And Luo Geng didn't expect things to develop like this, he just wanted to lead to that topic, he really didn't blame Chi Xiaoyu for lying.

"You... I heard it, what I said..." After

Chi Xiaoyu calmed down, an embarrassed mood immediately surged up, thinking that what he said was heard by Luo Geng, and the urge to die was there....

Luo Geng nodded and said softly: "Yes, I heard it clearly, I didn't expect that you actually had such an idea."


what to say... Well... You and I really have a tacit understanding, and even ideas can collide..."

Chi Xiaoyu raised his head and stared at Luo Geng's smiling eyes in surprise.

Luo Geng walked to the side and said: "Actually, I went out in the afternoon, I wanted to buy you a gift, it is a birthday gift for you, because of your birthday, I gave you a hair card, which is too hasty."

Chi Xiaoyu quickly stood up and said seriously: "Not sloppy! I like it very much, as long as it is sent by

you, I like it, and I don't need to make up any gifts..." "I know you'll think so, but I also have my thoughts..." Luo Geng turned around, looked at Chi Xiaoyu, and continued: "I'm a person with very low emotional intelligence, I won't make you happy with any rhetoric, I won't have any gentle and considerate behavior to be nice to you, the way I can think of, very stupid, but I hope to express my unspoken feelings..."

You..." Before

Chi Xiaoyu could say anything, he saw Luo Geng reach into his pocket and take out the ring box from it!

"This is..."

He opened the ring box, revealing the diamond ring

, the sparkling diamond, as if it were a star in their love, shining with eternal light.

Luo Geng slowly knelt down on one knee and handed the ring box to Chi Xiaoyu, he stared at her, his eyes full of tenderness and firmness.

Chi Xiaoyu covered her mouth, the shocked look in her eyes could not be concealed

, she immediately wondered, was this a dream?

Did you fall asleep on the couch after taking a shower?

Because the scene in front of her is exactly the scene that will appear in her dreams! How is this scene as if Luo Geng proposed to himself?!

"I know it's a little too early, the proposal or something, we're still very early, we've only been together for no more than two months, but... I can be sure now that in this life, I will determine that you are alone, unless you do not marry!

"Therefore, I don't want anything to happen to make you leave me, you have completely entered my life, you are an indispensable existence in my life, and the more I get along with you, the more I find that I can't do without you."

"For us, marriage or something, a little far away, the difficulties in our relationship are still a little bit of groping, a little overcome, but whether you can have a wedding immediately, or you are willing to marry me after graduating from college, or you want to marry me for a longer time, either way, I will wait for you, so..."

"I hope that I can book the position of your "husband"!!

Luo Geng's words were very firm, with an expectant tone, trying to tell Chi Xiaoyu all his intentions.

Chi Xiaoyu has been listening to Luo Geng's words, she has long been unable to stand

it, in fact, the moment Luo Geng took out the ring, Chi Xiaoyu wanted to say "I do".

Listening to Luo Geng's words, she couldn't control her emotions

, her heartbeat, blood flow became faster, her breathing became rapid

, and a strong sense of happiness spread from the bottom of her heart, all of which showed how excited she was now,

"Why... Why is it always you.... Always one step ahead of me... Clearly... This time I want to be brave and take this step..." Chi

Xiaoyu's voice was very choked, her black eyes were full of tears, and as long as she blinked, it would flow down.

"How so... I think it's clear that you're taking the initiative, I'm so cowardly, that's why I want to pluck up courage this time..." Chi

Xiaoyu interrupted Luo Geng's words and said loudly:

"It's not!" It's me who is cowardly.... I've liked you for so many years, never... Summon up courage, in the end you confess to me... This time too... Why can't you give me a chance..." Luo

Geng slowly stood up and muttered, "Then I take the initiative... Are you not happy?

In the next second, Chi Xiaoyu threw himself directly into Luo Geng's arms and hugged him tightly,

"Happy to die... How afraid I am that this is a dream..." Chi Xiaoyu's hoarse voice whispered in Luo Geng's ear.

Luo Geng smiled and asked softly, "Then, are you willing to accept it..."

Willing..." Luo

Geng took out the ring and slowly put it on Chi Xiaoyu, as if it was tailored for her, the size was suitable, and the temperament was instantly highlighted.


Luo Geng cleared his throat, put his hands on Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders

, looked at her face that still had tear stains, slowly spoke, and said:

"I love you."

These three words were like a bombshell for Chi Xiaoyu, exploding in

her heart, if she could give her heart to Luo Geng, then she would not hesitate.

"I love you too!"

Chi Xiaoyu directly hugged Luo Geng's neck and took the initiative to kiss him on the lips....

When the two lips touched, Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, and then directly hugged her slender waist with his hand and pressed her against the wall.

At this moment, the two forgot the time, the world fell silent, and only the sound of their heartbeats to each other remained....

After a long time, the two separated, breathing rapidly, and looked at each other's confused eyes.

Their faces have begun to heat up and redden, and the restlessness in their hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, directly picked Chi Xiaoyu up, and walked into the room

, in this quiet night, they all burst out of irrepressible emotions...


late at night, Chi Xiaoyu lay in Luo Geng's arms, and looked at Luo Geng, who was sleeping beside her, her face was crimson, and she felt that she was surrounded by happiness at this time.

The moonlight outside the window shone on her fair and translucent skin

, and she raised her hand and looked at the diamond ring that represented love on her hand, and her heart could not be calm for a long time.

Until now, she has not been able to fully digest these happinesses, or in a lifetime.

The relationship with Luo Geng is one step closer, and this is already the best gift for her.

She picked up her mobile phone and glanced at the address book, which was still the location of [Favorite Person] before, and now marked [boyfriend]

, and now, she deleted those three words and replaced them with new three words:


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