Luo Geng slowly opened his eyes, it was already morning, and the sunlight shone on his eyes through the gap in the curtains, making him a little unable to open his eyes.

But the stiffness in his body made him feel a little uncomfortable, so he wanted to move his body.

"Hmm..." But

with this movement, the hand touched something smooth and delicate....


Luo Geng turned his head, what he accidentally touched was Chi Xiaoyu's skin like condensation

, he really couldn't believe that the girl's skin was so good, there was a feeling that he couldn't help but want to touch it all the time....

Luo Geng remembered what happened last night, all this was not a dream, he knew that it was real, but he couldn't believe it, he didn't

feel like he was last night....

It feels like a changed person, and looking back on it this morning, my appearance last night was a little unimaginably wild....

This night, he actually carried out the last step with Chi Xiaoyu

, and Luo Geng's first reaction was, is it really so sloppy?

He originally thought that this kind of moment would be the wedding night, or something more romantic

, but it was such an ordinary, ordinary day, not an anniversary or a holiday, but he proposed to Chi Xiaoyu and made it himself, this grand day.

The mutual feelings of the two of them can no longer bear it, not to mention that Luo Geng is still a man, and he has been single for so long.

He knew that this was not the end of the relationship, but, just beginning....

"I used to cry..." Luo

Geng thought of Chi Xiaoyu's crying appearance last night

, and felt a little distressed, now looking at her sleeping next to him, Luo Geng was a little moved, and couldn't help but want to pity, but Luo

Geng still hoped that Chi Xiaoyu could sleep well, so he didn't wake her up, but carefully got out of bed

, came to the bathroom, and prepared to wash first

, at this time, he suddenly found, In the mirror, there seems to be a bite mark on the shoulder...


He touched his shoulder, it was still a little painful, almost biting and bleeding, it

was hard to imagine that this was such a gentle Chi Xiaoyu bite.

Last night, he was really engaged to Chi Xiaoyu, it was really a little too unrealistic, Luo Geng was still thinking, how to tell this matter to his father and Aunt Ren?

His father must agree, but on Aunt Ren's side, he feels that there should be no big problem, but this kind of big thing will definitely be considered.

Luo Geng returned to the room, stood by the bed, and looked at Chi Xiaoyu's sleeping face, a little out of his mind.


After a moment, Chi Xiaoyu let out a soft snort, and then slowly opened his eyes, but he still didn't have much spirit, and looked at Luo Geng next to him a little blankly.

She watched Luo Geng get dressed, standing and staring at herself, then asked, "Where are you going..." Chi

Xiaoyu, who had just woken up, had a very light and crispy voice, and there was a feeling of weakness.

"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."

Luo Geng bent down, kissed her forehead, and looked at her with a smile.

After Chi Xiaoyu was kissed, it was obvious that he was in a particularly good mood, and asked with a smile: "Are you hungry?" I'll go cook for you..." Luo

Geng sat on the edge of the bed, stroked Chi Xiaoyu's head, and said dotingly: "I'm not hungry, you sleep for a while, don't worry about getting up, we're not going anywhere today, you have a good rest." "

Hmm... Good. Chi Xiaoyu still wants to say something, but the body will not lie

, she is indeed more tired, sleepy, if you get up now, the head will definitely be more uncomfortable, no spirit

, last night she couldn't sleep, lying in Luo Geng's arms and staring at him to sleep, until after six o'clock in the morning, slowly became sleepy, only began to sleep

, until now it has been about 3 hours, still very sleepy.

Luo Geng watched Chi Xiaoyu close his eyes again, he didn't disturb her sleep here, but walked out of the room and let her rest alone.

Luo Geng, who was idle, took out his own drawings and pens, ready to draw new works

, he was not as sloppy as the previous one, he started to draw, casually drawn

, but carefully conceived, sometimes writing and drawing on scratch paper.


At this time, Luo Geng's phone rang, and he picked it up and saw that it was Jia Mo calling.

"Hello? Old Jia? What's wrong? After Luo Geng answered the phone, he asked suspiciously

, he didn't know why Jia Mo was still calling at this time, didn't he already give him enough finished drawings?

"Uh... Nothing, Mr. Luo, sorry to disturb you during your break, this... You also know that as an editor, it's normal to be in constant contact with the author..."

You say, I'm listening.

"This... Teacher Luo, do you have a clue about the content of the new work? This one... I just want to find out. "

Jia Mo's current status, because of Luo Geng's relationship, has grown by leaps and bounds, and there are more and more authors under him, but they can't reach the level of Luo Geng, so Jia Mo still only cares about Luo Geng

alone, after all, he alone can bring himself enough performance to stand up to more than ten people.

"I'll talk about this later, by the way, what did you say about opening a branch in Cheng'an?" I have already found a studio in Cheng'andu, and if I have to send my own manuscripts or something, I am troublesome, so I will find another publishing house recently.

"Don't, don't! I have already mentioned the matter of opening a branch to the president, and it is estimated that it will be implemented soon, but you also know that opening a branch is not a trivial matter, and personnel transfer is also a big problem, this... Therefore, there needs to be enough expectations..." Luo

Geng understood it, it is estimated that his president asked him to ask him about the new work

, otherwise if he can't create it, he will be blind to open a branch for himself.

"Don't worry, I already have a direction, and I will be able to start production soon."

"Really?! That's great! It is worthy of Mr. Luo, does this work continue the style of the previous work? After all, there are many imitators of yours now, and they are booming!

"Ah no, it's a completely different style."

Jia Mo was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Oh oh... That... That's fine, anyway, the works created by Mr. Luo will definitely be more popular.

"Not necessarily, it may not be hot at all, so don't get your hopes up."

"Huh?" Jia Mo was stunned again, and after a few seconds of silence, he spoke: "This... This and this, Teacher Na Luo, let's draw another style like that, it's quite profitable..." Luo

Geng did not speak, looked at the empty ring box on the side, and stared at it for a few seconds.

"No, I have something I want to draw..."

After Luo Geng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, not caring what Jia Mo said again,

and he also wrote the name of the work on the sketch - "Luo Yu".

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