"Huh? What's the matter with you!

Luo Geng gave her a blank look, and then hurried out of the supermarket, because Luo Geng felt that entanglement with her must be nothing good.

"Ah, yes, too... It doesn't seem to be my business..." Su Qinglu's stunned voice came from behind him, but Luo Geng didn't pay attention to her at all, he didn't want to waste time here.

Moreover, this is just a small episode, I have to hurry up to get down to business and then go back quickly.

"Gift, what kind of gift can make up for it."

Luo Geng racked his brains, and did not know what to give, the gifts prepared were not only good, but also different

, after all, so many people in high school gave gifts to Chi Xiaoyu, all kinds of gifts, repeated are much better

, so even if Luo Geng bought such a gift, it is estimated that it has no effect

, at most it is his own gift with added value, and there is no value in addition.

In that case, in fact, the difference between sending gold yourself and sending a card is not very meaningful.

Just when Luo Geng was walking on the street thinking and worrying about this, a shout suddenly came from ahead!

"Marry me!"

"I lean on..." Luo Geng was startled, took a step back, raised his head and looked in front of him, it

was a couple, the boy was kneeling on one knee, holding a bouquet of colorful flowers in his hand, like a romantic knight.

His face was filled with a happy smile and his eyes were shining with love.

The girl's eyes lit up, her heart beat faster, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, but her hand tightly grasped the corners of her clothes, as if waiting for something.

"Eh! Marriage proposal! People

gathered around, and this moment seemed to be the focus of the audience.

Luo Geng also involuntarily leaned over, wanting to see this romantic scene.

The boy suddenly took out a ring from his pocket, and the girl's surprised eyes instantly became gentle.

He said softly, "My dear, when I first met you, I vowed to marry you home one day. We've been together for a long time, and our relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and I can't imagine my life without you now. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to you, I will definitely be good to you all my life, marry me..." The

girl's tears welled up from her eyes, and she said excitedly: "I do!" Her voice was like a clear spring, clear and moving.

The boy slowly put the ring on her, and then gently kissed the back of the girl's hand, and the two hugged happily, enjoying their happiness at this moment.

The people around them applauded them and witnessed this historic moment for the couple.

Luo Geng saw the two happily hugging each other, and an idea appeared in his mind.

"The proposal... Ahhh..." Luo Geng was hesitant in his heart, it seemed that the proposal was a little premature at this time, and the eight characters had not yet been brushed off.

His heart seems to be torn by a strong force, on the one hand, he is afraid of facing the unknown result, and on the other hand, he longs for a happy destination.

Luo Geng felt that this matter was a little inappropriate, because this kind of thing should be considered in the long run, or a little more solemn....

But people just proposed on the street, and they succeeded....

"In the end, those are just excuses for my timidity, if I really don't marry Chi Xiaoyu, then no matter when I propose, there will be no problem, right?"

Luo Geng knew that all this was just that he was unwilling to face, and from the very beginning, if he had discovered Chi Xiaoyu's intention earlier, he would not have wasted so long.

He left here, left this happy atmosphere, and walked into the mall alone.

Luo Geng walked around and finally looked at the jewelry store.

He stood in the doorway staring at the façade and muttered, "The ring... Propose... Forget it, people like me, why..." Saying

that, Luo Geng turned his head and was about to leave, but as soon as he took a step, his pupils shocked and he stopped abruptly!

"[Why, don't you even dare to expose this ambition?] "

Lean! Why did you think of what Deng Yuxuan said at this time? Is this a curse he placed on me?

Luo Geng rubbed his head, then slowly turned around and walked into the jewelry store.

"Hello, welcome!"

The clerk welcomed Luo Geng very warmly, and Luo Geng also realized that there was no turning back, since he walked here, leaving again could only prove that he was a waste.

"Hello, I want to buy... Engagement rings.

"Okay, you need a diamond ring, right, please come and see, these are perfect for engagement rings."

The clerk guided Luo Geng to the counter, and Luo Geng couldn't help frowning when he looked at the diamond rings that shone in the light in the counter.

Good looks are good looks, but this price is really expensive!

Luo Geng didn't understand why a diamond with the value of love attached to it would be so valuable, this small one, up to tens of thousands of pieces!

Although there are hundreds of cheaper pieces, thousands, hundreds of thousands.

But the gap is really big, those hundreds of small diamond rings, if it were not still shining, Luo Geng really suspected that there were no drills on it.

However, for Luo Geng, money is not the point, and it doesn't matter how much money is, as long as he can afford it.

"She... Still just a college student, is there a more suitable style? "

Luo Geng will not pick, at least at this time, it can't be said that the more expensive the better, indeed the more expensive the better, but the most expensive Luo Geng also has to bleed after buying it."

"Hmm... Take a look at this, this kind of ring is not dominated by any one diamond, emphasizing the balance of small diamonds, with starlight diamonds to decorate the entire ring, shiny but not ostentatious, daily wear will not look obtrusive, can also be combined with other diamond jewelry, can be said to be low-key but luxurious. "

The clerk took out a diamond ring, which is considered to be the highest quality model among all styles, and the price is relatively expensive, but it is still within the acceptable range of Luo Geng.

"Hmm..." Luo

Geng was a little worried that he would be smashed, after all, there are many examples of jewelry stores cheating newbies, and Luo Geng is the novice who does not understand anything

, for bargaining, he will not at all, go out to buy things There is almost no bargaining link.

He tried to pretend to be a more knowledgeable guest as much as possible, but he didn't really know what to say.

"Uh... Can it be cheaper?

In the end, Luo Geng only held out this sentence

, and the clerk nodded and said: "Of course, if you sincerely want it, we can give a 97% discount." "

97 folds... Co-authorship can be one or two hundred dollars cheaper... I am not one or two hundred worse. "

Luo Geng knows that he is not a bargainer, and he is no match for the scheming clerk...

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