Wen Shao now felt uncomfortable, his brain was blank, and his heart was like playing a drum.

He once did have doubts, Beizhou University should not be the best choice for Bai Yi, her grades will definitely be better, but why didn't he find out? Should you have found out when they were together?

There is nothing wrong with saying that you are dull.

"It's not that I don't like you, nor am I deliberately making things difficult for you, I hope you can understand the feelings of being a father."

Bai Linwei looked at Wen Shao's appearance, and his eyes couldn't help but show a little sympathy

, knowing that his mood had changed now, and he could see that he was uncomfortable from his demeanor, and he knew that Wen Shao was not a bad boy.

"I know... Uncle, I can understand..."

Wen Shao lowered his head and said softly.

Originally, he was still wondering, why Bai Yi's father treated him like this, was he really bad?

But now that he understands, it is better to say that if Wen Shao became a father, he would not be willing, Bai Linwei did not blast himself out, which is already a good proof of his quality.

Bai Linwei sighed and said, "If you don't know, it's not you, it's Bai Yi's kid who is too willful, but... After all, that's our most precious daughter, can you understand?


you understand, then..." "

But, uncle! I don't want to give up Baiyi!

Bai Linwei narrowed his eyes, frowned, and said, "What else are you going to do?"

"If I can prove myself, can you give me another chance, a year!" As long as one year is good, and during this period, I will definitely not disturb Bai Yi!

Wen Shao stood up, his eyes firm, staring at Bai Linwei and said seriously.

Bai Linwei was silent for a few seconds, gasped a few times, and said, "Are you preparing to take the exam again?" Do you repeat the college entrance examination? "


"Is there a difference? Are you saying that you can go directly to North Island University from junior college in one year? That's not a few tenths apart! Bai

Linwei didn't want to believe Wen Shao's words, after all, this is a bit of a fool's dream, which genius can leapfrog such a big achievement in one year?

"I'll fight it! Trust me!

Bai Linwei shook his head, took a sip of tea, and said: "That's okay with me, as long as you don't disturb Bai Yi, I believe you or not, is it important?" I told you in advance, if I find out again that you and Bai Yi have dealings during this period, then I will take coercive measures.

"I know, I definitely won't, when I am admitted to Beizhou University, I will look for Bai Yi!"

"This year, Bai Yi is likely to change her mind, after all, after going to college, meeting more excellent people, and experiencing more, you don't remember to hate her at that time."

Wen Shao was stunned for a moment, and then said firmly: "Absolutely not, if Bai Yi is really... Change your mind, have someone else to like... I'm never going to pester her again..."

"Well, that's what you said, the manly husband does what he says."

Bai Linwei nodded, looking at Wen Shao's eyes, and there was a little more appreciation, at least he appreciated his determination and awareness.

As for whether it is lip service or not, he doesn't care, it doesn't matter, as long as he stays away from his daughter at that time, the result will be no worse.

"That... I'll take my leave first, I'm going back and... Parents discuss

..." Wen Shao bowed slowly, after all, the college entrance examination repetition is not a trivial matter, the money to be spent is not a small amount of money, whether the family can agree or not, it is still unknown.

"Ahem!" Bai Linwei raised his voice and coughed twice,

and Liu Yunfang, who was in the kitchen, seemed to hear some signal before opening the door and letting Bai Yi out.

Bai Yi frowned slightly, glanced at her mother, and then quickly walked out

, she just wanted to listen carefully to what the two were talking about, she could hardly hear anything, only heard Wen Shao's words more excited, but still couldn't hear clearly.

It wasn't until she came out that she saw Wen Shao standing at the door, ready to put on her shoes and leave.

"You... Are you leaving?

Bai Yi looked at Wen Shao with a somewhat strange look blankly, and asked suspiciously

, and then looked at Bai Linwei who was sitting on the sofa, he drank tea calmly, as if he didn't care

, but he still said to Bai Yi: "Bai Yi, go and send him."

"This..." Bai Yi didn't know what happened between them, looked at the two, their eyes seemed to be communicating

, Bai Linwei stared into Wen Shao's eyes, and Wen Shao nodded gently, as if he had received some message.

This feeling of being kept in the dark made Bai Yi very annoying, so she wanted to ask after going out!

Bai Yi sent Wen Shao downstairs, she couldn't wait to step forward and asked, "Wen Shao!" What did you and my dad say?

She felt that Wen Shao's current state was very strange, as if she was a little lost, but she couldn't see sadness.

Wen Shao paused and slowly spoke: "Bai Yi..."

"We... Let's separate for the time being..." "..."

This sentence made Bai Yi directly stupid, her heart trembled, and the feeling of pain suddenly surged up, her

eyes widened, her face was full of disbelief, she thought Wen Shao was joking, but looking at his appearance and eyes, it was so serious.

Even when confessing to her, he was not so serious!

"Why... Did my dad say something?! I'll ask him!

Bai Yi clenched his fists and pushed all the responsibility to Bai Linwei, then turned around angrily and wanted to go upstairs to question him.

In the next second, Wen Shao grabbed Bai Yi's wrist and stopped her.

"Uncle didn't say anything... Just, told me something I should know..."

Things that should be known..." Bai Yi stopped, there was a sense of foreboding in her heart, she looked at Wen Shao, and tears had begun to condense in her eyes.

"And, I'm talking about... Temporarily... I want to repeat it, retake it, I want to go to your school, and if I succeed, by then... Let's re..."

Bai Yi interrupted Wen Shao's words: "I understand, it turns out to be like this, I understand, you guys are talking about this, you agree?" You agree to just separate like that, and then you go and re-read?

Her tears flowed from her eyes, she couldn't control them, she bit her lips, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Hmm... I agreed... Rather, this is what I proposed..." Bai

Yi gasped tremblingly, nodded, and said,

"Well... Wen Shao, that... What if you didn't get it? What are you planning? "

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