
Luo Geng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and chuckled, and did not deny that he had the element of showing off.

With such a girlfriend, who doesn't want to show off? I can't wait to share this feeling with everyone.

Wen Shao stopped the word "envy", he sighed and said: "Alas, I understand, I understand, I take the initiative to talk to Bai Yi, right?"

Luo Geng pressed his shoulder, prevented him from taking out his mobile phone, shook his head and said:

"Pull down, look at your current state, muddy, drunk, what good things can you say?" And it's easier to be impulsive at night, try not to make decisions at night, or wait for the next morning, when you are a little more sober to talk.

Wen Shao was stunned for a moment, looked at Luo Geng, and muttered: "Then now..."

It is estimated that I am not in the mood to eat, go, what do you want to eat, what you want to play, I will treat and accompany you throughout the process.

Luo Geng grabbed his arm and pulled him up

, since the enlightenment was over, then the next thing was a simple distraction.

At least after the enlightenment, Wen Shao's mood can be much better, otherwise he may not be able to eat anything and don't want to play anything.

Wen Shao looked at Luo Geng's back, laughed a few times, and said

: "Alas, brother, what if I don't have you, it's a pity, you're a man..." Luo

Geng only felt a coldness in his back, quickly spread his hand, turned his head and looked at him with a look of horror:

"Ang?!" You kid won't bend into mosquito coils, right? Your idea is very dangerous, I will really be angry if you say this kind of thing again. "



The door handle of the room was pressed, the door was slowly opened, Liu Yunfang quickly looked in that direction, and saw Bai Yi slowly walking out.

Her eyes were red, no wonder, first she cried for a long time, and then cried softly for a long time, and her eyes were swollen with tears.

Bai Linwei just shook his head helplessly, and didn't say anything

, Liu Yunfang stood up, walked to Bai Yi's side, and said, "Xiaoyi... Are you hungry, come and eat? "

Nope... Mom, I went out for a walk.

Bai Yi shook her head in refusal, then walked to the door and put on her shoes.

"This..." Before

she could say anything, Bai Yi walked out the door directly and closed it.

Liu Yunfang turned her head to look at Bai Linwei, her eyes widened, Bai Linwei was stunned and blinked.

"Do you see the good things you do? I tell you, if something happens to Xiaoyi, I can't spare you!"

Liu Yunfang pointed at Bai Lin and shouted.

She colluded with Bai Linwei to let him chat with Wen Shao alone, but how did she know that this cost was so great, her precious daughter cried in the room for so long, and her heart was about to break listening to the sound.

She wanted to rush into the room more than once and tell Bai Yi that she could be with that Wen Shao, as long as she didn't cry, but Bai Linwei stopped her.


Bai Linwei sighed, how could he not feel sorry for his daughter

, he had never let them worry since he was a child, whether it was in terms of learning or conduct, they were very satisfied, how could such a child not love it.

But the more he loves, the more he can't bear to watch his daughter being taken away by others like this, especially he also knows that love at this age is unlikely to blossom

, and the first love can go to the end of love, not nothing, very few, most people have not experienced several loves, it is difficult to go to the end with a person.

It stands to reason that he will be a college student right away, and it is normal to fall in love at this time, and it is normal to break up afterwards.

But Bai Linwei just didn't want her to experience the sadness of breaking up

, and he came up and asked Wen Shao, how long did they deal with each other, and the result was less than a month?

Bai Linwei thought that they had no feelings at all, even if they broke up like this, they shouldn't be too uncomfortable, right?

Who knew that this stamina was so great, he had never seen Bai Yi cry for so long.

Isn't it less than a month? Is there such an inseparable relationship?

He really didn't understand the young man's feelings for his first love, after all, it was too far away for him....

Bai Yi left home and walked on the street, looking at the night scene in the sky, with a somewhat complicated mood.

I have been looking forward to being with Wen Shao for a long time, but now, it seems that everything has become an ethereal existence.

It was as if the previous experience was like a dream, but it was just a little longer than the average dream.

She really didn't expect that she would break up like this, she knew this earlier, and she applied for Cheng'an University in the first place....

"Alas, I'm still too immature, I made such a decision, I am to blame, why blame Wen Shao?"

Bai Yi knew that her behavior was very immature and insensible, and she did it voluntarily, and

now that Wen Shao was blamed, Bai Yi was also a little careless.

"At the beginning, I also advised Ruru, talk with friends, come out to relax, it will be better, what qualifications do I have to say such things now, crying in the room for so long, isn't it the same as her..." Bai

Yi rubbed her somewhat swollen eyes, walking aimlessly

, but she was still awake relatively quickly, crying for several hours and now she also actively wants to come out to relax.


Bai Yi took out his mobile phone, thinking about whether he should talk to a friend, at this time, he always wanted to find someone who could talk to.

However, she looked through the address book, although she saved a lot of friends' phones, but they are not the kind of friends who can chat about these words

, as if although the meeting will normally greet and chat, there are important things will call, but usually will not make small talk

, such a relationship, call over, and complain to them, is it appropriate?

The only person who was suitable was Qi Qianru, but Bai Yi didn't want to disturb her.

"Eh..." Bai

Yi saw the [Chi Xiaoyu] who called yesterday in the call record.

Although Bai Yi knew that her relationship with Chi Xiaoyu was just an ordinary friend, not to the point of small talk, but yesterday she did call herself to talk about those things.

Maybe... Now I can talk to her myself.

After all, Bai Yi turned over, so only Chi Xiaoyu was more suitable.

"Ahem..." Bai

Yi cleared his throat, and then called Chi Xiaoyu.

After ringing a few times, the phone was connected, and Chi Xiaoyu's voice came from the other side:

"Hello? Baiyi?

"Well, it's me, laughing rain you now... Are you free?

Chi Xiaoyu did not hesitate and said, "Are you free?" Do you want to talk to me? Do you need me to find you?

"Yes.... Huh? Looking for me? Aren't you traveling with Luo Geng?

Bai Yi didn't react for a while, she was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled

, and she also wondered why Chi Xiaoyu was very active, as if she knew that she needed someone to chat now.

"We came back today, Luo Geng went out to find... Uh.."

Although Chi Xiaoyu did not say it, Bai Yi also guessed that Luo Geng went to find

Wen Shao, and this time she figured it out, it seems that Wen Shao has already found Luo Geng.

That said, Chi Xiaoyu should already know what happened between them.

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