Mu Tianhao's finger belly is caressing along those thin scratches, and his movements are gentle. Of course, he knows which drama is in Xin Shanshan's mouth, but he shows no sign of being angry.

Xin Shanshan now looks at Mu Tianhao. She is not gentle, but she is too gentle today. What's more, they were not in the cold war before? Now such a situation, let her feel really is extremely strange!

This kind of feeling lets Xin Shanshan not help but frown.

"Pain?" Mu Tianhao stopped his hand's movement because of Xin Shanshan's frown and looked up at Xin Shanshan.

At the moment of eye intersection, Xin Shanshan subconsciously moved her eyes.

"It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt for a long time. It doesn't matter much. It's just scratched by earrings." She said, shaking her head.

But the next second, her chin was dragged by Mu Tianhao.

Mu Tianhao forced Xin Shanshan to look into his eyes and said in a casual tone, "why don't you look at me? Is it because of something? "

This kind of question, in this tone, or in this kind of environment

It was at this moment that Xin Shanshan's mood changed from surprise to bewilderment, and finally she faintly raised a little anger.

Why should she feel guilty?!

It is because she didn't listen to him, so she deserved to be angry with Wenjie, a scum on the set. Now, is it her guilty heart?

Xinshanshan's eyes widened. Before she could say the retort, she had no chance.

Because Mu Tianhao suddenly approached her and And then she was kissed.

Xin Shanshan didn't respond to it. She just felt that she was pinched by Mu Tianhao.

"Ah Xin Shanshan gave a light cry, because he pinched the injured palm. His strength just made it hurt.

"Do you know the pain?" Mu Tianhao slightly opens some distance with Xin Shanshan, pinches her chin and smiles coldly.

Xin Shanshan subconsciously bit her lip and said nothing.

"I told you not to do that play, you won't listen. I said that if you have to shoot, you will lose my care. You just have to go your own way. I've been bullied on the set, and the scandal is going to go up in the sky. You still keep silent. Now really poke a big basket, just know to come back to me? Do you think you can do whatever you want in my life, Simpson Mu Tianhao stares at Xin Shanshan's eyes. His deep eyes are full of fear.

It seems that It's really

She was surprised to think so.

When Mu Tianhao said this, he seemed to really indulge her.

You know, Xin Shanshan has always felt that she, as a person who automatically asks Mu Tianhao to sneak into her home, should be gentle, like a lamb that can be slaughtered by him at any time. However, all the way through, she is against him everywhere. No wonder Mu Tianhao is angry.

Mu Tianhao obviously won't let Xin Shanshan off because she shows such a guilty expression: "do you think I'm too good to talk, or..."

"No, no, no!" Xin Shanshan quickly interrupts Mu Tianhao's words. Where does she think Mu Tianhao is too good to talk? He's not good at talking, OK? It's not that he really followed her, so that she couldn't find the north.

"I promise it will never happen again," she said

Dogleg is dogleg, but it's not without dogleg.

What's more, she sent her own door to ask for help.

"Guarantee?" Mu Tianhao looked at Xin Shanshan: "I'm curious. What do you want to guarantee?"

She was speechless.

Mu Tianhao didn't intend to let Xin Shanshan's meaning so easily. He leaned over slowly and approached him little by little: "hmm?"

"That..." Xin Shanshan shrunk and said, "Wu Meili, she She... "

This time, Mu Tianhao didn't wait for Xin Shanshan to finish her speech. With a long arm, he easily pressed her into his arms.

Xinshanshan is unprepared. Being pulled by Mu Tianhao, she almost falls over.

Her head hits Mu Tianhao's chest heavily and sends out a dull "Dong".

The next second, she covered her forehead reflexively.

There was a low laugh over her head.

It's Mu Tianhao.

Xin Shanshan raised her head. The two people's postures were already very ambiguous. Now, because of the movement she raised her head, her forehead was almost close to his lips.

She must have fainted when she hit his chest just now!

Or it's an illusion!

Otherwise, how could Mu Tianhao's eyes look so warm and soft now

What's more, she even felt that it was very comfortable to be looked at by him, and there was no unnatural feeling at all!It's not scientific!

Xinshanshan thought of here, struggling to keep a safe distance with Mu Tianhao.

But mu Tianhao's hand on her waist did not loosen.

"If I remember correctly, you came to beg me this time." Mu Tianhao opens his mouth slowly, but he is not predatory at all.

She didn't move.

Mu Tianhao slightly lowered his head, and his jaw was on the top of Xin Shanshan's hair!

A moment later, Mu Tianhao said softly, "I asked Xiaohua to go to the studio to ask you for leave. From now on, you don't have to go back to the studio to continue filming until the advertising matters are solved."

Xin Shanshan's heart clapped. Mu Tianhao didn't want her to make this film.

"But the contract..." She made the last struggle.

You just need to listen to haomu

This time, she really has no way out. When

first started playing tricks on the studio, Xin Shanshan carefully watched her contract with the awesome dunks, and had to say that no matter how she and Mu Tianhao were getting on, the lawyer team of "Guang Guang international" still had great strength, the contract terms were marked in full, her salary, the setting and requirements of her filming, and so on.

That's why Wenjie only dares to add some hugs. Kissing is not a tongue kiss, it's a gentle touch of the lower lip, such a trick.

However, the requirements go back to the requirements. It depends on how Wen Jie plays tricks.

Today, when Wenjie wanted to add kisses on the set, Xin Shanshan was thinking that if Xiao Yanan really agreed to shoot according to Wenjie's will, she would definitely refuse. In addition, she also thought about how much money would be paid for breach of contract.

If you remember correctly, if she can't make the movie because of her personal reasons, the penalty will be twice of her salary.

Four million is a sky high price for her, but for mu Tianhao, it's just a number.

At the moment of xinshanshan's wishful thinking, Mu Tianhao's face suddenly forces her to come over.

Their posture was already ambiguous enough, but now Mu Tianhao even came up, which made Xin Shanshan think of his sudden kiss.

Subconsciously, she called out, "no!"

But after shouting, she wanted to smoke her mouth again.

Simpson, I'll make you cry no! I'll make you cry no!

It's obvious that she came to ask for help. Even Wu Meili said that your biggest capital now is that you haven't been admired. You didn't come to suffer losses, you came to ask for help!

Forget about the rotten eggs you broke out of the house!

Now it's better to be married by Mu Tianhao than to break an egg when you go out!

Xin Shanshan stares at Mu Tianhao with big eyes. She closes her eyes and pours her mouth before he is angry. She meets her.

As time passed by, Xin Shanshan's heart was almost corrected.

But she suddenly felt that the position around her was empty.

Xin Shanshan opened her eyes, and Mu Tianhao even stood up and tidied up his shirt and tie.

What's the situation?

Is mu Tianhao not going to help her this time?

She's still in a daze.

Mu Tianhao has already sorted himself out. He glanced at Xin Shanshan lightly: "what are you still sitting for? When are you going to put off your rotten business

Xin Shanshan immediately responded and quickly stood up: "well, I can guarantee that the product was good when I signed up for the advertisement, and I still used it, but now I don't know what's going on, so it's not good. That what, quality supervision bureau does not check? How can a product with obviously poor quality be put on the market

Mu Tianhao sneered: "you should also know that some people want to get rid of you. They think they can sacrifice a subsidiary at will! You see how I can get it back with interest and capital. "

When he said this, Mu Tianhao also stretched out his hand and pinched Xin Shanshan's nose, as if he were teasing a kitten in his enclosure. His expression was clear and said: my man, I can only bully him!

The God that Xin Shanshan had already returned to was teased by Mu Tianhao and Sparta was in place again.

"Hao eyebrow is not willing to go out

She shook her head in a hurry. You didn't want to. Your family didn't want to.

But it was too late for her!

Mu Tianhao pressed Xin Shanshan on the sofa in the next second, and kissed her at a surprising speed. When her lips were sealed, her brain was blank and her ears were buzzing. In front of her, she seemed to have a piece of white light exploding, like losing her soul and had to be slaughtered by him.

Xin Shanshan can clearly feel Mu Tianhao with her lips, gently suck, from the lips to the body are a little numb, and then, the tip of his tongue Prys open her teeth, not polite to extend in.

A soft body, xinshanshan almost fainted in the past, and then, her waist was dragged by Mu Tianhao.Mu Tianhao's palms are very hot, holding the bare skin of Xin Shanshan's waist. The hot temperature spreads from her waist like a prairie fire. First, the waist, then the chest, abdomen, neck, cheek, and finally even the palm of the hand is filled with sweat.

Xin Shanshan's breathing began to be rapid, there was no point to focus on, the whole person seemed to sink into the sofa. She felt that Mu Tianhao's palm close to her waist was slowly moving upward, getting into her close fitting clothes, lifting her thin clothes up a little. Every movement was gentle and slow, like pushing some kind of charming medicine into the meridians.

Xin Shanshan began to be confused and infatuated. Her fingers seemed to be cramped. She wanted to grab something: blanket, cushion, or Mu Tianhao's tie

And then

Suddenly, Mu Tianhao's action seemed to stop, and he did not move.

Xinshanshan was stunned. She even grabbed Mu Tianhao's belt, and even, I don't know when, she even started to solve it!

Stiff neck, Xin Shanshan glared her eyes, mechanically looked down at the movement of her hands, and then looked at Mu Tianhao with a bad smile in her mouth

"Ah..." She screamed.

At the same time, her action was faster than her thinking and made the most powerful thing she had done since she was born. She kicked Mu Tianhao from the sofa.

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