After checking in, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu came to the room.

The most striking thing is the large bed in the room.

Luo Geng put away the luggage of the two, sat on the bed, looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and

asked softly: "Uh... Are you going to take a shower? "

Huh? This sentence should be normal, right? Why do I feel a little wrong? After Luo Geng finished speaking, he noticed that something was wrong,

isn't it normal to stay in a hotel and take a bath? Why do you feel wrong?

Could it be that I watched too many small movies before?

"Well..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded, she didn't think much, after all, sleeping on the train must be a bath, and it was also very hot, and there was a lot of sweat on her body.

"Then you go first..."

Chi Xiaoyu walked into the bathroom, ready to take a shower, although it was glass, it was invisible, and the inside could not be seen outside.

Luo Geng didn't know what to do in the room, after all, his mobile phone couldn't brush short videos or anything, let alone not now,

so he simply took out his drawing paper and brush and thought about the next work.

Since you have decided to draw a good work, you must think about it well, and you can't draw casually like before.


There was a sound of a shower in the bathroom, and Luo Geng eased his mind from his thoughts, unable to concentrate!

Although he heard that someone could order three bowls of rice by listening to the sound of water in the shower, Luo Geng knew that he didn't have such a large amount of rice

, but when he thought of Chi Xiaoyu taking a bath, he was still a little distracted and couldn't concentrate...


Luo Geng took a deep breath, tried not to think about it, and began to draw something with his hands.

However, he still underestimated the attraction of this matter to him, so that he did not know what he was drawing....

It wasn't until the sound of the water in the shower stopped and Luo Geng blinked, which focused his attention.


Suddenly, he gasped and looked at himself on the drawing paper, what did he just draw?!

It should be said that he really deserves to be a professional cartoonist for so many years, drawing what is in his mind, that is, muscle memory, easily.

So... What he was just thinking in his head, what he drew on the paper now....

"Rip and pull!"

Luo Geng shredded the drawing paper and threw it all into the trash!

"My mother... This is what I painted? I haven't drawn 18 forbidden books, is it talent?! Luo

Geng didn't dare to imagine that his skills could actually be used to this extent? It's so sinful!


At this time, Chi Xiaoyu came out of the bathroom, wearing the pajamas he was carrying, his hair was wet and dripping.

"That... There you go..."

"Oh... Good.."

Luo Geng nodded and agreed, then stood up, hunched over and walked over.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at his hunched over, and thought that he was not feeling well, and quickly asked worriedly.

And Luo Geng quickly shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's just that I sat for a long time just now, and my waist hurts a little, don't care." Luo

Geng didn't want to explain why he walked hunched over...

Then, Luo Geng walked into the bathroom, prepared to take a bath

, looked at the sink and floor drain in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Uh this... Laughing rain is it... Hair loss? In

the sink and in the floor drain, there were long hairs, tangled, and Luo Geng felt that if he lost so much hair, then he would definitely think that he was going to die.

However, Chi Xiaoyu's hair volume is so much, even if he loses so much hair, it feels the same at all....

Luo Geng began to take a bath, the boy took a bath relatively simply, Chi Xiaoyu brought a lot of things, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, body lotion and so on....

And Luo Geng will not pick these things, will not compare the brand and quality

, so, buy it to save trouble!

Shampoo, shower gel and facial cleanser in one!

To be honest, Luo Geng felt that this thing could not be used as toothpaste, which proved that it was still a little worse!

One bottle solves all your worries, if not, then soap wipe from head to toe!


After Luo Geng finished washing, he put on his pajamas and walked out.

When he was just taking a bath, he heard the sound of Chi Xiaoyu blowing his hair outside, and Luo Geng didn't understand why it took so long to blow his hair, and he couldn't blow his hair for more than 5 minutes.

"Didn't you sleep? I thought you were sleepy."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu sitting on the bed and asked.

"Didn't... Waiting for you..."

Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head and whispered.

"Ahhh... Wait for me.. Ahem, then let's sleep now, wake up and play again.

Luo Geng coughed to hide his embarrassment, and then directly lay on the big bed

, "Hey ~" After taking a bath, lying on it, he felt very comfortable, so that he didn't want to get into the quilt.

When he closed his eyes and enjoyed the comfort of this moment

, suddenly, he felt Chi Xiaoyu's hands on his waist.

"Hmm..." Luo Geng snorted, and then felt Chi Xiaoyu massaging himself!

"Laughing rain... You.."

"Didn't you just say... Back pain.." Chi Xiaoyu whispered, and then slowly helped Luo Geng massage his waist.

"No, that's actually I..." Luo Geng wanted to explain, he didn't have back pain

, but he didn't say what he said, after all, this experience is not every time!

Girlfriend help herself massage! What is this dream scene?

If it weren't for Luo Geng's personal experience, he would rather believe that Qin Shi Huang was still alive than believe that this would happen.

"Does it hurt here?" Chi Xiaoyu didn't dare to push too hard, pressed it little by little with his small hand, and asked tentatively.

"Well, almost..." Luo

Geng didn't know where he hurt, and he didn't even know where this massage was comfortable, but Luo Geng just enjoyed it!

"I knew you would definitely have a back pain one day... Every time you sit for so long... In the future, try not to sit for a long time."

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes were full of worry, she was afraid that Luo Geng would be overworked at that time, and her waist would be damaged after sitting for a long time, so she would definitely suffer a special crime.

"Well, I try to..."

Luo Geng said on his lips, but he thought in his heart, if the back pain can enjoy such treatment,

then it hurts? And what can it do?

But he would think so, or because Luo Geng didn't have real back pain.

After pressing his waist, Chi Xiaoyu moved his hand up again and helped Luo Geng massage the cervical spine.

Because not only the waist, Luo Geng's work also puts a lot of pressure on his cervical spine

, and she can often see Luo Geng getting up and moving his neck, "clicking" sound.


A moment later, Chi Xiaoyu heard a slight snoring from Luo Geng

, she was stunned for a moment, and then revealed a gentle smile.

She bent down, kissed Luo Geng's face lightly with thin lips with a smile, and whispered in his ear: "Have a good dream..."

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