Summer vacation is quietly passing, and all the students who are about to start school are trying to grab the tail of summer and enjoy the last vacation time

, and for those who are about to enter college, they are looking forward to the university life that will start soon.

"I said, Daddy, are you really not going to come with me?"

Luo Geng asked Luo Yongfu again, I don't know how many times he asked during the summer vacation, but the answer was the same every time.

"Don't go, you hurry up and pack your luggage for tomorrow, don't cause trouble to Xiaoyu."

Luo Yongfu urged Luo Geng, because they were leaving tomorrow, and Luo Geng had already bought the plane ticket.

During this period, the two of them lived relatively dull, Luo Geng was studying new works, and the drafts he drew were also shown to Jia Mo.

And Chi Xiaoyu chose to accompany Ren Lan more, after all, he was about to leave home to go to school, and Chi Xiaoyu was also a little reluctant.

Luo Geng also persuaded Ren Lan, hoping to persuade her, and then let her persuade her father, but they all had the same idea, just not to leave.

Although this has been for nearly a month, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu have often met, but they are only a simple activity of taking a walk together and going out to eat

, although it is no different from before, but Luo Geng is unwilling!

After all, the two had already had that kind of relationship, and Na Luogeng was thinking about the second and third times....

But it seems that except for the first time, there is no more, he can't find a chance, and he is embarrassed to speak.

The first time was my own marriage proposal, the atmosphere arrived, let it be

, but this atmosphere is never found! You can't ask for it again, can you?

The only time I had a chance, I turned out to be ruined by that damn menstrual period!

Luo Geng thought that he had finally transformed from a love brain to an old color batch.

However, Luo Geng still had to defend himself, he did not admit that he was an old color critic, because he was not old at all.

He is not in a hurry, anyway, when school starts, he will live with Chi Xiaoyu....

Luo Geng packed his luggage, lay on the bed, and chatted with Chi Xiaoyu on the phone.

Until Luo Geng heard Chi Xiaoyu's slight and even breathing sound on the other side of the phone, knowing that she was asleep, he hung up the phone and slept himself.

The next day, Luo Geng got up early, washed and changed his clothes, and sat on the sofa waiting for the time to leave.


At this time, there was a knock on the door, Luo Geng stood up, walked to the door to open the door,

and standing at the door was Qin Qiao, who was carrying a suitcase and dressed as if he was going to travel.

"Good morning, Boss Luo!"

Qin Qiao saluted Luo Geng and greeted him with a smile, Luo Geng

glanced at Qin Qiao up and down, almost all of them were wearing new clothes, and they were famous brands, and it was estimated that the wages he paid were almost squandered, typical moonshine people.

"Well, let's wait for a while, it's still early before departure."

Luo Geng let Qin Qiao come first, Qin Qiao nodded, and then picked up the suitcase with both hands and stepped over the threshold with difficulty.

"What did you take?" Is it that heavy?

Luo Geng frowned, looking at her suitcase as if it was about to explode, and it might be easy to explode if it slammed.

"It's fine, except for work tools, toiletries, messy things... And dozens of clothes.

Qin Qiao scratched his head awkwardly, there was indeed a bit too much.

"What about Lao Jia?"

"Oh, my cousin went to Cheng'an a few days ago to study the affairs of the branch..." Qin Qiao whispered after approaching Luo Geng: "I heard... He was also promoted to deputy editor of the constituent society!

"So soon? Well..." Luo Geng was a little surprised, thinking that in his previous life, Jia Mo only got into the position of deputy editor in his thirties, but he didn't expect that because of himself, he was several years ahead of schedule.

Obviously he was just a newcomer a few months ago, and this promotion speed is really thanks to taking him to fly.

"Oh yes, I have to inform you of one thing in advance."

Luo Geng sat down, looked at Qin Qiao, and said seriously: "The studio is ready, the next new work does not need such high-intensity work, there is not so much work, so regarding your salary, it must be reduced with the decrease of workload."

"Uh... Teacher Luo, is there a first draft of the new work? I want to see. "

Qin Qiao did not pay attention to the salary matter at the first time, but still paid attention to the new work.

Luo Geng opened his bag, the suitcase was full of luggage, and he also had a school bag that specially put comic things.

He took out the manuscript of the new work and handed it to Qin Qiao.

After she took it, she looked at it seriously, her eyes swept over every square, and there was a look of surprise in her eyes from time to time.

"Teacher Luo! This is good wow! I feel like this will definitely catch fire!

Qin Qiao looked at Luo Geng excitedly, her eyes lit up, she thought that this was a good comic and a good work in her mind.

But Luo Geng didn't care, after all, Qin Qiao

thought that the last work was not good, but the market was hot, she thought that this was good, but it was just her personal preference

, after all, romance things are more attractive to her than what other world dragon Aotian is.

The market audience of the previous film may account for as much as 90% of male readers, so the female readers of this one will definitely be higher.

Luo Geng intends to eat both men and women!

"Ahem, you can live in the studio, wrap it but don't include food, and then the working time is eight to six in the morning, overtime pay is paid, two days off a month, sick leave is deducted one, personal leave is deducted two, no problem?"

"No problem, it's all up to the leader!" Qin Qiao nodded undoubtedly

, she had long wanted to go to Cheng'an to develop, living in a big city satisfied her mood, and she didn't have to worry about accommodation, she was also doing her own professional work, which she couldn't find with a lantern anyway.

Luo Geng continued: "Because I want to go to school, your work pressure will be a little greater, but it is definitely not as tired as before, the basic salary is 2500, and then wait for this part to start serializing to see the repercussions to determine your commission, right?" Luo

Geng opened so much for her before, because he knew that the work was very hot, the work was very stressful, the workload was a lot, the working hours were also very long, and there was no serious studio, but in other words

, Luo Geng was not at all at a loss, after all, according to the normal speed of serialization, the last one took at least half a year to a year to finish, and as a result, the workload was compressed together, Qin Qiao took more than a month's salary and completed the amount of about half a year, because Luo Geng painted very quickly

And now that the new work is opened, Luo Geng has no confidence and can't give her so much salary anymore, otherwise he will lose money.

"Uh this... OK... No problem.

Qin Qiao still hesitated, not because he was dissatisfied, but because from ten thousand to two thousand five, this gap was too big!

But after all, it is equal to the workload, since the work after that is not so tired, and wrapped, now the comic industry, two thousand five is very good, so she is still happy to accept.

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