"Suck~ You have achieved such a big result, don't you plan to give yourself a vacation?" Li Yan, who also bought a bowl of beef noodles, asked Wu Bin while eating his noodles.

"Well, I plan to take a vacation." Wu Bin nodded.

"pu... cough, cough..." Li Yan, who was accidentally choked, quickly took out two napkins and wiped the spurted soup, and asked suspiciously: "You really plan to Rest?"

Li Yan has understood what a "perpetual motion machine" is after getting to know Wu Bin. In Li Yan's eyes, Wu Bin is like driving a sports car without brakes. Speeding on the academic road, you will never stop until you run out of gas.

"Well, I plan to change my mind and study superconductivity."

Resisting the urge to spray face again, Li Yan shook his head and rolled the eyes and said, "I Just know..."

"The superconductivity course is quite interesting. If you are interested, I recommend you to come and listen."

"I will avoid it." Li Yan Waved his hand, "I haven't been so cool for the time being to make time to listen to a class that is not within the scope of the exam."

"God Li is humble, there are still classes in the university that can hardly hold you? It’s because the student union is too busy."

"Don't, don't, don't, God Wu, please don't praise me, I have been abused by Quantum mechanics recently."


"Oh? Is it on Mathematics?"

From the beginning of high school with Quantum mechanics, Wu Bin felt that this course should not be included in Physics, but should be sent to Mathematics , Because if you want to understand Quantum mechanics, you must have a good foundation in Mathematics. Calculus, linear algebra, Probability, etc. are all indispensable.

This is mainly because the concept of high-dimensional linear space is completely established by Mathematics.

It wasn't until later that I learned more deeply that mechanics, electromagnetism and electrodynamics slowly began to play a role.

"I can't say that it is a discount. Anyway, I am guilty with this Quantum mechanics, and my brain hurts when I go to class."

Wu Bin is relieved when I hear this sentence, this The last time the guy complained this way was about Atomic Physics. As a result, the test results were 4 points away from the perfect score.

Seeing that Wu Bin didn’t mean to continue to comfort him, Li Yan “sucked” the last bite to him and said, “By the way, you are now a little empty, and that article promised My report should be honored, too."

Wu Bin couldn't help but despise after listening: "You are not from the Ministry of Information, why do you remember so firmly..."

One month Previously, Wu Bin's article "Two-dimensional iron-germanium-tellurium-controlled room temperature ferromagnetism" was published on "Nature", which can be said to have caused a wave of waves with one stone.

Because Wu Bin and Cao Yuan are 21 years old, there are too many similarities between them, so the media quickly brought the rhythm of the two.

【Shocked! After the genius Cao Yuan, a younger genius appeared! What he did turned out to be...]

[99% of Chinese people don’t know the school actually has such a truth! 】

【After Cao Yuan, the talented youngster is born again! One shot solved the problem that European powers scientists could not solve for many years! 】


In short, after the People’s Daily reposted this Wu Bin news, all kinds of self-media all came to craze for a while, and the title was also a dance of demons.

And in the report, what these media describe most is not Wu Bin's research findings this time, but the comparison between him and Cao Yuan.

For example, they didn’t know where they found Wu Bin’s age. When they found that Wu Bin was 3 months later than Cao Yuan, they immediately changed the title to [Renew Record! He became the youngest China scholar to publish a paper as the first author on "Nature"]

The other rhythm is even bigger. It is said that Cao Yuan only achieved such an achievement after studying abroad. And Wu Bin is purely "domestic", which proves that our "domestic" is even more powerful!

For a while, the comments below these news are also the Pink Cents.

[If you don’t have any culture, don’t write silly. Cao Yuan directly relied on two papers to be listed as one of the top ten scientific figures in nature. Is there a real value comparison? ]

[hehe, what's the use of high real value? If I am not an American, I am willing to cheer for our Chinese students! ]

[Look, see, you can learn well in China, the group of college students will know to go abroad, hehe]


So Almost, a very good happy event has been smoggy by some self-media that loves to make trouble, and for them, tearing is what they are most willing to see, and the sad thing is that there is no heat.

So after the two sides were torn apart, the self-media group became even more enthusiastic. They issued many articles that had nothing to do with this matter. Anyway, there was only one purpose, and that was to bring rhythm.

Wu Bin didn’t care too much when Lin Ziqi talked to Wu Bin about this incident, but watching things get worse and worse, some people even started to attack Cao Yuan Senior after Wu Bin’s life attack Finally couldn't sit still, turned on the computer and boarded his Zhihu account.

[A breakthrough in science and technology that improves the level of all mankind, whether black hair or blue eyes, everyone is the beneficiary]

For overseas scholar frigid irony and scorching Satire seems to have become a norm in online reviews, and this kind of ridicule descends from "returnees" to the Nobel Prize.

Every time the title "Foreign Chinese Scientist" is mentioned, many netizens leave a comment like a conditioned reflex.

[What's the point of being so proud, people don’t think of themselves as Chinese, less hot face and cold buttocks]

In short, it looks like a bystander, as if you are in the cloud , Looking down at the "fool people" on the ground who are dedicated to scholar applause

However, it is ridiculous that countless Chinese students are surpassing obstacles, raising our country’s prestige, and letting foreigners see that China’s science has reached such a high level. At home, they have to be frigid irony and scorching satire from these "patriots".

The same is true for those foreign Chinese who have won the Nobel Prize. They are often regarded as Chinese all over the world, so they are also very close to China emotionally and are happy to help China develop. However, most Chinese people can accurately recognize that they are not Chinese, and say "he has no relationship with China".


Wu Bin who wrote this couldn't help sighed, and typed the last sentence with a heavy heart.

Please don't hurt the researchers who are struggling at the forefront in peacetime. They may be really not as patriotic as you, but they really show the strength of China to the entire world!


Actually, a group of people waited for Wu Bin to speak up after the war of words began, so the popularity of Wu Bin's article rose very fast after it was published. How long did it take to become one of Zhihu's hot searches, and it was reposted to Weibo.

【You are Bookworm, you are right! ]

[I’ve been annoyed by this voice a long time ago, why don’t I, I’m a good hand to blame others]

[Kiss, I suggest you be rational and patriotic]

[The male god said so well! I want to give you a monkey! ! ! ]

The article has unexpectedly received unanimous praise, but there is still no shortage of [hehe, it seems that an individual is at home in the country, saying that this is good for going abroad? 】Sound like this.

But this kind of voice soon drowned in the saliva of netizens.

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