"Uh... To your bed... This bed shouldn't sleep two people... The two of us..."

Luo Geng looked at the unspacious bed and muttered a little embarrassed.

"Oh no, I said the two of us sleep in a different position, I'm here with you."

"Oh... It turns out that it is a different position: This way: No, no, it's okay. Luo Geng noticed that he wanted to be crooked, and quickly shook his head

, but I don't know why, just now he had the picture of sleeping in the same bed with Chi Xiaoyu in his mind....

Two people lying flat must not be able to lie apart, so how to lie down?

The best way is to let Chi Xiaoyu pillow on his arm!

The girl on the side blinked, pointed at the two and asked, "Are you two a couple?"

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu raised their heads, looked at her, and said in unison: "Yes, can't you see it?" "

Ah no... I thought you were brothers and sisters..."

The two of them turned dark, and instantly felt that a knife had been inserted into their hearts, as if they had received 10,000 damage!

"Hmph... How can it be... We are obviously a couple, how can we tell that it is brother and sister? Nonsense!

Luo Geng directly hugged Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders and let her get closer to his body, and Chi Xiaoyu also cooperated

with Luo Geng, but Luo Geng already had some confidence in speaking.

The girl scratched her head and wanted to say something: "But I feel that you.... Oh! By the way, it must be husband and wife! I have heard that a couple has a similar face because they are in constant contact, their hearts are inclined, their habits converge and influence each other!

"Yes, yes, yes! It's husband and wife. "Luo Geng doesn't understand such a thing as husband and wife, anyway, as long as it's not a brother and sister relationship.

Although his father and Chi Xiaoyu's mother are together, they are not married, and they and Chi Xiaoyu are not brothers and sisters....

Get your license before they do!

"But you look about my age, are you also a college student?"

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Well, I am a college student when school starts."

The girl was shocked and quickly asked, "Really? You're also going to Cheng'an, right? Which university? "

Cheng'an University."

"Oh! Then we are future alumni! I'm also a student at Joan University at the beginning of school! What a coincidence. The girl jumped up excitedly and said in surprise.

Looking at her such a vigorous appearance, Luo Geng was a little puzzled and asked, "Uh.... So what are you going to do in Cheng'an now? It's still a month before school starts, right? Is it also to play?

"No, I'm going to work there to earn some pocket money for myself, and when school starts, I can go straight to school."

"Part-time work..." This sentence said to Chi Xiaoyu's heart, and she had the idea of working more than once.

This girl is also a person who goes to Cheng'an to work and make

money, so she can't really play the whole vacation, and then go to college and care about her mother asking for money, right?

"Make a friend, my name is Su Qinglu, it is really fate to meet future alumni here."

"Your fate means that you fell on me hard when you got out of bed? Then I am really unblessed with this fate. Luo Geng raised his eyebrows and pointed to his abdomen, which was still faintly painful.

Chi Xiaoyu also quickly stretched out his hand to help Luo Geng rub his painful place.

This rubbing doesn't matter, just enough to touch Luo Geng's somewhat blessed little belly.

Luo Geng awkwardly wanted to remove Chi Xiaoyu's hand, but he had already touched it, and in Luo Geng's heart, he had secretly decided to lose weight....

"Wow-" Chi Xiaoyu's heart was a little excited, rubbing Luo Geng's belly, the more he rubbed it, the more he liked it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"I'm sorry... I was really sleepy, I took the train for a day and a night, and I slept for a long time..." Su Qinglu lowered her head and apologized

to Luo Geng, when she fell, her head was completely confused, to be honest, if it weren't for Luo Geng cushioning underneath, her head might have slammed directly into the wall.

Chi Xiaoyu asked suspiciously, "Sit for one night a day... So you came far enough, why do you have to go to school so far?

She thinks that the two of them are far enough to take a train ride of about ten hours to go to school in Cheng'an, and the distance is even farther than a day and one night by train.

Su Qinglu shrugged and said: "Of course, you have to go to college far away from home, you can do whatever you want, you can't manage it at home, what's the point of going to college next to your own home, I don't feel anything at all."

Luo Geng nodded in agreement, he felt the same way, it was better to say that most people had this feeling

, but Luo Geng was from here after all, so he said seriously: "Well, I hope you can think so when you guard the bedroom alone on weekends, and when you grab tickets during the New Year festival." "

Huh?" Su Qinglu couldn't understand what Luo Geng's words meant

, and Luo Geng didn't plan to explain, anyway, she would know sooner or later.

"By the way, you haven't told me your name yet, I won't have to bother making friends when school starts."

"Luo Geng."

"Chi Xiaoyu."

The two introduced their names, but they always had a strange feeling about the girl in front of them.

If she can be admitted to Cheng'an University, it is definitely enough to say that the wise quotient is definitely enough, but judging from her performance and demeanor, it seems that she has used her IQ to study? How did she reveal a bit of a stupid feeling?

"Jers, I have two friends before school starts, No, please chew gum."

Su Qinglu took out her chewing gum again and handed it to Luo Geng.

They took one and smiled politely, but instead of eating it, they put it in their pockets.

How can you eat the chewing gum handed over by someone you just met, but Luo Geng thinks that this Su Qinglu is not a bad person, after all, who can be deceived by this, unless she has superb acting skills, these are acting.

"Miss Su, what kind of job are you going to do when you come to Cheng'an?"

Chi Xiaoyu is still more interested in this matter, she wants to work, but she has no direction, has never had work experience, and does not know what to do.

"Just call me Qinglu, well... I don't know, but big cities should be easy to find jobs, and I heard that every store has a job search notice.

"It's recruitment! What kind of search notice, do you want to listen to what you are talking about..." Luo

Geng gave her a blank look, he really guessed correctly, this guy must have used his IQ to study, generally this kind of person's grades must be very good, but study aside, other things must be very stupid.

"Huh? Isn't it all looking for someone, isn't it different? "

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