"Today...this year...after..."

In the center of the dormitory, Cui Shaodong, who was waving his arms and making waves, blushed.

"Cui Shen, if you can't sing it, you can choose the truth now." Li Yan shouted while clapping the table and laughing wildly.

"What a hurry! I just forgot the words!"

After Cui Shaodong took a deep breath, he finally said "No gifts will be accepted during the holidays this year, only gifts will be accepted. Melatonin!" I sang it all.

After everyone applauded Cui Shaodong's courage, they urged Li Yan to start the next round.

So almost one night, Wu Bin saw two big masters walking catwalks, one big master dancing pole dancing with a broom handle, one big master chasing the other big masters around The bedroom ran for two laps, and finally was picked up by Princess and thrown on the bed. Various interesting scenes at High Level.

Because he didn't get any shots all night, he found it more interesting.

But there is one thing Wu Bin can't figure out. The problem for them to choose a big adventure is almost all that you have been in a relationship a few times.

'This question...is it really so difficult to answer? 'Wu Bin really can't figure it out.

Playing in the middle of the night, everyone whose brains are still in a state of excitement can't sleep while lying on the bed.

"Ludhen, let's have a song~" Xiao Songyang, who was sleeping in the lower bunk of Lu Xuange, kicked his bed.

"Really want to hear?" Lu Xuange asked.

"Want to hear~"

All the people in the dormitory shouted together.

"Then I will show my ugliness." Lu Xuange said and did it. He picked up the guitar next to him and fiddled with it, then closed his eyes and sang affectionately.

"I forgot how long it was."

"I haven't heard you again."


Lu Xuange came to the training camp On the 2nd day, I can’t wait to show everyone a guitar, but to everyone’s surprise, it turned out to be really nice, but when everyone was booing about playing another one, Lu Xuange showed his big white teeth said with a smile: "No I'll do something else."

Yes, Lu Xuange will use the song "Fairy Tale", according to him, because he overheard that the girl she likes said that the biggest wish in this life is One day there will be a tall and handsome boy sitting on the edge of the dormitory building and singing "Fairy Tale" for her.

After listening to it, almost everyone in the dormitory will cry because they all understand that Lu Xuange is afraid In this life, I can only do two things: sitting on the edge of the dormitory building and singing fairy tales.


In the early morning of 2nd day, everyone took the bus back to the Physics Association.

Wei Tianshuo hugs the students one after another after getting off the bus, and laughed and said, "You are the best batch of trainees I have ever seen. I believe that you who have both innate talent and hard work will be able to In the finals, we got results that satisfied you and made our teachers proud."

"Thank you teacher." Everyone moved towards Wei Tianshuo and bowed.

"Okay, okay, what a bow? It's like life and death. I will lead the team when you go to celebrate the finals. I hope that when the time comes, you can see your greater progress. "

All students are nodded hard.

Then the bus sent all the students back to their school one after another. When the students said goodbye, they were not too hypocritical. They just waved their hands and said something.

"See you in the final."


Standing in front of the gate of Xiazhong after a week away, Wu Bin suddenly felt that it was a little kind.

"I'm back."

After speaking, Wu Bin dragged his suitcase and walked into the campus.

When I put everything back to the class, it was in the fourth class. Before reaching the door of the classroom, Wu Bin heard Zhou Wenxiang's angry voice in the distance.

"In order to understand the poem "Drinking Wine", one must first examine whether the original text is "Looking at Nanshan leisurely" or "Seeing Nanshan leisurely". To understand "Luo Shen Fu", one has to know Cao Zhihe The relationship between the Queen of Zhen is to understand..."

"Zhou Bo! What are you laughing at!"

"Stand up and say!"

Standing at the door Wu Bin shook the head with a smile, and knocked on the classroom door with the idea of ​​saving lives.

"Wu Qian, open the door." Zheng Xunren Zhou Wenxiang shouted.

Wu Qian nodded, sitting in the first row, walked over and opened the front door.

In response to the curious gaze of the classmates, Wu Bin walked into the classroom and greeted: "Hi~ I'm back."


All the students also greeted Wu Bin with a smile.

Seeing Wu Bin, Zhou Wenxiang's complexion is a little better, moved towards him nodded and said: "Go and sit down, right, do you remember the article?"

"Remember, teacher, I'm almost finished writing, I'll use it to make the teacher straighten up after I polish it up."

Hearing Wu Bin's answer, Zhou Wenxiang immediately laughed with satisfaction. Said: "Okay, no hurry, no hurry."

Wait for Wu Bin to sit back in position, Zhou Wenxiang looked at Zhou Bo and said, "Okay, you should do it first, and focus on class. ."

"I see, Teacher Zhou." Zhou Bo nodded sat down, secretly rejoicing fortunately that Wu Bin was back at this time.

Waiting for Wu Bin to sit down, Gu Fan whispered on the side: "long time no see, old classmate~"

"Want me not." Wu Bin replied.

"Generally think about it."

"Heh." Wu Bin said while pulling Gu Fan's language test paper over and took a look, "Oh, not bad, the dictation is all By the way."

"Hehe, thank you for the memorization method you taught me. It's really easy to use."

"It's easy to use~ This time I'm learning in the training class When it’s better to use, I will call Xu Hao and them to teach you together next time."

"The relationship is good. If you choose a day, it’s better to hit the sun and take a lunch break."


Wu Bin smiled secretly after making the OK gesture, and started to make up for Gu Fan's pole jumping.

After a few chattering words, Wu Bin pulled out the "Physics Competition Special Edition" from his schoolbag and started to work on the problem, but before doing a few, Gu Fan hit him twice with his elbow: "Hey, a girl from a lower grade came to look for you in the classroom the day before yesterday, who is it?"

"Lower grade?" Wu Bin was stunned, and then he heard the chair next to him dragging towards him. the sound of.

I looked aside curiously, only to see Pei Jiamin moved towards holding both sides of the chair with both hands and he smiled, then turned his head and continued to attend the class.

Wu Bin, who didn’t care too much, thought about it again and replied: "Oh~ probably the girl in the competition class. I said that if you have any questions, you can come to the classroom to find me."


"Oh, oh, I told her that you are coming back today, and I guess I might come to you again."

"En." Wu Bin nodded said that he knew, and then continued reading.

Never noticed that Pei Jiamin, whose ears were about to become rabbits on the side, sighed lightly, then quietly moved the chair back.

When the Chinese get out of class was over, a group of students came over to Wu Bin and asked about the situation in the training class. Remembered by classmates.

However, after the greeting question is finished, gossip naturally follows.

"Wu Bin, a little girl in the lower grades came to you the day before yesterday, who is yours? Really recruit!" asked a girl with a ponytail.

The girl’s name is Xiao Rou, a well-known "little reporter" in the class

"Oh, Gu Fan told me just now, it should be a girl in the competition class, come find I asked the question."

"Just asking the question is that simple?" Xiao Rou's face was ambiguous and unbelieving.

"Otherwise, how complicated can it be?" Wu Bin said inexplicably.

"It's boring~" Listening to Wu Bin's answer without any emotional fluctuations, Xiao Rou's face was disappointed, and then he took others to eat.

PS: First, I apologize to the classmates who waited for the update yesterday, and promised that it was indeed my fault for not doing it. In fact, making such a promise is also to put a little pressure on myself, so that I will be full of must update.

But in general, I am indeed not good. I apologize, and I will try my best to keep the promise in the future.

Finally, I still ask for a recommendation ticket~ Your support is the driving force for my update.

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