Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's

luggage upstairs and sent her

home, Ren Lan went to work, there was no one at home, Luo Geng also sat at Chi Xiaoyu's house for a while,

"This... How to explain it to Aunt Ren?

Luo Geng held Chi Xiaoyu's hand and pointed to the diamond ring on her hand.

He is now a little afraid that Ren Lan will not agree, feel that it is too early or feel that it is not good to send such an expensive thing, and he is afraid that she will come to his house with Chi Xiaoyu to return the ring, which is really a bit difficult.

"Just say it bluntly, there is no need to explain anything..." Chi

Xiaoyu was not worried at all, her own mother, she knew very well, she liked Luo Geng very much, and she didn't need to worry that she would disagree.

"Is that okay?"

"Of course you can, rest assured, nothing like Wen Shao will happen."

Chi Xiaoyu comforted Luo Geng, she knew that Luo Geng was afraid that she would be disagreed by her parents like Wen Shao,

but such a worry was not necessary.

In the evening, Ren Lan returned home from work, saw the shoes at the door, and shouted into the house:

"Xiaoyu, are you back?"

Chi Xiaoyu poked his head out of the room, nodded and said, "Well, I came back this morning."

"What about Xiao Geng? Didn't come?

"He just left and went home."

"Gone? Why didn't you leave him for dinner? Afraid of me? Ren

Lan chuckled, although he is a relatively enlightened parent, but he is also Chi Xiaoyu's mother

, Luo Geng will still have some scruples, after all, it seems a little strange to make out with her daughter in front of people's mothers.

"He's going back to take care of Uncle Luo."

"Also, your Uncle Luo probably wants Xiao Geng in the past two days, let them father and son have a good chat."

Ren Lan looked at Chi Xiaoyu's body as he walked out of the room, and glanced up and down, but he still saw the diamond ring on his finger for the first time!

Ren Lan raised his chin, looked at the diamond ring, and asked, "Xiao Geng sent you?" "

You found out..."

"It's all reflected... It's hard not to see. "The light was on in the room, and the light hit the diamond ring, shining with a faint light, and there was something glowing on the finger, which was so attention-grabbing.

"Yes... Luo Geng sent me... He..."

Ren Lan interrupted Chi Xiaoyu's words and asked with some surprise, "You guys are getting married?!"

Chi Xiaoyu quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no!" He just... It was just a proposal to me, but... Haven't decided on anything about marriage yet..."

"Really? Got a marriage proposal? Gee! You see Xiao Geng's child, better than his father.

Ren Lan smacked her lips and sighed a little, but this was still a very shocking thing for her.

Time passed in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, Xiaoyu was engaged? This is also too fast.

Ren Lan casually looked at the portrait on the cabinet, it was Chi Xiaoyu's father

, Ren Lan thought to himself, if he was still there, it is estimated that Chi Xiaoyu would definitely not be allowed to get engaged so early....

"Don't wear it after you go to college, and then lose it."

Ren Lan reminded Chi Xiaoyu, after all, a college student, wearing a diamond ring on his hand, is really a little eye-catching

, someone wants to steal it is not sure, every day wearing it and shaking, it will definitely be targeted.


Xiaoyu did not reply, but lowered her head and looked at the diamond ring on her hand

, she didn't want to take it off, if she could, she also wanted to wear it in college, if the school rules allowed....

Otherwise, others know that she is Luo Geng's fiancée?!

"Come on, tell your mother about it."

Ren Lan pulled Chi Xiaoyu to the sofa, wanting to hear what happened,

but compared to Chi Xiaoyu's family,

Luo Geng's family seemed to have a different style.

At the table, Luo Geng and Luo Yongfu were eating, and Luo Geng said coldly:

"Dad, I proposed to Xiaoyu, and she agreed."

Luo Yongfu nodded calmly and said, "Niu, you have the style of your old man. "


"Fake, not as powerful as your Laozi, you are 20 years old this year, I am 40 years old this year, by the way, I was born when your grandfather was 18 years old, you can do it yourself."

"You didn't go to college, didn't you... I can't take my kids to college, can I?

Luo Yongfu snorted coldly: "If you really want to be born, you still want to bring it?" If you want to be beautiful, it must be me with it! From a young age, you have to let the child know that grandpa is the best!

"Really fake? Will you bring children?

Luo Yongfu patted Luo Geng's head and said angrily: "It's not... So why didn't you grow up? Are you missing arms and legs? I didn't bring you a big drop, did I?

Luo Yongfu's words made Luo Geng stunned for a moment, and then smiled slightly

, he remembered when Luo Yongfu raised him hard, and now that he has grown up, it is time to raise him.

"Dad, come with me to Cheng'an, live there."

Luo Geng hopes that he can also go to Cheng'an with himself, so that at least he can see it if he wants, and not only during winter and summer vacations.

"Pull down, it's good that I stay here with your Aunt Ren, you will be able to learn from you, leave me alone."

Luo Geng did not give up and continued: "Of course, you and Aunt Ren came together, I will rent a house for you, you don't have to go to work, I will give you money."

Luo Yongfu chewed the contents of his mouth, shook his head, and said:

"Good boy, we are not paralyzed again, pointing to you to raise us, I have lived in this house for almost 10 years, I am reluctant to go, I am prone to fire when I get over there, I can't sleep, forget it."

Luo Geng sighed, he knew that he was a stubborn father who couldn't persuade him,

"Are you afraid of causing me trouble?" I still

don't want to spend my money..." "No, I just don't want to toss it, why am I pretentious, I dragged my family with me last school, and I came back after a vacation."

Luo Yongfu pointed to his prosthesis, indicating that he was also a disabled person after all and

did not want to toss, but Luo Geng could also understand his father, whether he was afraid of causing trouble to himself, or did not want to toss, or just wanted to be with Aunt Ren, it was almost the reason for him to reject himself.

Luo Geng shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and said: "Alas, okay, then you keep the card number for me, and I will give you money when the time comes."

"Don't, you keep it for yourself to spend, I'm not short of money to spend."

As a result, Luo Yongfu still waved his hand and rejected Luo Geng.

"Why are you polite to me... I can't do anything about my

filial piety..." "You just listen to me, this is the greatest filial piety, keep the money, give more Xiaoyu flowers, don't worry about me, I have a salary, a subsistence allowance, a house to live in, don't worry about food and clothing, you go to school outside, there are more places to spend money."

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