Chi Xiaoyu suddenly eased up, and then the two eyebrows frowned slightly, and walked over angrily.

"Uh..." Luo Geng didn't know what Chi Xiaoyu was going to do, but it was scary to look at her momentum.


In the next second, Chi Xiaoyu's slap slapped the monkey's face fiercely, and the slap was more heavy, making his face instantly have a bright red slap print.

"You!" The monkey was directly stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chi Xiaoyu with a shocked face,

as if to say why this woman's hand is so strong?

But what shocked him the most was Chi Xiaoyu's eyes, which really made him cold!

"Laughing rain laughing rain, okay, okay, I'm not okay, dissipate the qi."

Luo Geng quickly pulled Chi Xiaoyu, held her in his arms, and patted her back to comfort her.

After all, Luo Geng still knows Chi Xiaoyu better, and she may really beat this guy to death for herself.

It is not good to be justifiably defended, but it is not good to become overly defensive.

"But he actually dared..." "

It's okay, it's okay, hit him and dirty your hands." Luo Geng comforted

Chi Xiaoyu, and Chi Xiaoyu was in Luo Geng's arms, and his mood gradually stabilized.

"Hey! Come out! Feed!

The monkey was stunned for a moment, and then shouted at the people in the restaurant

, but just looked over and found that the group of people had begun to push the cup and change the lamp, talking and laughing, and did not take themselves seriously at all!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he just wanted to get up and call them in the restaurant

, but at this time, Luo Geng said coldly: "You have been used as a gun, and you want to question them, it's really stupid."

"What do you mean?" Obviously, with the intelligence of the monkey, he did not understand what Luo Geng meant.

"Okay, you have a lot of time in the detention center to think slowly."

Luo Geng took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police, after all, this already involved the crime of intentional injury, and he couldn't just settle it.

"You, what are you calling the police! Don't talk about martial virtue! The monkey was a little overwhelmed

, after all, no one called the police before, whether it was a fight or a knife, and no one knew how to protect themselves with the law, so they would only fight back recklessly.

"Who told you about martial arts?"

Luo Geng didn't know what rules these bastards had, and it had nothing to do with him.

The monkey saw that Luo Geng had dialed the phone, spread his legs and ran, and ran away for a while, don't look at him so thin, I didn't expect that the ability to escape was still very good.

Luo Geng is too lazy to chase, can he hide from himself, can he still hide from the police?

After calling the police, the police quickly arrived at the scene, took the knife, left Luo Geng's phone, went to see the monitoring

, and after the investigation was clear, took all those accomplices away, took them for questioning, but let Luo Geng leave them, it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before the monkey is caught.

Luo Geng thought that it was really a big city, everyone had it, such people were rare varieties on Luo Geng's side, but they didn't expect to be so common here, and they could be seen when they went out to eat.

It is estimated that it is now that the holiday is over, they have nothing to do, otherwise they should appear in front of major schools to squat students after school.

Luo Geng and they returned to the hotel, he directly collapsed on the sofa, this should be considered to lose weight, after all, just falling a thin monkey now will feel a little tired.

In his previous life, he not only re-studied in order to distract himself, then drew comics, but also practiced some sports, martial arts is also one of them

, although his current physical strength is not good, but he can use it.

"Are you hurt?"

Chi Xiaoyu saw Luo Geng's appearance and was a little worried, so he observed Luo Geng's body up and down, thinking that he was injured somewhere.

"No, it's just that I'm a little tired, I've been sitting and drawing comics for too long, my physical fitness is a little unable to keep up, maybe I should lose weight."

"Ahhh... Lose weight... But I don't think you're fat at all..." Chi

Xiaoyu was a little lost, she still liked to rub Luo Geng's little belly, and she really didn't think that Luo Geng had become fat, or that no matter how fat and thin, Luo Geng was the most perfect in her eyes.

"It's all to blame that the food you cooked is so delicious, and you accidentally eat too much."

Luo Geng smiled, and then pinched his stomach, he couldn't pinch it before, but now it was obvious that a piece of meat was pinched.

"Ahhh... That and that... Is there a kitchen here? Do I want to continue cooking for you starting tomorrow..."

All out to play, why do you have to cook for yourself ... Although I like to eat, I hope you will do less, I am afraid that you will be tired.

Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu into his arms and let her sit on his lap.

"I'm not tired, I'm happy if I can cook for you." Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head and whispered with a red face.

Luo Geng looked at the time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, they came here to play, and the first day was so sloppy.

"Let's go to bed early, otherwise tomorrow will be like today, sleep deprived..."

The two changed their pajamas, lay on the bed

, and after saying goodnight to each other, they turned off the lights, and the room was dark.

Luo Geng closed his eyes, originally wanting to fall asleep quickly, but he found that it had become difficult to even close his eyes!

"Oops... I sleep a lot during the day and can't sleep at night! Luo

Geng's eyes were open, although he could only see the darkness, but he was not sleepy at all, on the contrary, he was particularly spirited.

"What to do, if it goes on like this, I will be sleepy again tomorrow..."

Luo Geng forced himself to close his eyes, he didn't want this tour to sleep in the hotel during the day and then eat a meal at night.

That's stupid!

"Are you asleep..."

At this time, Luo Geng heard Chi Xiaoyu's soft voice on the side.

"No..." Luo Geng found out that Chi Xiaoyu had not fallen asleep.

"I may have slept a lot during the day, and now I am

not sleepy at all..." "Me too..."

The two of them just lay flat, both looking at the invisible ceiling, not sleepy at all.

"Where to go tomorrow?" Chi Xiaoyu slowly asked.

She slept enough, and the anticipation of tomorrow also made it difficult for her to sleep.

"Hmm... Take a look at Seongan University, and then see if you can rent a studio nearby.


The two fell silent again, neither knowing what to say and neither sleeping.


Luo Geng's arm moved slowly and carefully placed it on Chi Xiaoyu's head, and Chi Xiaoyu also raised his head and pillowed on Luo Geng's arm



Luo Geng couldn't help swallowing, and then slowly put his arm away, and Chi Xiaoyu was also held in Luo Geng's arms.

He was still a little nervous about doing these actions, after all, his motives were a little impure, or he was afraid that Chi Xiaoyu would be unhappy.

But Chi Xiaoyu's cooperation made him a little overjoyed.

Luo Geng felt that Chi Xiaoyu in his arms was so petite, and he hugged him in his arms like he was holding a doll.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu's hand wrapped around his body, and he also put his leg on Luo Geng!

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