"Uh..." Luo

Geng slowly opened his eyes, and he realized that he had fallen asleep

, it is estimated that he did not sleep well on the train, plus Chi Xiaoyu massaged himself too comfortably, so he couldn't control his sleepiness.

The first thing Luo Geng saw was the ceiling of the hotel.

The body is covered with a quilt

, but in addition to the quilt on his body, there seems to be something else on his body...

Luo Geng slowly stretched out his hand, and then accidentally touched the leg that was pressing on him!

"This is?!"

Luo Geng's eyes widened instantly, and his spirit was directly raised to the extreme.

What a wonderful touch! Is there really such a magical skin?

Mosquitoes can't stand on it, it's too slippery!

Luo Geng turned her head to the side and looked at Chi Xiaoyu beside her, she fell asleep with her eyes closed, but her legs were riding on her body....

"It turns out... Xiaoyu likes

to ride things to sleep when sleeping..."Luo Geng knows that many people sleep like this, so there is such a thing as a pillow, and it is more comfortable to hold and ride when sleeping.

He also realized that he seemed to live with Chi Xiaoyu often, but he had not slept properly, this was the first time, and then he was ridden....


Luo Geng picked up his mobile phone on the side, checked the time, and found that it was already past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and they arrived at the hotel around 8 o'clock in the morning, and they had slept until now....

I didn't expect that the so-called tourism is to go from a place where you have lived enough to a place where others have lived enough, and then sleep?

"Do you want to laugh and rain, I haven't eaten, I'll be very hungry."

Luo Geng thought so, after all, even if he was lying flat, he could feel the hunger, Chi Xiaoyu ate less, maybe he was very hungry now.

"Laughing rain... Laughing rain... Let's go get something to eat.."

Luo Geng gently patted Chi Xiaoyu's back with his hand, and called softly in a voice that was about the same as a mosquito.


" Suddenly, Chi Xiaoyu moved, she made a "uh-huh" sound, like a child moaning, and her body moved a little....

However, she did not open her eyes, but directly hugged Luo Geng with her hand!

"Let me sleep for a while~"

She said in Luo Geng's ear in a slightly nasal voice, and then changed her comfortable posture, completely treating Luo Geng as a humanoid pillow!


Luo Geng nodded stunnedly, his whole body froze, and he was held tightly by

Chi Xiaoyu, but it was the first time he felt Chi Xiaoyu's state...

It turns out that she was woken up when she was sleepy, so she would be coquettish! It's so cute!

Who can stand this?

But what made Luo Geng even more unbearable was other aspects

, after all, Chi Xiaoyu hugged himself tightly, and the almost zero-distance physical contact also made Luo Geng's throat move, a little nervous.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, her face was almost next to his own, and he could feel her breath.

And she doesn't sleep very honestly, and her pajamas are looser, so now her pajamas are messier....

The shoulders, which were like curdled fat, were so exposed, shaking with the breath.

"Hmph... Keeping in a fighting state for a few hours will not be harmful to the body..."


after six o'clock at night, Chi Xiaoyu slowly opened her eyes

, she didn't know how long she slept, but she knew that she slept very comfortably, she didn't expect to sleep so well in the hotel.

And the hotel actually has throw pillows....

Throw pillow...?

“!" Chi Xiaoyu opened his eyes and found that he had been holding Luo Geng's body tightly!

And Luo Geng had long been staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, not moving, as if he had really turned into a throw pillow.

"Uh..." Chi

Xiaoyu let go of Luo Geng, put her legs down, looked at Luo Geng's side face with some embarrassment

, her eyes flashed a panic, and her heartbeat accelerated, but she didn't expect that she would sleep with Luo Geng for a long time?

And Luo Geng looks like he has been awake for a long time, but he has been holding him to sleep....

Luo Geng won't be angry, right?

"You're awake." Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side and found that she was staring at her, with some panic in her eyes.

"You... Awake for a long time?

"No, just woke up." Luo Geng told a lie, how could he say that he had been acting as a humanoid pillow for more than three hours.

At least Chi Xiaoyu slept comfortably, and he was not so resistant to this feeling....

"It's all to blame on me, I slept too long..." Chi Xiaoyu looked out the window, now the sun is about to set, and it will be dark outside.

I actually slept in the hotel for a whole day.

"It's okay, you can sleep well, if you're hungry, let's go eat."

Luo Geng sat up from the bed and found that his body had frozen, and now when he moved, there must be a "click" sound on his body.

No way, after all, lying in bed to maintain a position is also very tiring.

"Hmm... Good.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, and then thought that it was because he had been sleeping with Luo Geng in his arms, so he slept so well....

Otherwise, she would not have been able to sleep for so long before.

Chi Xiaoyu changed clothes in the room, while Luo Geng went to the bathroom to change clothes, they got dressed and then prepared to go out.

Since it's late now, I will definitely return here that night, so I can only find a restaurant nearby to eat

, but I didn't expect to be in Cheng'an for a day, and the scope of the train station has not yet gone out....

Most of the restaurants next to the train station are closed, and only a few are still open.

"Let's go here, it looks like there are quite a lot of people."

Luo Geng pointed to the restaurant in front, there were still more customers inside, and it was a little more lively.

But this is more inclined to the appetizer, because almost every table is drinking.

"I can do both."

Luo Geng walked in with Chi Xiaoyu and sat at the small table in the corner.

However, as soon as they walked in, they attracted the attention of many people

, especially those who had already drunk a little, and after they walked in, they stopped communicating

, and then everyone's eyes kept staring at Chi Xiaoyu, and their expressions were a little intriguing.

Even the people at the table were whispering.

Luo Geng glanced at the other guests here, they would not take their eyes off at all, but stared at Chi Xiaoyu openly.

"Let's simply eat here, just eat enough, and I'll take you to a big meal tomorrow."

Luo Geng can also understand that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, so as long as he eats quickly and leaves here quickly.

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