[Thank you for your kindness, but I still have a new direction to study, so I won’t bother you. I wish you success in your research. 】

After resisting the temptation, Wu Bin returned an email to Professor Mars.

But Professor Mars on the computer side was obviously unwilling, so he sent another email.

【Are you sure? We have to challenge the probability of applying it to CMOS converters this time. 】

Black phosphorus is an allotrope of phosphorus. There are two types of structure: block and two-dimensional single crystal structure.

As a member of the two-dimensional material family, black phosphorus, like graphene, has many excellent characteristics of a two-dimensional single crystal structure. The most exciting part is that it can prepare ultra-thin black phosphorus , And some people call it [phosphene]

The same two-dimensional material, people will naturally compare it with its "senior" graphene, and in comparison, graphene is a major The defect is infinitely magnified, that is, it has no energy gap and is not compatible with silicon, which greatly limits its application in the semiconductor industry and optical devices.

But black phosphorus is different. To make a metaphor, if graphene is like metal, then black phosphorus single crystal is born Semiconductor, and it can easily be "opened" and "closed"

And this is why it can be applied to the converter.

But even if Professor Mars had a "showdown", Wu Bin still said that.

[I wish you success in your research! 】

"Gan! Black phosphorus and everything are evil, I will let you know that graphene is the king of materials in this era!"

Suppress your heart with cruel words After his curiosity, Wu Bin stopped communicating with Professor Mars. Anyway, the review has been passed, and his article will appear in the next issue of "Nature"


In a peaceful atmosphere, three months passed quietly. On this day, when Li Yan had just finished his military class and went to the student union, he suddenly received a call from Wu Bin.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan answered the phone and asked.

"A while ago, didn't I trouble you to find someone who is responsible for the patent application? Has anyone found it now?" Wu Bin's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly hoarse.

"Don’t worry, your business is my first priority. I have asked my dad to help you find a patent attorney for Liu Shen Law Firm. This is a national Peak patent. Company."

"Thank you, would it be convenient for you to let her come over now?"

"No problem, I'll call her later, I will definitely arrive tomorrow ...Wait, if you are looking for a patent attorney now...that is to say, results have been achieved!?"

"Well, congratulations."

"Fuck! Fuck? Fuck!? Wait, wait, let me make sure, is... the mass production problem of single-layer graphene has been solved?"

"Well, my verification experiment has been completed. After the patent application is successful, I will submit the paper to science. When the time comes, as long as other laboratories succeed repeatedly, graphene should be able to enter the public eye."

"Fuck! Fuck! Groove Groove! So I’m witnessing history!? Wait, where are you now, I’m past."

"As for, why are you more excited than me?"

"Nonsense, you are lazy and excited. Someone must be excited for you. Tell me quickly, where?"

"Eating in the cafeteria."

"OK, It will be there in 10 minutes." Li Yan hung up after speaking.

"Take this guy..." Putting down the phone, Wu Bin took another bite of the braised beef noodles on the table.

At the beginning of the experiment, Wu Bin first smashed all the four innate talent points that existed into the [Nano Sovereign] innate talent, and selected it to 4-Layer, and then proceeded with the research. Wu Bin has been upgraded by two more levels, but at these two points, Wu Bin is not throwing it into [Nano Sovereign], but instead points it on the thermodynamic innate talent named [Tyrant] on the second page of Physics innate talent.

In experiment after experiment, Wu Bin finally used the two-dimensional material characteristic of ferromagnetic transition temperature found in iron-germanium-tellurium to successfully solve the problem of excessive surface area.

This is also the most troublesome problem in mass production of graphene. It is not considered graphene if graphene exceeds 5NM.

So after overcoming this most troublesome problem, the remaining problems are far less difficult.

Today, Wu Bin still uses CVD as the preparation method, but he uses a new technology of lithium ion intercalation of graphene thin layers to increase the ferromagnetic transition temperature of the sample above room temperature.

As a result, the single-layer graphene grade prepared in this way does not have the graphene obtained by the mechanical method. Although the surface structure is complete, the size is extremely difficult to control, and there is no graphene surface obtained by the redox method. The structure is so bad that it is a fatal shortcoming.

Even the problem that graphene produced by CVD is extremely easy to oxidize in the air is solved.

It can be said that the graphene made by this preparation method solves the two problems of large-scale screening and packaging and transportation at the same time. It also takes into account environmental protection issues. The production of one gram of graphene will produce more than 200 grams of waste acid. It can be said that the finished product of recycled waste acid is even higher than the raw materials.

But Wu Bin’s improved CVD production method now has no such worries at all.

An excellent material that can be commercialized, this is the excellent graphene produced by the Wu-style preparation method!

'Tsk... I should think of a better name. 'Wu Bin couldn't help thinking of chewing beef.

"I said, you eat a bowl of beef noodles for such a big happy event?"

At this moment, Li Yan's voice suddenly sounded from behind Wu Bin.

"It's not very good. The beef noodles made in the cafeteria are delicious." Wu Bin said, "sucking" and taking a mouthful.

Li Yan immediately said, "Amazing, the big guy is the big guy. Even if I didn’t devote myself to material science, I understand that you’re making a breakthrough in the small and rebuilding the industry’s ecology. But change the world."

"Hush...low-key, low-key, why do you shout." After Wu Bin finished speaking, he ate noodles again.

"Fine, don't say anything, here, here is the basic information of the patent attorney I helped you find. Look, if you are satisfied, I will call her now. "

"Oh good." After Wu Bin finished speaking, he wiped his mouth, then picked up the paper on the table and looked at it.

"Hmm... graduated from the University of Zhe, with a master's degree in power engineering and engineering thermal Physics, technical fields: materials, mechanical engineering, semiconductor, yes, is the threshold for patent attorneys so high?" Wu Bin Looking at the information, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"That's not enough. I have said that I helped you find the best patent attorney company in the country. This lady named Cao Yu is also an outstanding agent inside."

"She has worked in Liushen Law Firm for 16 years, and the patent-related issues she has solved have gone away. Last year, she was also an excellent agent for the judges of Samsung’s China Semiconductor Division. She has also accepted a lot of patent infringement disputes, and in the end they are resolved beautifully."

"Okay, then she will do it!"

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