After dinner, Chi Xiaoyu took away the dishes and chopsticks to brush the dishes, while Luo Geng sat on the sofa, looking at the figure working in the kitchen, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, Luo Geng stood up, walked to the kitchen, and said, "Let me help you."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, smiled slightly, and said, "It's okay, I'll just come by myself, you go to rest."

It was as if Luo Geng had already helped her when he said this, and accepted his heart.

"You've been tired all day, cleaning up the house and cooking, and washing dishes, how tired, you go to rest."

"You've been tired for a long time, I'm just tired this day, it's nothing, it's hard to come out and relax, you have to rest well."

Chi Xiaoyu stretched out her hand, and the foam of dish soap was wiped by her to the tip of Luo Geng's nose, revealing a mischievous smile, which made Luo Geng stunned for a moment.

He wants to cherish this smile and wants to legally possess it indefinitely!

And now, there is this opportunity, prepare yourself! Very well prepared!

"That! Laughing Rain!

Luo Geng called her seriously, making Chi Xiaoyu a little surprised, stopped the movement in his hand, and looked at him with some puzzlement.

"I have something..."

Luo Geng reached into his pocket, ready to take out the gift he had carefully prepared!


However, there is more than one thing in the pocket, there is also a larger box....

As the box of things fell to the ground, attracting the attention of the two

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu stared at the things on the ground, stunned, Chi Xiaoyu's eyes widened, his mouth was slightly open, and he looked like he had written surprise on

his face, and Luo Geng's face turned blue-gray in an instant, his eyes were wide in horror, and his face was not as good as an eggplant now.

"It's not! You listen to me, it's not something I bought all afternoon, this... This is..."

Luo Geng wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it, Chi Xiaoyu was not stupid, could he still lie to her that this was a balloon?

It's a fact that I bought it myself, it doesn't seem to make sense no matter how you explain it, right?

A red tide appeared on Chi Xiaoyu's face that was difficult to hide, lowered his head, and whispered: "This... I have it in my bag..." "


"No, you... Don't get me wrong, it's not what I'm going to bring... My luggage was packed for me by my mom, and then... She just put one in my bag..." Chi

Xiaoyu recalled that the day before the trip, Ren Lan helped her pack her things

, she was a bad person, men and women went out to travel together, what might happen, she also knew in her heart

, so she put one for Chi Xiaoyu in advance, and she didn't tell her....

It wasn't until Chi Xiaoyu arrived that he found out when changing his pajamas in the hotel.

"It turns out... Be... It's so... Ah..."

Luo Geng thought that he was exhausted to find this thing in his suitcase last night, but he didn't expect it to be in Chi Xiaoyu's bag!

How could he have thought of this? Who would have thought that Chi Xiaoyu's bag had something like this?

"But Aunt Ren, what does this mean... Is it agreed? Chi Xiaoyu's reaction did not look at himself with strange eyes as he imagined, counting... Is it the default?

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu fell silent, he slowly bent down, then picked up the thing that embarrassed him

, turned around and walked out of the kitchen, ready to put this thing up....

And Chi Xiaoyu didn't say anything more, continued to brush the bowl

, but her heart is no longer calm now, messy, the plate in her hand is going to be brushed by her...

After all, knowing that Luo Geng bought that thing back, it can't be just buying it for fun, right? That being the case, the intention is already obvious....

Luo Geng sat on the sofa, and he felt that he had messed up everything, and

the more critical the time, the more busy he was, and he couldn't do anything well.

"What am I afraid of? What's on the nerves? It's not something to be nervous about, right? Something that most people in the world have experienced. Luo

Geng calmed his mind and put himself in a calm state

, at this time it was already dark at about eight o'clock in the evening, and the lights were on in the house, but the lights were not very bright, and it was a little dim.

Chi Xiaoyu took his things, walked into the bathroom, and whispered to Luo Geng at the door: "I'll first... took a bath.."

"Ah, good."

Luo Geng nodded, although the light was relatively dim, he could still see that Chi Xiaoyu's face was a little red, Luo Geng

felt that she was still embarrassed because of what happened just now.


Hearing the sound of a shower inside, Luo Geng took out the ring box in his pocket and

started the simulation practice!

He knelt on one knee and opened the ring box, because he was afraid of being heard, so he secretly thought about the lines in his heart

, Luo Geng felt that if he said, "Marry me!" "It's really a little too fast, how long have they been together, it's not yet two months, it's a little

too much to propose at this time,

so Luo Geng thinks that this should be regarded as an engagement, but the booking is relatively early, it may be married after reaching the legal age, or it may be married after graduating from college, not necessarily....

Just like engaging a doll, even if they don't get married, they have a marriage contract, which is equivalent to a step closer to their relationship.

Thinking so, Luo Geng is a lot more relaxed

, to be honest, if he didn't buy a ring, he wouldn't have to think about it so much, as long as it was

a birthday gift to her, but now he sent a diamond ring to make up for the birthday gift, the ghost believes, maybe it will make Chi Xiaoyu misunderstand that he is unwilling to propose to her.

"Ahem! Good!

Luo Geng stood up, cheered himself up, and put away the ring box, seemingly ready.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Luo Geng knew that Chi Xiaoyu had finished washing, and maybe he would blow his hair for half an hour....

Chi Xiaoyu stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, his long wet hair was still dripping.

She pinched her waist with her hand and muttered, "Have you become fat... Will Luo Geng think I'm fat?

But if Luo Geng knew that Chi Xiaoyu thought so, he would definitely object,

because Chi Xiaoyu was really not close to fat, there was almost no meat around his waist, his small belly was also flat, and there was even a faint vest line.

She began to blow her hair and dry it, which was a long process, and Chi Xiaoyu's heart beat faster and faster

, as if she was about to face something, more nervous.

After blowing her hair, Chi Xiaoyu looked at her underwear, she usually wears pajamas inside or underwear

, she looked at the new underwear that she took in advance, it was a complete set....

After a few seconds of pause, she put on the underwear and then put on her pajamas.

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