"Hmm... If you can, then come out and talk..." Bai

Yi pursed his lips, thinking that Wen Shao now had Luo Geng to chat with him, then he was uncomfortable here alone, it was better to find someone to talk to.

"Okay... Well... I'm going to ask Luo Geng first..."

"Well, good."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Xiaoyu called Luo Geng and said that Bai Yi had found him.

And although Luo Geng was a little surprised, why Bai Yi would find Chi Xiaoyu, she still agreed to let Chi Xiaoyu accompany

her, after all, she should be very uncomfortable now, but compared with Wen Shao, she can control her emotions more and may be calmer.

Chi Xiaoyu and Bai Yi agreed to be in a tea restaurant

, and when Chi Xiaoyu arrived, Bai Yi was already sitting against the window, looking out the window.

"Long wait."

Chi Xiaoyu walked over and sat opposite Bai Yi, which pulled her thoughts back.

"Ah, Xiaoyu, you're here."

Bai Yi ordered a cup of tea and pushed Chi

Xiaoyu over, Chi Xiaoyu looked at her eyes, and could see that she had been crying for a long time, her eyes were swollen and red, and her eyes were also full of loneliness.

Seeing such Bai Yi, Chi Xiaoyu kind of remembered Qi Qianru at that time, and when she ate last time, she also saw her appearance of crying for Luo Geng for a long time, indeed very haggard and pitiful

, but at that time, her heart was very refreshing, the grapes she couldn't eat, she ate it, especially sweet.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Bai Yi and asked softly, "Then... What are you going to talk to me about?

Bai Yi nodded and said, "You know about me and Wen Shao."

"Well, Luo Geng told me."

"What do you think... Am I doing something wrong? "

Huh?" Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, I don't know why Bai Yi asked like this

, she also thought that Bai Yi had found herself to spit bitter water and complain about Wen Shao, how could she think that she had done something wrong?

"Actually... I'm not easy to say, but I think Wen Shao definitely doesn't really want to part with you, otherwise he wouldn't be so sad. "

He... Sad? Bai Yi didn't know what Wen Shao was like now, she only knew that she was very uncomfortable.

"Yes, listening to Luo Geng, when he called, he cried... Luo Geng was afraid that he couldn't think about it, so he rushed back immediately..."

I haven't seen it, I'm a little curious..." Bai Yi was muttering in a low voice, she did have a great curiosity about Wen Shao's crying, and wanted to see it with her own eyes.

Bai Yi lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "But such a big matter, he at least had to discuss it with me in advance, and couldn't help but decide, he didn't intend to consider my thoughts at all, he just informed me, what is the difference between this and being dumped..." Bai Yi's

hands were on the table, his hands were clasped, and his fingers were scratching hard, fortunately there were no long nails, otherwise he would definitely pick the blood.

Chi Xiaoyu put his hand on Bai Yi's hand and said, "I think he must have lacked consideration, you still have to calm down and communicate with each other again."

Bai Yi didn't listen attentively, because his attention was attracted by the shiny diamond ring in Chi Xiaoyu's hand!

"Uh..." Bai

Yi's eyes were straight, staring at the diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's hand, her mouth was slightly open, and she couldn't close it in surprise

, wearing a diamond ring on her middle finger, everyone knows what this means, but Bai Yi really never expected ah, she originally thought that Chi Xiaoyu called and said that the marriage proposal was a joke, and the result ... Today... Worn?

"Actually, I think that between two people, it is still necessary to..." "

Wait! Laughing rain... I want to put these things aside for a while... This..." Bai Yi interrupted Chi Xiaoyu's words, and then pointed to the diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger, with a desire to explore the story in his eyes.

"Ahhh... This one... Actually, it's quite a coincidence, after hanging up with you yesterday... At night... Luo Geng proposed to me..." Chi

Xiaoyu could still remember the events of last night, and a faint blush appeared on both cheeks, and he said in a thoughtful manner.


Bai Yi gasped, she really heard something that shocked her for a whole year.

That Luo Geng actually proposed to Chi Xiaoyu?

Both are nine years of compulsory education and the same high school, why is he so prominent?

When the classmates were still playing games in the Internet café and drinking and having fun with friends at this time, TMD Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were engaged?

Bai Yi admired Luo Geng very much at this time, he really deserved to be a cartoonist, and what he did was also such science fiction, except in novels and comics, it really couldn't be easily realized.

"Can you... Tell me more about it... I think... Belch... Take a look. Bai

Yi wanted to know the cause and effect, what made them travel for two or three days, and then changed from boyfriend and girlfriend to fiancé?

This is faster than riding a rocket?

Therefore, Chi Xiaoyu originally came to listen to Bai Yi talk about the matter between them, but now it has become that he talks about what happened between him and Luo Geng.

A moment later, Bai Yi listened to Chi Xiaoyu talk about their experience in the past two or three days, and after listening to it, he frowned, still confused....

She wondered if she had heard things for years?

Isn't this happening at the right rate?

It's a bit of a headless feeling....

Why are you still buying sheets and bedding one second, and the next second... Got a marriage proposal?

Are you sure that tens of thousands of words have not been omitted in the middle?

Or didn't tell yourself? Let yourself imagine?

She now wondered what the mental activities of the two of them were like at that time, and just listening to what they did, she couldn't experience that feeling at all.

"My God, is he really Luo Geng? How do you feel, it's not the same as I remembered at all?

Bai leaned on the chair and smacked her tongue, she really couldn't imagine that this Luo Geng now was the same person as Luo Geng who used to follow Qi Qianru in her mind.

It was as if he had secretly evolved without everyone.

Bai Yi looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, and when he said Luo Geng, his eyes were full of love, as if he could imagine what happened at that time, completely surrounded by happiness! Even Bai Yi could feel it....

Although this was asked by Bai Yi on her own initiative, she listened to what Chi Xiaoyu told herself just now, and many parts seemed to deliberately exaggerate Luo Geng, saying that Luo Geng was so good and perfect.

Bai Yidu suspected that Chi Xiaoyu was a little showing off her family Luo Geng...

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