By the next day, Xin Shanshan finally knew why Wu Meili wanted to meet her in such a big battle.

Wu Meili not only came by herself, but also went upstairs with all the staff in her studio, except for the driver.

When xinshanshan opened the door, she was shocked: "do you want to exaggerate it?"

Wu Meili sighed: "when you go downstairs, you will know."

She was scared all the way, but she was really quiet when she got out of the hall. The car stopped there quietly.

"Isn't it all right?" She was relieved.

Wu Meili patted Xin Shanshan: "get in the car."

Xinshanshan got on the car and slowly drove out of the gate of the community.

It was such a moment that she didn't see clearly what was going on, and there was a crowd of black people around her. All kinds of long guns and short guns were aimed at the window, and some people just banged on the glass around the car.

It's very noisy outside. The reporter didn't hear the people in the car very clearly.

But the voice of "Shin Shanshan" is just one after another.

The car was moving slowly at a very difficult speed.

Wu Meili pulled the curtain on the window from the beginning: "now you know why?"

As soon as the voice dropped, eggs were thrown on the front windshield of the car.

Look at the past, it turns out that both sides are fans fighting against Xin Shanshan, all wearing a mask.

Xin Shanshan simply lowered her head and looked at the news on her mobile phone. From yesterday to now, she has never been on the Internet.

Wu Meili wants to stop: "don't look, there's nothing to see."

She didn't listen.

Wu Meili did not stop.

Sure enough, as soon as she was on the Internet, she knew how infamous she was now. She had news from major entertainment websites and even news websites.

Skyrocketing endorsement fee, how much conscience has been lost in star endorsement back!

Beauty becomes disfigurement, who is responsible for their faces!

Such heartbreaking titles almost occupy the headlines of major portal websites. What is more shocking is that the faces that have used the products, all kinds of redness, swelling and peeling off, and the most helpless is their complaints.

Almost all the complaints rarely mention how the product itself is, but all of them are directed against xinshanshan, claiming that they are all aiming at xinshanshan's endorsement to buy a brand that has never been used. If it is not out of trust in xinshanshan, they will not try it easily, but who knows, it is because of this trust that their life is destroyed.

Therefore, they must take xinshanshan to court and let her bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

When she saw this, she put her cell phone down.

The car finally drove out of the area surrounded by reporters and passers-by. At this moment, the front windshield of the car is basically full of eggs.

Of course, this scene was naturally photographed by the media. I think it will be put on the Internet bar this afternoon.

So far, she hasn't had the courage to read her microblog.

Media reviews have been so bad, not to mention the hidden keyboard man in every corner.

The quality of my heart is a little bit poor. I guess I want to commit suicide every minute after reading the comments!

Xin Shanshan admits that she is not good at heart now. After a while, she will ask Mu Tianhao to stop blocking herself.

To the company, Xin Shanshan did not go with Wu Meili, but went directly to the floor where Mu Tianhao stayed.

When she went up, the meeting had already started. This time she didn't break in. In fact, she didn't want to break in at all. She didn't want to break into the meeting. She didn't want to break into the meeting. She didn't want to break into the meeting. She didn't want to break into it this time. She didn't want to break into it. She didn't want to break into it. She!

Xin Shanshan knows that last time she broke in like this and embarrassed Mu Tianhao. This time, she has to wait at the door with a low posture.

I didn't expect that there was a doorman outside!

It's not Xiao Hua. It's Miss Huang, the Secretary of the personnel manager.

As soon as Xin Shanshan got out of the elevator, Miss Huang came over.

"Miss Xin, everyone is in a meeting. You can't go in." Miss Huang looked at Xin Shanshan with a little laugh in her eyes.

She ignored her and went on.

Miss Huang directly blocked in front of Xin Shanshan: "Miss Xin, I said, everyone is in a meeting, you can't go in."

"Did I say I was going in?" Xin Shanshan smiles at Miss Huang and sits directly on the bench outside the meeting room: "I'll wait here."

Miss Huang said: "Miss Xin, it's too bad for you to wait like this. If you do so many things outside, you don't have to pull your team to solve the problems, and wait for mu Shao to wipe the bottom of your little star again!"

Xinshanshan knows that she has lost her support in the company now, and she has really caused a lot of troubles outside, but this does not mean that even a small secretary can look down on her. The lean camel is bigger than the horse!"Does Mu Tianhao know that there is a little secretary outside saying that he cleans the bottom of a little star?" Xinshanshan's voice was not high or low, but it was enough to make Miss Huang pale.

Xinshanshan sneered: "if you dare to say one more word in front of me, I can let you go home and eat your own! I don't have the ability to solve my mess outside, but I still have the ability to solve you

Miss Huang immediately shut her mouth and stood aside obediently.

Xin Shanshan is sitting on the bench outside the conference room, waiting for mu Tianhao to come out of it.

Perhaps the waiting time is always too slow, or perhaps the meeting itself is very long.

The door of the meeting room finally opened when she sat upright and her waist was on the wood.

When Mu Tianhao walked out of the meeting room, Xin Shanshan quickly stood up.

Mu Tianhao saw Xin Shanshan, but his steps did not stop at all, and went directly to the elevator.

Xin Shanshan kept up all the way and walked side by side with Xiaohua.

When the elevator door opens, Xiaohua lets Mu Tianhao go first. After Mu Tianhao enters, Xin Shanshan also goes up quickly.

Xiaohua didn't stop him. Mu Tianhao didn't even move his mouth.

The eyes of a group of people who were waiting to see her jokes were staring out. They heard her voice outside just now. They all waited for a while. At the end of the meeting, they saw her humiliated. Unexpectedly, they followed Mu Shao Up there!

Miss Huang almost didn't stand firm when she thought of what she said to herself just now!

Xin Shanshan, staying in an elevator with Mu Tianhao, dare not even breathe.

There is only two floors between the meeting room and Mu Tianhao's office. The elevator will arrive soon.

When Mu Tianhao went out, xinshanshan still went out like an asshole. Although xinshanshan thought she looked like a dogleg now, she was just a dogleg. Who would let herself ask for help now!

It is such a trance of Kung Fu. When Xin Shanshan walks through the corridor and steps into the office, Mu Tianhao is no longer in the office.

Xin Shanshan knows that there is a special suite in Mu Tianhao's office. When she looks at it, the door of the suite is open.

Xiaohua sorted out the relevant information of the meeting and put it on Mu Tianhao's desk, and then went out quietly.

Xin Shanshan stood in the same place for a while, and Mu Tianhao didn't mean to come out.

At this time, a slight music came out of the suite, and she stood in the middle of the office, not knowing whether to go in or wait for him to come out.

Like knowing Xin Shanshan's hesitation, Mu Tianhao's voice came out at the right time: "come in by yourself."

She was a little nervous, but she bit her teeth and went in.

The curtains in the suite are all closed. There is a light at the head of the bed that is not very bright. Mu Tianhao is sitting on the sofa beside the bed. His suit coat is thrown on the armrest of the sofa at random. The shirt inside is loosened with two buttons. The clothes are scattered outside. The tie is loosely hung on the neck. The honey colored skin and clear collarbone are so intuitive The fundus of Simpson's eyes.

There is a bottle of red wine on the table next to it, and the sound is filled with soothing classical music.

Mu Tianhao sticks to the glass in his hand, looks at Xin Shanshan standing by the door and raises the cup in his hand: "or?"

Xin Shanshan's eyes on Shangmu Tianhao are the first time they have been alone since the last quarrel. When she was at the elevator last time, she almost didn't dare to look at him. Now, Xin Shanshan finds that Mu Tianhao's eyes seem to be a little deeper, as if they can see through what she is thinking.

This feeling makes Xin Shanshan feel very bad. Mu Tianhao tells her in his way that she has no capital to fight against him.

After two steps forward, Xin Shanshan stood in front of Mu Tianhao and stretched out her hand.

Mu Tianhao hands her the wine cup in his hand, but when his eyes touch her palm, his movements stop.

Xin Shanshan looked at her hand. There were several fine scratches in the palm. After she threw the earrings at Wenjie, Wenjie put them into the earrings to be scratched.

Xinshanshan saw that Mu Tianhao had frowned and thought he hated to see the scratch on his palm, so she changed his hand.

"Don't drink if you're hurt." Mu Tianhao put down the wine cup in his hand and patted his position beside him: "come on."

It is a very simple word, but xinshanshan still like a puppet led the line walked toward Mu Tianhao and sat down beside him.

Mu Tianhao reaches out his hand and signals Xin Shanshan to put the injured hand in his palm.

Xin Shanshan was a little bit upset when she faced such a scene. She felt that if he laughed at her or let her die on her own, she would at least feel more at ease.

But now, Mu Tianhao doesn't say anything. His attitude and the expression on his face are just like their previous quarrel doesn't exist.

However, Xin Shanshan vaguely felt that she and Mu Tianhao were a little different from before.To be exact, Mu Tianhao is not the same as before.

This made Xin Shanshan feel a little uneasy.

curtain heaven let Xin Shanshan's hand spread out in her palm, her palm is a little small, because of the relationship between the ten fingers, the fingers were cut, smooth and round, without a nail polish, that is, the color of the nail itself, a little light powder.

Xin Shanshan's ten fingers are long. She is very thin, but her hands are a little fleshy and even.

Mu Tianhao's fingers are so gently across Xin Shanshan's palm. His movements are very gentle.

Xinshanshan's whole body trembled for a moment, like an electric shock. Subconsciously, she straightened her spine and looked directly at Mu Tianhao.

The soft light on his body, reflecting his exquisite clavicle, high nose, and long eyelashes.

"What do you do with your hands?" Mu Tianhao's voice is still the usual clear, but in such an environment, it seems a little low.

Xin Shanshan felt uncomfortable and wanted to take her hand out of Mu Tianhao's hand, but mu Tianhao didn't let her succeed.

There's no way. She can only say, "I didn't care when I was filming."

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