Bai Yi is not unable to agree to a temporary separation, so he still has hope.

But she didn't expect it, and the answer she got was -

"Then I just... No more delaying you... You deserve better people..." Wen

Shao lowered his head, he had no confidence in speaking, and his voice was relatively hoarse.

"Wen Shao!!"

Suddenly, Bai Yi shouted angrily, making Wen Shao raise his head sharply and look at Bai Yi with a surprised face

, he had never seen Bai Yi angry and angry, and he had never seen her shout regardless of anything.

I saw Bai Yi breathing rapidly, gritting her teeth, blinking her tearful eyes

, she shook her head and said: "Okay, just a few minutes, just a few words, let you abandon me?" Who do you think I'm for! Who did I go to North Island University for?

Wen Shao was also a little emotional, and said loudly: "I know it's for me!" That's why I didn't care! My grades are so bad, your grades are so good, in terms of education and future..."

"..." Bai Yi's rhetorical question made Wen Shao stop abruptly, take a step back, and look at Bai Yi suspiciously,

isn't this important?

Wen Shao asked himself in his heart....

Bai Yi choked up and asked, "When you are with me, do you think that I study well, and do you want me to have any future in the future?"

"This... Of course not..."

"I'm with you, do you care about your grades?" Do you care about your future future? Are you the same as them in your eyes? What is the link between feelings and grades, academic qualifications, and future? Or do you see love and these things as conflict? "


Wen Shao was speechless for a while, looking at Bai Yi in front of him, he felt a little afraid

, at this time there were also unstable fluctuations in his heart, after all, Bai Yi went to Beizhou University for himself,

and now he said that he would temporarily separate, and then if he couldn't pass the exam, he would be permanently separated,

which was undoubtedly abandonment for Bai Yi...

"I tore up the volunteer draft form for applying for Cheng'an University and resolutely went to Beizhou University, that's because I like you, I don't care if the university is good or bad, and I don't care if you are a junior college, I want to be with you, and then you dump me like this now?" I don't need you to have a high IQ, high EQ, ability or anything, I just want you to stand firmly next to me, can't you do such a simple thing? For

Bai Yi, she can ignore anything, because she really likes Wen Shao, although she knows that this is all wrong, this is caused by adolescence, and she will regret it later, which also fails her parents' expectations

, and may even be gossiped, fingered by many people

, but as long as Wen Shao

is by her side, she can get through anything!


Now the only person who supports her, the only reliance she wants, now she has to abandon herself and leave herself alone to face what comes next....

"But... I can't delay you..."

A loud slap hit Wen Shao's

face, Wen Shao covered his face and looked at Bai Yi in shock, he really saw it today, not only saw Bai Yi shouting angrily, but also she slapped herself....

Bai Yi bit his lips out of blood, stared at Wen Shao with a frown, and said,

"Why do you voluntarily think that you will delay me? What are you delaying me again? Give you a high-sounding reason to abandon me? You disappointed me so much, Wen Shao! So be it..." She

turned around and went upstairs without turning her head, leaving Wen Shao standing alone in place, her brain in a mess...

Bai Yi walked into the house, did not even put his shoes on the table, and rushed directly into his

room, "Xiaoyi..." Liu Yunfang stood at the door of Bai Yi's room worriedly, wanting to go in to comfort her, but was stopped by Bai Linwei: "

Leave her alone, let her be alone now..."

After a while, a heart-rending cry came from the room.


Wenshao walked on the street like a walking corpse, and the hairstyle he had carefully prepared was now out of order.

People on the street would sometimes look at him with strange eyes

, but he didn't care at all, he covered his face, he was still hot, but he didn't blame Bai Yi at all, rather, he also thought that Bai Yi hit lightly....

Wen Shao stood in front of a store, and then slowly walked in,

he bought a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of liquor.

In a small alley, he sat on a shabby step, completely disregarding the clean and neat suit he was wearing.


He opened the bottle of liquor, and took a sip, the spiciness of the liquor made him feel even more uncomfortable

, and then he lit himself a cigarette, he wouldn't smoke at all, but... I heard that smoke works well when you are worried

and troubled.... "Shhhhhh

A large cloud of smoke was pumped into his lungs, causing him to cough violently, and

after a while, Wen Shao felt dizzy! It's like I'm going to throw up!

The feeling of this nicotine on his head made him a little unbearable, his head was dizzy, and he couldn't stand up now....

From his pocket, he took out his mobile phone....

After hesitating for a while, he dialed a number....

"Toot—" "

Hey?" Luo Geng's voice came from the other side of the phone

, he didn't know what Wen Shao suddenly called for, anyway, he had the impression that Chinese Shao had hardly called him, and he hadn't looked for himself for a long time.

"Luo Geng..."

Wen Shao's voice was very hoarse, so that Luo Geng on the other side of the phone instantly frowned after hearing it.

"Wen Shao? Is that you? What's wrong with you? Doesn't sound good? What happened?

Luo Geng asked a little anxiously.

The corners of Wen Shao's mouth skimmed a few times, his lips began to tremble, and after a while, a tear fell directly....

After that, there was a series of tears, which could not be stopped! The eyes were like a bucket of leaky water, and tears flowed out indulgently.

He doesn't know how long he hasn't cried, maybe he hasn't cried since he went to junior high school, he hasn't cried for six or seven years, but now, he can't control it at all, his

lips are moving but he can't say a word.

"Hello? Wen Shao? You talk? What's going on?! Luo Geng didn't hear Wen Shao's response, and continued to ask loudly.

Wen Shao slowly raised his hand, took another sharp puff of cigarette

, and then threw it away directly, picked up the liquor next to him and took a sip

, after a few seconds of silence, Wen Shao wiped his tears with his hand, slowly spoke, and his voice choked:

"Brother.. Junior... I missed you..."

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