In the dormitory at night, everyone sat together after packing their luggage.

Li Yan, who has a faintly squad leader's style, opened the mouth and said: "Last night, relax?" After speaking, Li Yan glanced at Wu Bin. After all, he would raise an objection at this time. He is the only person.

"I obey the organization and arrangements." Wu Bin said.

Li Yan was satisfied with nodded, "Yes, then the rule is very simple, from the first person to report four nouns, and then when it is the turn of everyone behind, you must say everyone in front of you The four nouns mentioned are Truth or Dare who lost, and those who cheat are thrown into the bed, OK?"

Everyone is nodded, which means that they have no opinion. This is also a kind of memory exercise. Way.

"If you don't have any comments, let's start." After speaking, Li Yan took out a chopstick and turned it on the table.

When the chopsticks stopped, they pointed to Xiao Songyang.

Xiao Songyang smiled triumphantly, and said: "Then I will start, Mathematics, celery, telephone, bauhinia."

After Xiao Songyang finished speaking, it's the next turn. Zhao Kehan.

I have to say that a group of Bookworms is a group of Bookworms. Wu Bin thought it was pretty stable to sit in 14th place, but it didn’t take long before this huge snowball that had already rolled in a circle was about to arrive. He is here.

"Well...Squirrel, Rockman..." Jiang Hang, who was sitting in front of Wu Bin, closed his eyes and tried to remember, and the five fingers of the right hand kept wiggling.

"Oh yes! Jojo! Wutai Mountain, add four more, I think about it, beta, cantaloupe, chicken, smell the fragrance and know women."

The final report A noun, Jiang Hang snapped his fingers, looked towards Wu Bin, and made a please gesture.

"Fuck, it's God Jiang, amazing, I can still remember it here."

In fact, Lu Yuanbin before Jiang Hang was already very stumbled. After giving him several tips, he could finish the report, and Jiang Hang completely relied on himself to report all the previous nouns.

"What a cow, I almost kneeled, okay." Jiang Hang waved his hand.

"Well, don't talk to influence God Wu." Li Yan shouted, pressing his hand.

"Cough..." After Wu Bin was lightly coughed and nodded, he began to arrange all the nouns he had just collected in his head.

Improving memory is something that everyone has a unique experience. Everyone has always said that they have never forgotten. Wu Bin has only heard of it, but has not seen it yet.

According to the statements of several teachers, not forgetting refers to a kind of short-term memory, and short-term memory is a kind of neural memory.

That is, theoretically speaking, it should be cultivated by the day after tomorrow, instead of introducing someone amazing in a TV series, and always put this person on "this person is born and remembered". People set.

To explain it more scientifically, memory is an important content of intelligence, and intelligence is inherited to a certain extent, so memory also has a certain degree of inheritance.

The current Mathematics model estimates that the heritability of intelligence is about 60%, and about 40% of the intelligence level is due to environmental differences.

The seemingly inborn super memory abilities of those born child prodigies are actually caused by the combined influence of Innate (genetic memory) and acquired (neural memory).

So a good memory method has a huge effect on memory.

As for the memory methods Wu Bin knows now, there are classification memory, characteristic memory, homophonic memory, argument memory and so on.

Another point is that you have to find your best memory time. Everyone has the best memory stage in a day and life.

Generally speaking, everyone likes to say "The plan for a day lies in the morning"

But it varies from person to person. Some people who are used to night battles, it’s midnight Just like an owl, the brain cells enter a highly excited state. In this state, the memory efficiency is naturally extremely high.

As far as Wu Bin and the others are doing, it is actually converting instant memories into short-term memories.

Momentary memory is an unconscious behavior. For example, what a few classmates say when you walk through the classroom, then whether you like it or not, it will be stored in your instant memory. Its capacity is generally About 9-20 bytes, but it stays in your brain for a very short time, usually about 4 seconds.

On the basis of momentary memory, when you realize that you want to remember, you enter the category of short-term memory.

Its capacity is 7 plus or minus 2 blocks, but in the brains of people who have not generally experienced memory training, the lifespan of short-term memory is only about 1 minute, and it is easy to be disturbed by the outside world.

For example, if you plan to write the customer's phone call you just heard on paper, the test is short-term memory. If someone says in your ear at this time, today is March 2nd, or my QQ number is 293283 or something, there is a 90% probability that you will not remember the customer's phone number.

And when you want to extend the time of this short-term memory, the role of the memory method appears. Whether it is classified memory or characteristic memory, the purpose is to stimulate the brain crazy Neurons in the hippocampus allow information to stay in the brain for a longer period of time.

At present, Wu Bin’s best thing is the mind map memory, which is the most suitable memory method for him with the addition of thinking.

In his memory, he would first classify the nouns spoken by all the people in front of them according to their types, and then arrange them according to the correct rules when they need to be used now.

"Mathematics, celery..."

As the vocabulary is arranged neatly according to the needs of Wu Bin, Wu Bin said the last four words of Jiang Hang in one breath .

"Beta, cantaloupe, eating chicken, smelling the fragrance to recognize women, huh..." Wu Bin took a breath and began to say his four nouns.

"Athena, white collar, bald, husky."

When Wu Bin finished speaking, the dorm was silent.

" stumbling at all. This is."

"God Wu, it's a pity that you don't study liberal arts."

"Yes Ah, you'd better go to study literature and leave a way for us in science."

Wu Bin said all the 52 nouns of the 13 people in front of it in a smooth tone, which is absolutely amazing. Four, these are 52 nouns with no logical relationship!

"Okay, everyone will wait for B later, Cui Shen, it's up to you." Li Yan looked at Cui Shaodong, who was already bitter, and said.

"You animals..."

Cui Shaodong glanced at Wu Bin and Jiang Hang very resentfully, and began to report nouns.

"Mathematics, celery..."

"Roast duck, roast duck...Roast duck...Tsk."

"Cui Shen, you have stopped at roast duck. It’s been 2 minutes. I won’t go on to say that the roast duck is about to fly. In addition, the number of reminders has been 4 times, so I can’t apply for reminders anymore."

"Can’t surrender and lose half of the time." Cui Shaodong is bitter. Said with a face.

"Of course not. Choose. The truth is still a big adventure." Li Yan shook his head.

"The truth!"

"How many times have you been in love?"

"Your sister...Don't answer, take a big risk!"


"En..." Li Yan thought for a while, "Let's do a platinum dance, singing and dancing, what do you think?"


PS: Second! I'm asking for a recommendation ticket~ There is one more update later, your support is the driving force for my update~

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