"I washed it... You go..." Chi

Xiaoyu walked out, looked at Luo Geng who was sitting on the sofa, and said in a low voice.

"Ahhh... Good..." Luo

Geng quickly stood up, his movements seemed to be a little stiff, he felt that he was now full of heat, and he really needed to take a good bath to cool down

, when he took his pajamas and passed by Chi

Xiaoyu, he was slightly stunned, "It's so fragrant..." Luo

Geng assured that he was definitely not a pervert, nor did he deliberately smell the smell of Xiaoyu's body, but indeed, the smell of Chi Xiaoyu's body

was so fragrant, it smells good.

Just passing by, you can smell it with normal breathing.

Luo Geng walked into the bathroom, took off his clothes, and the ring box in his trouser pocket was also taken out by him and placed in a safe place.

When the bathroom door closed, Xiaoyu turned her head to look there, her face flushed, as if she was drunk.

When Luo Geng was bathing in the bathroom, she sat on the sofa in the living room and watched

the TV, but the TV program did not have any attraction to her, and her thoughts were not on the program at all.

At this time, she stood up and walked to the room

, she opened her suitcase and found her bag, which contained the things her mother had brought herself....

A moment later, she tucked the thing under the pillow....

Chi Xiaoyu didn't understand what he was doing with this precautionary behavior...

But they all already knew that Luo Geng had that meaning, how could she still be indifferent....

After getting ready, Chi Xiaoyu returned to the sofa, and now she couldn't concentrate even more, her eyes glancing in the direction of the bathroom from time to time.

Even when the sound of water stopped, her body trembled and her heart beat faster.


Luo Geng exhaled and walked out of the bathroom, wearing pajamas and wiping his wet hair with a towel, because it was cool, so Luo Geng did not intend to dry it.

Then he stuffed the ring box into the pocket of his pajamas....

Pajamas are already thin and not deep in the pockets, so they are more conspicuous... It's like a big tumor growing on the thigh, so that the blind can't see it....

Luo Geng sat next to Chi Xiaoyu, and both of them were silent, not knowing what to say.

Especially Luo Geng, now his brain is blank, and

the first thing he thinks about is that who is wearing pajamas to propose, he is really more than a little sloppy.

"Hmm..." Luo

Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, and she didn't speak, but Luo Geng glanced at it and saw something that made him raise his eyebrows....

Chi Xiaoyu's pajamas are light-colored and relatively thin, while the underwear she wears now is dark... So it comes out...

"Ahem - it's ten o'clock, time flies so fast..."

Luo Geng coughed to hide his embarrassment, looked at the time and said.

"Hmm... Are you sleepy? Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head, the roots of his ears were red,

thinking that Luo Geng was saying "it's time to go to sleep"....

"I... I'm okay.."

How dare Luo Geng say that he is sleepy, and there is still something in his pocket that he has not dealt with.

In any case, you should always give this thing away tonight to avoid dreaming too much at night.

The two fell silent again, and after a while, Luo Geng suddenly picked up the water cup on the table, took a sip of water, and cleared his throat -

"Ahem... That, Xiaoyu, when I came back, I heard you calling, who are you talking to?

Luo Geng knew that Chi Xiaoyu was on the phone with Bai Yi, and also knew what she said

, he just wanted to use this topic to start, lead to the point of "marriage proposal", and then maybe he could naturally take out the ring....

"Hmm..." Chi Xiaoyu was taken aback, she didn't expect that she was actually exposed when she called

, she didn't know what to do now, should she directly tell Luo Geng that she was on the phone with Bai Yi? Then he would ask himself what they talked about, right?

"In... And Bai Yi..."

"yes, then what did you all talk about?" Luo Geng immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue, and at present, everything is going smoothly according to his plan

, as long as Chi Xiaoyu says what topic he is talking about, he can start acting.

Chi Xiaoyu slowly spoke: "I'm chatting... The thing about our trip..."

Luo Geng didn't expect that Chi Xiaoyu would actually lie to himself... Although it is a trivial matter to lie to him, after all, it must be embarrassing to say this kind of thing,

but there is no way to implement his plan....

"Ahem!" Luo Geng coughed loudly a few times, then sat up straight, he

now knew that it was time for him to be reckless.

"Actually, I'm at the door, I heard everything..."

Chi Xiaoyu's lowered head widened his eyes, and a very panicked look appeared in his eyes.

"I... I didn't mean to lie to you, I'm sorry..." Chi

Xiaoyu quickly raised her head and apologized to Luo Geng, she also knew that her lying was exposed, originally said this kind of thing directly, maybe she would just be

embarrassed, but now it's good, Luo Geng heard it all, he also lied, not only embarrassed, but also made a mistake....

Looking at Luo Geng's serious look, Chi Xiaoyu was anxious, and tears came out directly from his eyes and flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm wrong, don't be angry, I'll never lie to you again..." Chi

Xiaoyu stood up directly, and then knelt down on one knee first, and just when he wanted to kneel down the other side,

Luo Geng quickly stood up and stopped her.

"Eh! What are you doing! Why are you still kneeling, I'm not angry with you! Don't be like this, get up quickly!

Luo Geng quickly picked her up, thinking that this laughing rain was a little too real... The way to apologize is to kneel directly....

Such a family status, Luo Geng can not afford it, if Chi Xiaoyu really kneels down just now, Luo Geng is estimated to suddenly sit up from the bed in the early morning, scolding himself for not being a human while slathing his mouth....

"But... I don't know how to apologize to you.."

Chi Xiaoyu was really scared just now, she was afraid that because she deceived Luo

Geng, she would attract his dissatisfaction, she would not apologize, except for sorry or something, she didn't know what to say at all

, she only knew that Luo Geng must see the sincerity of her apology, so she didn't think so much....

Luo Geng pressed her down on the sofa and said, "I'm really not angry with you, and I won't be allowed to do this next time!" Otherwise I'll be angry! "

Hmm... I know, don't be angry, I won't do this again..." Chi

Xiaoyu quickly nodded, promised

Luo Geng, put his hands on his legs, buried his head, and did not dare to look at Luo Geng's eyes.

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