel more intense.Mu Tianhao smiles and lets Xin Shanshan's legs ring around her waist, and her free hand moves back and forth on her body to find her sensitive points.

Xin Shanshan's body trembled, and the places where Mu Tianhao's hands touched would cause a shudder, and her pores would contract. Suddenly, her body suddenly shook.

Yes, it's the top and waist side of the stamen.

As if he had found a novel toy, Mu Tianhao's hands passed through the two places from time to time, watching his body tremble for him, and his waist quickened his speed.

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