"Dad, you have to be careful when I'm not at home, don't go out if it rains, don't get too tired outside, cook at home, don't get tired of doing housework or anything..."

When will it be your turn to tell me to come, I'm bored!

Luo Yongfu glared at Luo Geng in disgust, he had been uneasy since the beginning, and he had been muttering non-stop, Luo Yongfu had long been tired of hearing it.

Isn't it generally the other way around? Parents tell their children, but in Luogeng's house it is completely different.

"You left just to make room, I'll let you Aunt Ren come to live, let's go!" Big men are also mother-in-law's.

Luo Yongfu stood at the door, raised his prosthesis, kicked Luo Geng's butt

, although it was not heavy, but still kicked him directly out of the door.


Luo Geng sighed helplessly, took his luggage, and prepared to leave here.

As soon as he descended the first staircase,

Luo Yongfu's shout came from behind him:

"Hey! Son! "

Huh?" Luo Geng turned his head and looked at his father who was standing in the doorway staring at him.

"It's been a good ride."

That understated blessing made Luo Geng stunned for a moment

, and then he slowed down, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, waved his hand at him and said, "Don't worry." "

His dad was like that, never good at expressing feelings in words.

Luo Geng dragged her suitcase and came to the downstairs of Chi Xiaoyu's house, and found that she had been waiting downstairs for a long time

, and now it was late, she stood alone under the street lamp, looking at the direction of the road where Luo Geng came.

It wasn't until she saw Luo Geng that she slowly revealed a smile.

"I'm coming."

Luo Geng walked over, and then directly took Chi Xiaoyu's suitcase with his other hand.

"Been waiting a long time?"

"No, I just went downstairs."

Chi Xiaoyu shook her head, but the fact was that she had already gone downstairs an hour earlier, because she couldn't wait at home, so she went downstairs in advance to wait.

If he hadn't agreed with Luo Geng to meet here, Chi Xiaoyu would have gone directly downstairs to Luo Geng's house.

"Okay, let's go, the train is still an hour away."

Luo Geng looked at the time, now take a taxi to the train station, the time is just right.

So the two found a taxi and went to the train station.

After the security check and ticket check, I also successfully boarded

the train, there are not many people on this train, because it is night, so it is not very crowded when I get

on the train, but there are already many people on the train, people without seats will sit on the ground at the connection between the trains

, and there are a lot of luggage in the middle of the road, large and small, and it is very laborious to walk.

But that has nothing to do with Luo Geng, after all, they are soft sleeping compartments, very wide.

After finding their room, Luo Geng took two suitcases and walked in with Chi Xiaoyu.

The room was dark, so Luo Geng turned on the light.


When the lights in the room came on, the sleeping people on the top bunk trembled slightly.

"Ahhh... Someone, sorry ha.

Luo Geng whispered, but did not get a response from the person

, the two were on the lower bunk, Luo Geng's upper bunk was the one who slept, and Chi Xiaoyu's upper bunk was nobody.

After putting away the luggage, Luo Geng said to Chi Xiaoyu: "Go to sleep, you will be there when you wake up in the morning." "


Chi Xiaoyu nodded, and prepared to go to bed, Luo Geng also turned off the light, lay down directly, closed his eyes and rested.

At night, the train is quieter, and only the sound of the railway "Bang Dang Dang" can be heard, but it does not affect sleep.

Originally, Luo Geng wanted to buy a plane ticket directly, after all, it took about an hour to arrive by plane

, but because there is no airport in the city where they are located, and they have to take a train to where there is an airport, Na Luo Geng thought that he would not toss, anyway, he could get there after sleeping, or take the train the whole way.


After a few hours, Luo Geng heard a slight snoring

sound, and Chi Xiaoyu had not slept yet, but in the dark, she could not see the situation on Luo Geng's side.


Geng is asleep..." Chi Xiaoyu couldn't fall asleep over and over, still because he was traveling with Luo Geng, he was a little excited, like a child who was going on an outing the next day and couldn't sleep the first night.


At this time, there was a movement on Luo Geng's upper bunk, and the person on the upper bunk sat up, seemingly ready to get out of bed.

However, the figure didn't seem to have long legs, and when he got out of bed, he stepped on the air all of a sudden!

"Bang!" A loud noise came, followed by Luo Geng's miserable cry:


"Luo Geng? What's wrong! Chi Xiaoyu sat up directly, then got out of bed and went to turn on the light.

"Snap!" When the light was turned on, Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's bed and was instantly stunned.

On Luo Geng's body, it was a girl, who was dazed at this time, as if she was sleeping.

And when she just got out of bed, she fell directly on Luo Geng's body, and her elbow poked Luo Geng's abdomen fiercely, and Luo Geng's

scream just now felt that her stomach was almost stunned.

"What... The situation..."

Luo Geng's face was the girl's hair, scattered

, he couldn't see what was happening, he just felt that someone was pressed on his body.

"You..." Chi Xiaoyu pointed at the girl, not knowing what to say, falling off the upper bunk was too much of a thing, was it intentional?

The girl didn't look very tall, and her face was like a doll, round and smooth.

Her eyes were now a bit like she hadn't woken up, not fully open, and her expression was more wooden.

The coat she wore didn't look appropriate at all, and her hands were still inside the sleeves, as if she had bought a large coat.

"Ahhh... Sorry, sorry, sorry.

The girl blinked, quickly got up from Luo Geng's body, and apologized

to Luo Geng, she didn't seem to wake up just now, didn't pay much attention when she got out of bed, and fell directly when she fell on Luo Geng.

"Luo Geng, are you okay..." Chi

Xiaoyu hurriedly walked over to check Luo Geng's situation, and found that he was still covering his abdomen, looking painful.

"Oh, you be careful, it hurts me and scares me."

Luo Geng pouted and looked at the girl speechlessly, he was sleeping soundly, this moment did not scare him to death, let alone the physical pain.

"I'm really sorry.. That one... I invite you to chewing gum..." The

girl apologized repeatedly, and then took out a gum from her pocket and handed it to Luo Geng.

Luo Geng looked at the girl's face, shook his head and said

, "No need, just be careful."

Luo Geng waved his hand and refused her gum, if there was such a situation again, his heart would be a little unbearable.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng still looking shocked, so she said to him:

"Otherwise... Go to sleep in my bed. "

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