Luo Geng's dishes were quickly served, even if Luo Geng hated the feeling of being watched by others

, but he couldn't take the initiative to provoke them not to look at it, after all, it is not illegal to see you.

So Luo Geng just wanted to finish eating quickly and not stay here longer.

At this time, the waiter brought two more dishes and placed them on Luo Geng's table.

"We didn't order this." Luo Geng looked at the waiter suspiciously and said.

"This is the dish added by the guests at the table over there, for this beautiful young lady."

The waiter pointed to the guest at the table in front of him and said.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu followed the waiter's gaze and found that the group of people were looking at this side with a malicious smile.

Not very old, in his twenties, almost all shirtless, with a lot of tattoos on the upper body.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the waiter and said, "Trouble you to send it back, I don't want it."

"This..." The waiter was stunned, how could he send it back, he would definitely have to be scolded if he sent it back.

The group of people looked very unpleasant, and they were very unpolite when ordering food, and if they sent this dish back, it would definitely be him who suffered.

"It's okay, put it here." Luo Geng sighed helplessly, he knew that this was embarrassing the waiter, people were just working part-time, there was no need to embarrass him.

Then Luo Geng took out a few more bills, handed them to the waiter, and said, "Give them a few bottles of good bars." "


For Luo Geng, it was nothing more than not wanting to owe any broken favors, and it was not much money for him

, but in the eyes of that group of people, he didn't think so.

When the waiter placed the good wine on their table, they each smiled in surprise.

"Huh? That kid is quite familiar?

"Presumably knowing us?"

"Could it be that the girl asked him to send it?"

No matter what they thought, Luo Geng didn't care, and didn't want to pay attention to them, they were still making loud noises there, saying some vulgar words that made everyone else frown

, Luo Geng they only cared about eating, after eating, they planned to leave

, the two dishes they sent, they didn't

move, what was it sent over, what it was now.

"Have you eaten enough?" Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked.


She didn't want to stay here anymore, it was smoky and full of the smell of alcohol and smoke.

"Okay, then let's go."

Luo Geng finished settling the bill, took

Chi Xiaoyu's hand, and planned to leave here, when passing by the table of people, the eyes of the group of people kept wandering on Chi Xiaoyu's body

, until the two walked out the door, and they began to be restless.

"Go, go, monkey, they'll be gone in a moment."

"Yes, you go and ask for the phone and share it with us!"

A group of people pushed and shoved one of them, a man who looked like a thin monkey, and the tattoos on his body looked so ugly on his thin body, coupled with the bright hair color he dyed, it seemed that he was particularly dark.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I won't call you guys if I want to, eh, if that kid doesn't convince, you all come out."

The monkey stood up and looked at the others and said.

They all gestured with an "OK" gesture, and then the monkey straightened his head and walked out.

"Hey! Belle! Luo

Geng and Chi Xiaoyu heard someone shouting behind them, so they couldn't help but look back and

saw him walking over with an evil smile.

Luo Geng frowned slightly, his eyes were full of impatience, this kind of person may be much less in more than ten years

, but in this era, there are many such people, the strength of sweeping away evil is not strong enough, they are arrogant enough.

It can be said that many of them have been influenced by the "Confused Boy".

"Stay, leave a call, beauty, let's eat together next time." The monkey took out his shattered phone, flicked his hair, and stuttered a little.

Not knowing where his confidence came from, he put one hand in the pocket of his jeans and stepped forward a little with one foot, still wearing flip-flops.

Perhaps he was confident enough in his charm that he squeezed his abdomen hard, the particularly thin abdomen, and he could look at a little abs.

After all, there is no fat at all.

Chi Xiaoyu glanced at him contemptuously, didn't even say anything, turned his head directly, took Luo Geng's hand and was about to leave.

"Eh! You, didn't you hear? I said leave me a call! The

monkey chased after him again and shouted loudly.

His companions in the restaurant, as if watching a joke, watched him chase after him outside the glass, and they laughed and laughed at him as if they were watching a clown show.

"What phone do you want?" Do you want your dad to call? If you want mine, I'll give it to you, hurry up!"

Luo Geng was a little unbearable, turned his head and frowned and scolded him, his eyes were extremely fierce.

Even Chi Xiaoyu had never seen Luo Geng, who was so angry, and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

The monkeys were scolded by Luo Geng for being stupid, and he thought that Luo Geng would definitely not dare to speak, and he took the initiative to buy them two bottles of good wine when he was in the house.


, you, you..." "What are you, go back and straighten your tongue before talking!" Luo Geng pulled Chi Xiaoyu and was about to leave, not wanting to pay attention to this guy anymore.

But the monkey glanced at the laughing accomplices in the restaurant, and instantly felt hot on

his face, which was the embarrassment of being slapped in the face, the embarrassment of insulting his self-esteem!

"You xx's!"

The monkey took out a small knife from his pocket, stared at Luo Geng's back with harsh eyes, and then rushed out with a step!

"Dare to scold me, I will kill you!"

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head and saw him holding a knife, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Just wanted to block in front of Luo Geng to protect him, but he pulled him behind him.

Then, Luo Geng turned around and watched the knife stab his body!

At this moment, he moved, quickly dodged to the right, and almost dodged the knife by a fraction of a distance.

Then he stretched out his hand, followed the direction of his left hand, and slapped his right wrist!

"Snap!" At the same time, slam your right arm upwards against his right elbow!

Finally, grab his right wrist with his left hand

, clamp his right arm around his right big arm, and drop it instantly with the method of pulling his arm in the next second!


The whole process took only two seconds! The monkey fell heavily on the ground, and the knife fell with it!

"Ahem!" The monkey coughed hard twice, and this fall almost threw all the beer out of his stomach.

"I wipe! That kid practiced! The group of people in the restaurant stood up directly and looked

at Luo Geng with a surprised face, they had been staring at the scene just now, staring at the moment when the monkey committed the crime, but Luo Geng's flowing action stunned them.

Chi Xiaoyu was even more intent, staring at Luo Geng's back, and muttered in a low voice: "So handsome..."

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