"Hurry up, you won't be able to catch up in a while."

Luo Geng looked at Qin Qiao behind him and urged helplessly.

"Here it comes... Here it is..."

Qin Qiao dragged the suitcase, obviously there were wheels underneath, but Shen was Shen, she couldn't drag it.

Luo Geng is love can not help, he will have to help Chi Xiaoyu with luggage later, who told her to bring so many things herself, no trick.

Luo Geng and they came downstairs to Chi Xiaoyu's house, and saw that Chi Xiaoyu was already waiting downstairs

, and after seeing Luo Geng, he quickly dragged his suitcase and ran over.

"I'll come." Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's suitcase and smiled, when he took over, he felt that Chi Xiaoyu's suitcase was very light, similar to when traveling.

"Xiaoyu, why does your box look so light? Didn't you bring clothes?

Qin Qiao sat on his suitcase tiredly, looking at Chi Xiaoyu's suitcase was not heavy at all, so he asked curiously.

"Brought... I don't have a lot of clothes.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, in fact, she was deliberately reducing the contents of the suitcase and reducing its weight, because she knew that it must be Luo Geng who helped her carry the things.

However, after Luo Geng heard it, he realized a serious problem

, he often bought gifts for Chi Xiaoyu, those things that expressed his heart, whether it was flowers or jewelry, but he forgot to buy practical things, such as daily necessities, clothes, shoes and so on....

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't bring it, I'll take you to buy it when I arrive."

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu and smiled, he knew that girls love beauty and like all kinds of clothes, then he must be satisfied.

"It's okay if you don't have to..." Chi Xiaoyu knew that it would definitely be useless to be polite with Luo Geng, but she couldn't help but say

, because her clothes were not too little, and she didn't bring them all.

"That's nice... A rich boyfriend can buy and buy, when will I find such a boyfriend? Qin

Qiao's eyes were full of envy, and when Chi Xiaoyu was still polite, she very much hoped that her boyfriend could take her shopping.

Especially for someone like Luo Geng who is not poor in money, Qin Qiao does not know how much Luo Geng has to pay for the manuscript, but it is certainly not a small amount.

"What boyfriend can afford you..." Luo

Geng pouted, gave her a blank look, after this her boyfriend is unlucky, it is estimated that every day to eat in different restaurants, clothes piled up, anyway, spending money must be lavish.

Luo Geng turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu and asked, "Aunt Ren went to work, right?"

"Well, I'll tell her when I get to the place."

Luo Yongfu they planned to send Luo Geng to them, but they were rejected by Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, there was no need to toss so much, especially Luo Yongfu's legs and

feet were inconvenient, and Luo Geng tried not to let him go far as possible.

Luo Geng and they took a train to the airport of the city next door, ready to take a plane to Cheng'an.

"If you want to smoke, you can smoke it quickly, and you have to throw the lighter inside."

Luo Geng looked at Qin Qiao and said to her.

And Qin Qiao spread his hands, chuckled, and said, "I quit smoking!" "

Quitted? So fast? It's only been a little over a month, right?

Qin Qiao recalled the days when he first quit smoking, shook his head, and said, "My cousin forced me to quit, but now it's actually better... The first few days were really... I don't feel anything, I just don't want to live anymore.

Luo Geng didn't understand the feeling of quitting smoking, because he never smoked

, "I don't understand, I have only heard that quitting smoking is difficult, you should not smoke for many years, you should also quit."

Qin Qiao thought for a moment and said, "Hmm... I've been smoking since high school... It's been smoking for six or seven years, I really don't want to think back to that time, it's too tormenting, fortunately there is a salary, relying on spending money to suppress the desire to smoke

..." "Good guy..." The

three arrived at the boarding time and got on the plane, and as a result, Qin Qiao couldn't find the two of them when they got on the plane....

Luo Geng bought business class for himself and Chi Xiaoyu.

In about two hours, the plane arrived in Cheng'an

, and Qin Qiao dragged his heavy luggage out of the airport, looking at the city in front of him, his heart full of expectation.

"Ahhh... Metropolis... I don't know how long I can buy a house here..."

Qin Qiao sighed, if it was still the previous salary of 10,000, then she would have worked for two or three years

, but now there are only more than 3,000, which is far away....

Although the previous month was really tired, it took Qin Qiao a long time to slow down, but she would rather do such a tiring job and earn a lot....

Qin Qiao turned around, looked at the exit and slowly walked out, talking and laughing Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, couldn't help but smack his tongue,

"It is estimated that Teacher Luo can already buy a house here, right?" It's really young..." Qin

Qiao was not only envious, she was really a little jealous, but the strength of the people was there, she had not seen any masters, and in her current cognition, Luo Geng was already the best in comics.

The three took a taxi to the district of Cheng'an University and came to Luo Geng's studio.

When Qin Qiao walked into the studio with his luggage, he blinked, looked left and right, and exclaimed: "Oh, this is what I imagined the studio to look like..." Luo

Geng has already added tables and chairs to this place, some small decorations, flowers and plants, Chi Xiaoyu has also cleaned up this place, and now this place is a bit like that.

"Two rooms, you can live in whichever you want, there is a mall next to it, you can buy futons or something yourself."

Luo Geng pointed to the two rooms in the room, there was a bed, there was nothing on the bed, there was nothing in the room anymore, it was very empty.

"Good! Eh... Teacher Luo, are you and Xiaoyu preparing to live in school?

Qin Qiao asked with some doubt, she didn't think that with Luo Geng's strength, she couldn't rent a house outside.

"No, we live next door." Luo Geng patted the wall, pointed to the next door,

and then muttered in a low voice: "Is this sound insulation good..."

Chi Xiaoyu put away his luggage, came here, and said, "I'll go grocery shopping, and Sister Qiaoqiao will also come to eat together in the evening, right?" May I? Chi

Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng and wanted to ask for his permission

, when Chi Xiaoyu helped before, Qin Qiao took care of her very much, basically did not let her get tired, and often chatted when she was resting, and the relationship was very good.

Luo Geng dared to refuse Chi Xiaoyu's suggestion, nodded, and said, "Well, yes."

"Then I'll help you get started, although I can't cook, but it's still okay to be an assistant!"

Qin Qiao rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile and Chi Xiaoyu.

Then she followed Chi Xiaoyu to the next door, Luo Geng and the house where they lived

, but as soon as she walked in, Qin Qiao's smile froze, stunned at the door, her head did not understand, her eyes were turning, and she looked at everything in the house blankly....

The decoration and studio next door are completely different from heaven and earth, and it is not obvious that they are the same apartment at all....

"What's the situation... This door... Is it an arbitrary door? Am I coming to another world? "

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