"Huh? Of course you can go your whole life without working, I'll support you.

Luo Geng showed a natural expression, he himself planned ah, otherwise what is he doing so desperately to make

money, as long as he makes enough money, he can't afford to support her, when the time comes, his father, or Aunt Ren, they don't have to work, it's enough to work alone.

He didn't want the tragedy of the previous life again, and his father died in the heavy rain because he made money for himself.

Although such a tragedy almost happened in this life, fortunately there were Aunt Ren and Chi Xiaoyu, otherwise they would have made the same mistake again,

so Luo Geng's kindness to their mother and daughter is absolutely endless.

It's just spending money, it's not a favor.

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head and pouted and said: "It's impossible, then you will think I'm useless, how can I not work..."

Luo Geng stretched out four fingers and said with a serious face: "The sky is above, the heaven and the earth can be seen, if I think you are useless, I have to die!" "

Blah blah,

She knew that Luo Geng would not think she was useless, after all, she had been worthless for so long, Luo Geng was still so tolerant of herself,

so her guilt was even more serious.

"Okay, let's go shopping, decorate our new home."

"Hmm... Good. "

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu came to the nearby mall, buying daily necessities, bedding, bed sheets, bedding and so on

.... And Chi Xiaoyu went to the kitchenware area for the first time, wanting to buy kitchenware, as well as firewood, rice, oil and salt, after all, she wanted to cook for Luo Geng, so this matter was very important.

After a lot of shopping time, Luo Geng finally shipped everything home, which made him exhausted and breathless.

"Whew—it feels like it's going to take a long time to clean up..."

Luo Geng looked at these things bought on the ground, exhaled a turbid breath tiredly, and said a little helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll clean up... You rest.

Chi Xiaoyu put his hand on Luo Geng's back and said with a slight smile.

And Luo Geng was already very tired when she looked at Chi Xiaoyu, sweat dripped from the corners of her forehead, if she cleaned up these things alone, it was estimated that she would clean up for a long time.

"It's okay, or I'll come..."

Luo Geng just wanted to speak, but suddenly thought of something,

"Then... Xiaoyu, you clean up slowly, don't worry, I'll go out to buy things again, there are still many things I haven't bought..."

Well, good. Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, she didn't understand that there was anything she hadn't bought, they had already bought it all.

But before she could think of anything, Luo Geng had already snatched the door out

, he thought that he had thought of taking time to buy gifts and make up for Chi Xiaoyu's birthday, but after arriving here, so many things happened that he almost forgot.

Take this opportunity to go it alone and hurry up to buy gifts.

Chi Xiaoyu saw that Luo Geng had already gone out, and although he had some doubts in his heart, he did not follow.

Because she wanted to take this opportunity to clean up the kitchen, and then she could cook for Luo Geng.

"What to do for

Luo Geng at night..." Chi Xiaoyu smiled, as if he was already looking forward to the time when Luo Geng ate his own meal in the evening.

"Or do you want to clean up Luo Geng's room first? What if he is very tired and has to go to sleep after eating..." Chi

Xiaoyu looked at the two rooms in front of him and suddenly realized a problem!

They didn't decide who stayed in which room, nor did they say that the two lived together....

"Does Luo Geng want us to live separately, or in the same room..." Chi

Xiaoyu looked at the futons and fell into deep thought, she didn't know how to lay them out.

What if she divided the futon into two rooms, what if Na Luogeng came back and misunderstood that she didn't want to live with him...

But what if they were in the same room, what if Luo Geng wanted to live separately? This will make him unhappy....

"What to do..."

Chi Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed, because she really didn't know what to do

, but in the end, she still chose to follow her heart and took both sets of bedding into the same room....

Luo Geng walked down the street, thinking about what kind of gift to choose.

After all, it is to make up for Chi Xiaoyu's birthday, then it must be considered well, if the thing sent is not good, it is better not to send it.


Luo Geng passed by a supermarket, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that in addition to buying a gift for Chi Xiaoyu, he also had to buy something!


Luo Geng lowered his head, then walked into the supermarket

, with a clear goal, and walked directly to the area of family planning supplies!

Last night's events are still vividly remembered, Luo Geng is really remorseful, he has already gone to the battlefield, but found that he has not prepared protective measures!

Although Luo Geng knew that he could still kill the enemy without protective measures, if he wanted to retreat with his whole body, it was only possible for experienced people to do it, and Luo Geng, a novice, knew that he did not have such ability.

"I didn't expect that I would need this kind of thing one day."

Luo Geng picked up a box and put it in his hand, and couldn't help but mutter.

After all, he couldn't use this kind of thing in his previous life, and those bastard roommates in the dormitory, everyone often used it, and even borrowed from each other

, but these had nothing to do with him, and even when talking about that kind of topic, he didn't want to bring himself,

as if he thought of himself as an underage child! (Luo Geng doesn't know that many underage have experience) Luo Geng

took the box and walked to the bar, ready to check out

, buying this kind of thing for the first time, making him very embarrassed, and even wanted to wear a mask sunglasses or something.

"Thank you for your patronage."

The clerk took it and was about to take a black bag for

Luo Geng and pack it, but when Luo Geng raised his head and looked at the clerk, both sides were stunned.

Then he pointed at the other person and said in surprise at the same time:

"You fell on the train and the girl who fell on me?" "Are you Xiaoyu's boyfriend?"

"My name is Luo Geng!" "My name is Su Qinglu!"

Obviously, neither of them remembered each other's names, or rather, they didn't want to remember them at all.

Su Qinglu was wearing the overalls of a supermarket employee, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she looked awkwardly at Luo Geng in front of her, as well as the black bag in his hand.

Luo Geng showed some disgust and looked at Su Qinglu in front of him.

"Why are you here?"

"I work here, it's close to the school, and I also have food and accommodation."

Su Qinglu's expression was also disgusted with Luo Geng, as if to say, "Do you still want to ask this?" " look.

"Well, never again... Well... Goodbye..." Luo Geng was about to walk out with his bag

, he didn't want to stay for a moment, and even decided not to come to this supermarket again.

But when he was about to step out the door, he was stopped by Su Qinglu:

"Hey! You... What to do to Xiaoyu? "

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