Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu arrived at the

hotel at six o'clock in the evening and opened the room

, although Luo Geng wanted to lie directly on the bed to rest, because he was really a little tired to toss him like this

, but thinking of Wen Shao's affairs, Luo Geng's heart was still a little worried, so he said to Chi Xiaoyu: "Then I'll go to Wen Shao

first, you..."

Luo Geng felt that it was a little bad to leave Chi Xiaoyu alone in the hotel, but this kind of thing Luo Geng still felt that he should go to

Wen Shao himself, after all, if Wen Shao cried with a handful of snot and tears, Chi Xiaoyu should be very embarrassed if he was there.

And Chi Xiaoyu didn't wait for him to finish, so he nodded and said,

"You go, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Uh.... Well, good.

Luo Geng walked out of the hotel, called Wen Shao, and called Wen Shao outside.

At this time, Wen Shao was sitting alone on the court in the park, on the bench where he and Bai Yi had established a relationship, holding a wine bottle in his hand, like an alcoholic, the ground was full of cigarette butts, and he was also muddy, as if he was drunk.

Hearing the ringing of the mobile phone, he quickly took out the mobile phone and saw that it was Luo Geng calling, but his eyes were a little lost,

"What am I expecting?"

Wen Shao muttered, of course he was looking forward to whether it would be Bai Yi calling

, his current mood is very complicated, obviously he said it himself, to temporarily separate, but also proposed by himself, why is there really no news from Bai Yi now, it will be so uncomfortable?

Now it's only half a day, how can such a state last for a year?

He wanted to take the initiative to call Bai Yi to explain, but in addition to not daring, he also went against what he said.


Wen Shao picked up the phone, his voice was very hoarse and a little weak.

"Hello? Where is it?


You're so humorous, I'm back, where are you, I'll go find you."

When Wen Shao heard the news of Luo Geng's return, his eyes lit up and leaned on the back of the bench.

"In places where I often play..."

"Got it, right away."

Luo Geng hung up the phone, and then walked towards the park, it sounded that he should not have done anything stupid, did not make any mistakes, after all, sadness is sad, but Wen Shao is not the kind of person who can't control his emotions.

A moment later, Wen Shao saw a person standing in front of him, and when he raised his head, he saw Luo Geng standing in front of him, Luo Geng

holding a bottle of wine in his hand, looking down at Wen Shao's face at this time, he couldn't help but shake his head.

He sat down, opened the bottle of wine, took a sip, and said: "What a spectacle, it turns out that you were like this when you fell out of love.

"What for... I came to see me to joke..." Wen Shao glanced at Luo Geng and said angrily.

"I mean that, but the main thing is to help you."

"Help me?"

Wen Shao didn't know what Luo Geng meant by this, he didn't know what to do now, how could Luo Geng help himself?

Besides, what does he mean by help? Is it to help yourself out of the shadow of lost love or help yourself reconcile?

"Why do you sigh like this, isn't it something you decide yourself? So shouldn't you study hard now and strive for success?

Wen Shao also understood this truth, but when he thought of Bai Yi's attitude in the end, he was afraid.

"But... Bai Yi has already..." "

Isn't this normal? It's impossible for her to pat you on the shoulder and say things like "Come on, then listen to you, let's divide it now", right? Isn't it normal for her to have angry emotions?

"This pours... It's also..."

Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao, shook his head and said, "And you yourself don't plan to keep your promise at all, right?" I see that you are just in a hurry, this year you dare to say that you will never find Bai Yi once? Or is Bai Yi really empathizing in this year, and you really don't care?

"Of course... Be... Impossible.

He knew how he could bear not to look for Bai Yi, and in this afternoon, he had hesitated to call Bai Yi more than a hundred times.

And if Bai Yi really empathized with him, then he knew that he would definitely be ten times more uncomfortable than now.

That is really his own hand to push Bai Yi away and pushed into the arms of others, it is estimated that he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Bai Yi is right, your study and love are not in conflict, if there is a conflict, it does not prove that you have a problem with self-control."

"I do have a problem with self-control..." Wen

Shao knew that Luo Geng was right, otherwise he would not have been affected by his comics....

Obviously, the college entrance examination was already in front of me at that time, and I couldn't control my desire to read comics.

Just like studying and falling in love, Wen Shao dares to admit that if Bai Yi comes with news while studying, then he will definitely throw the books aside and forget all about learning.

And Luo Geng also believes that the most powerful thing at this point should be Chi Xiaoyu

, anything that conflicts with learning has been resolved by her efforts, if not genius enough, then just work hard enough.

He just relied on eating the old book of his previous life to do well, not

a genius, and he didn't work hard enough, and Luo Geng thought that Chi Xiaoyu was a genius, and the most terrifying thing was her kind of genius, a genius who worked hard.

Luo Geng said lightly: "So you think, you can repeat the college entrance examination, you can study hard, or you can also temporarily not contact Bai Yi and concentrate on preparing for the exam, I think she can understand, why do it?"

"My self-control is already poor... I thought, if I want to concentrate on my studies, I can't help but do it this way.

"If you are willing, then this is not good, you can concentrate on studying, there are many things to bet, bet that you can be inscribed on the gold list, bet that you will not find Bai Yi again during this period, bet that Bai Yi will not empathize with each other in this year, anyway, these three are not 100% sure of things

..." When Wen Shao heard this, he quickly shook his head and said: "I'm not willing..."

Luo Geng smiled gratifyingly, then stood up and patted Wen Shao's shoulder.

"Unwillingly, then what are you worried about?"

Wen Shao raised his head and looked at Luo Geng with some puzzlement

, "This I have to praise my family Xiaoyu, if you want to do a lot of things, or study and love, family want to take care of both, then why not work harder?" Take some perseverance? Even if you will lose a few hours of sleep, you will not have time to play ball, you will not have time to read comics, but the results you get in the end will definitely not make you regret it. To

be honest, Wen Shao didn't listen too carefully, but there was one sentence he did hear clearly....

"I suspect you're here to show off your family's Chi Xiaoyu..."

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