Bai Yi listened to what Chi Xiaoyu said, and was even more distressed, always feeling that good relationships

are other people's families, boyfriends are not as good as other people's boyfriends, and they are not as good as other people's girlfriends

, she sighed and asked: "You say, do I really like Wen Shao?" Chi

Xiaoyu heard Bai Yi say this, a little unclear, so, how could he question this kind of thing at this time?

If you really don't like it, how can you cry like this for him?

"This is undoubted, I must like it..." Chi Xiaoyu nodded and answered her.

Bai Yi looked at Chi Xiaoyu seriously and said, "But... I can't do it like you, I don't think you will quarrel with Luo Geng, you won't be angry with him, I think you really like that, right?

"Uh...? I?

Chi Xiaoyu pointed to herself with some incomprehension, she even wondered if she had heard wrong, she

really liked this?

There is no doubt that she likes Luo Geng very much, but they are together because Luo Geng does not care about his shortcomings and is very tolerant of himself

, otherwise, who can stand his almost morbid like?

Although he really won't quarrel with Luo Geng, this doesn't mean that he really likes it....

Anyway, Chi Xiaoyu felt that if he liked it like this, it would definitely not work on Bai Yi's body.

"Don't doubt it, you must really like him, what do you really like, whether you like it or not only you know, everyone is different, it is impossible to compare."

Chi Xiaoyu comforted Bai Yi, and then said softly: "If you face the thoughts that Wen Shao did not say, just tell me first, it will be better to say it." "


Bai Yi raised her head and looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the other side, a flash of expectation flashed in her eyes

, of course she knew that it would be better to say it, but how difficult it should be to say it, if everyone can frankly tell their feelings, then there is no such thing as a secret love in the world.

However, Bai Yi couldn't say it in the face of Wen Shao, but he could still talk about it with Chi Xiaoyu.

It's certainly a good thing that someone can listen to their own distress.

"Of course it's true, I'm here to chat with you, isn't it just to hear your thoughts?" Although I can't help much, it's okay to listen to your complaints.


Bai Yi nodded, was silent for a while, and slowly spoke: "Actually... I didn't blame Wen Shao much either, because I knew... He is also for me, my father must have said a lot of difficult things for him, he was not discouraged or gave up, but rose to the challenge, I know..."

Why are you still angry with him? "

Just like Bai Yi said, Wen Shao is all for her, not wanting to separate from her,

so is Bai Yi's reaction a little too extreme?

"I... I was just angry... Because he said that if he didn't get the exam, he would really break up with me, which made me a little unacceptable, and he repeatedly said what delayed me and delayed me, I think this is the point that makes me most angry..."

"We just graduated from high school, there is still a long way to go, no one knows what it will be like in the future, and I may not really be better than him, but he is telling me now, delaying me?" It was not a college entrance examination transcript that decided that his life was doomed to nothing.

"No matter what the difficulty, he should discuss with me, we can solve it together, face it together, he wants to repeat it, I can also teach him to study when I have time, not once, the second time and the third time, if you want a diploma, when can you take the exam?"

"But he made his own decision, and then unilaterally informed me, which made me very incomprehensible, how in this world there are so many marriages that parents are satisfied with, but is this unsolvable?" I think this is a small thing compared to the problems in life that will be faced in the future, if such problems are worth such a big effort, even if they are really together in the future, how to deal with so many more difficult things..." Chi

Xiaoyu listened silently opposite Bai Yi, laughed bitterly, and secretly thought: "I didn't expect it to explode at one point..." Bai Yi

, who couldn't say anything just now, has now told all the troubles in her heart, And there was no sign of stopping at all, as if these things had been holding back in her heart for a long time.


So I think Wen Shao didn't do the most basic communication at all...]


Luo Geng hung up the phone in his hand, and Bai Yi's voice on the phone stopped abruptly, and in front of Luo Geng

, Wen Shao was still listening to the words just now, falling into deep thought.

"Did you hear everything?"

Luo Geng looked at the few minutes of call with Chi Xiaoyu on his mobile phone screen, then turned off his mobile phone and put it back in his pocket.

A few minutes ago, Chi Xiaoyu quietly called Luo Geng, but there was no attention to them, but chatted normally

, Wen Shao thought that he had touched it, but Luo Geng immediately understood what Chi Xiaoyu meant

, especially when she said: "You face the thoughts that Wen Shao did not say, just tell me first."

This sentence let Luo Geng know that this was to let Wen Shao hear Bai Yi's thoughts, so he turned on the hands-free.

As Bai Yi said his thoughts in this sentence, Wen Shao listened carefully, did not say a word, and was silent.

Luo Geng didn't know what he thought, but he could also know that he must have felt something.

"Just like Bai Yi said, this is just a very small thing that you have encountered in your long life, if you feel that it is a bit troublesome to solve alone, why not find Bai Yi to help you?" It's better for two people to solve together than for one, right?

Wen Shao nodded slightly, and slowly spoke: "It's that I think too much, thinking that I can take everything on myself

..." "That's it, and where are you, it's just beginning, I'm at your age, still..."

What do you say, aren't you the same age as me? Wen Shao looked at Luo Geng suspiciously and muttered.

"Ahem, well, yes."

"But can I really do it?" Wen Shao is still a little doubtful of himself, what level he is, how many pounds and taels, he still has a number

, and Bai Yi's rank is too different, and he doesn't blame him for not being confident.

Luo Geng nodded, patted Wen Shao's shoulder, and said: "Of course, the study of anti-inflammatory, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, do not bully the young and poor, people will always come out if they don't die!" "

Anti-inflammatory...? Are you inflamed? "

“... Why do you care so much, now you already have a number in your heart, right? How to solve this problem?

Wen Shao took a deep breath, slowly spit it out, and said,

"Well, don't worry."

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