In front of a store, Bai Yi stood here, repeatedly looking at the time on his watch, looking very anxious.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

At this time, Bai Yi heard Wen Shao's voice next to him, looked at him with complaining eyes, and just wanted to say two words to him, but was frightened by his appearance.

"You this... What kind of attire..."

Bai Yi looked Wen Shao up and down, he was wearing a straight suit, a pair of leather shoes, and his hair was combed into an adult's appearance, that is, a big back.

It looks very formal, very business-like, as if going to a large company for an interview

, but in Bai Yi's eyes, wearing it on Wen Shao's body is so out of place?

"Huh? Aren't you going to see your parents today? Didn't you tell me to dress more formally.

Wen Shao didn't understand what Bai Yi meant, this was still his carefully selected and selected outfit, and he ironed his clothes at home for a long time, not to mention oiling his leather shoes.

The hair was also repeatedly treated many times before it was straightened.

"I told you to wear formal is not what I mean, just wear normal clothes, just don't let you wear the set that you wear to play basketball..."

Bai Yi helplessly held his forehead, there was no way to do anything about Wen Shao, a fool.

"Ahhh... Is that what it means, so I'll go back and change a set?

"Forget it, it's too late, let's go shopping first." Bai Yi took Wen Shao's arm and dragged him away directly

, if he waited for him to go back and change his clothes, it would be completely too late.

"But why did your parents suddenly want to see

me..." Bai Yi turned his head and glanced at him, and said angrily: "You still say, blame you, you have to send me downstairs, I said I don't need to send it, this is good, or was seen by my father

..." "I thought you were being polite with me

..." "Alas..." Bai Yi already admired Wen Shao's brain, how could she never have discovered this before, I thought that Wen Shao was just sluggish in terms of feelings, but I didn't expect that he was more slow to treat everything!

The only thing that is not dull is the problem of feeling with others!

"To be honest, you were able to help Luo Geng with advice before, it's really difficult for you." Bai Yi really couldn't believe that Luo Geng could listen to him at the beginning, and people who couldn't even see through his own feelings actually pointed fingers at other people's feelings....

"Hehe, of course, my emotional intelligence is relatively high..."

Bai Yi suddenly thought of something and said to Wen Shao: "Chi Xiaoyu called me yesterday, guess what she said?"

Wen Shao was stunned for a moment and asked, "What?" Invite us to her and Luo Geng's wedding?

"Uh... It's very close, she actually wants to take the initiative to propose to Luo Geng!

"I wipe, really fake?" Is there such a thing?

Wen Shao's eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he reacted with a frightened overreaction, this was really the most shocking thing he had ever heard

, it was obvious that this was a matter in the science fiction world, he was not imaginative enough to imagine it!

"Of course it's true, why lie to you, by the way, I want to know what happened next, can you call Luo Geng when you have time to ask implicitly?"

Bai Yi really wanted to gossip about the progress on their side, and if Chi Xiaoyu really proposed, it would really satisfy her gossip soul.

And Wen Shao was obviously very interested in this matter, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"By the way, did you tell Qi Qianru about this?"

"Don't you mention which pot, she has finally stopped recently, you still want to revive the ashes?"

Bai Yi now hears Qi Qianru, her head hurts, that time when Qi Qianru collapsed, it really made her so tired

, and she had to chat with her, take care of her emotions, and guide her and guide her future

, fortunately, she is now more honest, I heard that she is preparing to re-read, otherwise she will definitely pester herself.

Wen Shao hooked his lips and smiled meaningfully, and said: "I just want to see what kind of expression she will have, eh, if we reveal this matter to her, will she not think about it and die with Chi Xiaoyu?"

"You are really a living Hades, don't you mix their business?" Take care of yourself, wait for what you should say, what you shouldn't say, and count a little in your heart.

Bai Yi really admired Wen Shao for still being able to talk and laugh like this now

, obviously his father had already set up a Hongmen banquet at home, why was he still so calm?

Today seems to be taking his boyfriend to meet his parents, but it is actually a trial, which can make Wen Shao retreat all over, which is a complete victory of the trial.

The two came to the mall to help Wen Shao prepare gifts for the door, because Bai Yi knew that his father liked to drink, so he bought a bottle of good wine, and then bought skin care products for his mother.

Of course, Bai Yi also took money for Wen Shao and let him buy it, after all, these things are not cheap, and Wen Shao himself can't afford it.

Wen Shao did not tell his parents about seeing Bai Yi's parents today, if they did, then they would definitely take money for themselves.

After shopping, Wen Shao carried her things and followed Bai Yi back to her home.

"Remember to look me in the eye and listen to me later." Bai Yi gave Wen Shao one last instruction at the door.

“OK!" Wen Shao swore to give her a gesture, looking confident, but Bai Yi felt that he was so bottomless in his heart?

Bai Yi took out the key, opened the door, and shouted after entering the door: "Dad, mom, I'm back." "

Eh! Xiaoyi is back, come in. A woman hurriedly walked out, with a smile on her face, looking at Bai Yi and Wen Shao who was hiding behind.

Wen Shao cleared his throat, bowed, and shouted, "Cough! Hello uncle! "

See clearly and shout, this is my mother..." Bai Yi pinched Wen Shao's arm, gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Huh?" Wen Shao raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him who was still smiling, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat in embarrassment

, and the confidence he had just built collapsed directly at this moment, and he didn't even step into the threshold....

Bai Yi's mother, Liu Yunfang

, looked at the tall boy in front of him who didn't know what to do, couldn't help but chuckle and said: "It's okay, come in, you are Wen Shao."

Wen Shao nodded and said nervously: "Well, yes! Auntie, this... You and your uncle must be too husband and wife, so I didn't see it.

The corner of Bai Yi's mouth twitched, glared at him, and said,

"I beg you to stop talking."

Wen Shao had to shut up helplessly, put aside the things he bought in his hand, and then took off his shoes and entered the house.

At this time, on the sofa in the living room, sat Bai Yi's father, Bai Linwei

, the mature face of a middle-aged man with a slight wrinkle, as solemn, severe and solid as the earth...

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