Qin Qiao took back what she said just now, originally she thought that the studio was good enough, but she didn't expect to look next door, the studio was simply eclipsed.

I didn't expect that the gap in decoration was so large, and it was not a grade at all.

Chi Xiaoyu still wanted to clean up the house, when Luo Geng came over and said: "Xiaoyu, you and Qin Qiao go grocery shopping together, she just has to buy bedding, I'll clean it up."

"Well, okay."

Chi Xiaoyu put down the broom in his hand, looked at Qin Qiao, who was still in a daze, and said, "Go, Sister Qiaoqiao." "

Ahhh... Good..."

Qin Qiao slowed down, and Chi Xiaoyu left here

, she called Jia Mo and asked the location of the branch, after all, the subsequent delivery was for her to go, and after

asking, I learned that it was not very far from Cheng'an University, but it was also necessary to take a bus to sit almost two stops away.

However, the distance between him and Luo Geng's family and the publishing house is much closer.

Tomorrow will be the official registration for school, almost all the hotels and guesthouses in the neighborhood are full, and there are many students walking outside now.

The two came to the mall, Chi Xiaoyu carried a shopping basket, ready to buy vegetables

, she stood in front of the shelf and compared the price and quality, carefully like a housewife.


At this time, a man walked leisurely with a whistle, looking about the same age as Luo Geng and a college student.

Looking at his appearance, visiting the mall is to wander blindly, looking left and right, there is no intention to buy anything at all.

When he passed the shelves in the vegetable section, he glanced in that direction, and

as a result, he couldn't move it away....


The man's eyes widened, staring at Chi Xiaoyu, who was shopping for vegetables, and his eyes were indifferent.

I can't say anything, but just by looking at his eyes, I can feel his amazement.

Chi Xiaoyu finished shopping and was ready to leave, carrying the shopping basket and passing by the

man, the man involuntarily sniffed, a faint fragrance penetrated into his nose, making him instantly relaxed, when he turned around, he found that Chi Xiaoyu had gone away....

"Wan Qi, what are you doing? Coming here to buy groceries?

At this time, the man heard someone behind him calling himself, so he turned his head and looked behind him,

"Fan Junzhe!" I just! Love at first sight! Wan Qi looked at the person who called him excitedly and leaned over excitedly.

The man named Fan Junzhe looked at his appearance, took two steps back in disgust, and asked,

"To whom?" The aunt who sells vegetables?

"you! I just saw a huge good-looking girl! She is shopping for vegetables here, really, giant nm looks good!

Wan Qi pressed his hands on his shoulders, his eyes full of longing.

"Huh? Is it also Jogan'an University? How do you buy vegetables here?

"I don't know, but I'm going to find her!" Have that kind of encounter where you want to hold the same thing but accidentally bump your hands together!

Wan Qi turned around and walked in the direction Chi Xiaoyu left

, Fan Junzhe thought that he must be single and crazy, how can a woman really look so good? As for such an exaggeration?

She has also seen many beautiful women, and she has not seen any beautiful woman who can make him...

"I wipe!"

When Fan Junzhe stood beside Wan Qi, looking at the girl who was concentrating on selecting soy sauce, he couldn't help but burst into a foul sentence

, especially Chi Xiaoyu ruffled his hair, revealing the warm jade-like side face, which made them both stunned.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, it's so good-looking

..." Fan Junzhe patted Wan Qi's shoulder and said: "Gee, okay, just go through the eye addiction, you better not go to humiliate yourself, in the eyes of others, you may be a bed bug..." Wan

Qi frowned, looked at him and said: "What bed bug?" Have you ever seen such a handsome bed bug?

"Handsome? Well, it's probably more handsome than bed bugs.

"Is it still possible?! Forget it, you don't understand after saying it, I have already thought about what the name of the child will be in the future, have you read the comics? The male and female protagonists both start from such an encounter, my romance story is about to begin, you can concentrate on finding a big truck to cross. Wan

Qi straightened his collar and hairstyle, then took a deep breath and prepared to walk over

, but Fan Junzhe did not stop him, but quietly watched the moment when he was despised and humiliated.

Wan Qi walked next to Chi Xiaoyu, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his lips lightly opened: "That... Beauty..." Before

the female character of the beauty came out, his eyes caught a glimpse of the shining diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger!

Moment! His heart trembled and his eyes widened!

The mood is like riding a roller coaster, falling into the trough in an instant!

The good life in the future turned into hell in an instant,

and the imagination of her future children was also "Ka! "Dead cocked.

The perfect encounter just began to continue the first chapter, but the title was not finished, it was over....

"Huh? Are you in trouble?

Chi Xiaoyu turned his head and looked at Wan Qi, who had a completely stupid expression on the side, and couldn't help but take half a step back

, frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously.

"Beauty... Beauty... I didn't find what I was looking for... Really, where..."

Wan Qi looked at the shelves, pretending to be looking for something, but in fact, his feet kept moving

, getting farther and farther away from Chi Xiaoyu, until he walked back to Fan Junzhe...

"Oh, what's wrong handsome bug, have you met? Or did you leak? Fan

Junzhe hugged his arm, looked like he was looking at a joke, and looked at Wan Qi, who was dead in front of him, mockingly.

He has already reminded, and he is also self-aware, at least with a clear understanding of himself.

But apparently Wan Qi did not, and he was bold and confident.

"She... She is actually someone else's fiancée... I can't believe it, kill me! Wan

Qi grabbed Fan Junzhe's shoulder, and a big man actually shed a tear at this time....

"Really fake? She looks the same age as us, I thought she was also a student at Cheng'an University, why are they all engaged? Fan Junzhe was a little surprised, looked in the direction of Chi Xiaoyu, and found that she had left.

Wan Qi wiped away his tears and said, "I don't know... But that diamond ring is so hot! It was worth a lot, his fiancé couldn't be a student, how could a student be so rich, she! It must have been raised by rich people!

"You this... Is it to denigrate if you don't get it? You're too bad, scum. Fan

Junzhe did not hesitate to despise him, despising this complete scumbag.

Wan Qi glanced at him, with a look of "you don't understand anything at all" on his face, and said: "Hey, you don't understand

this dirty society at a glance, believe it or not, her fiancé must be the kind of bald uncle, and it must be just for fun, cheating her with an engagement, and giving her a wallet to raise her!"

Luo Geng swept the ground and suddenly sneezed.

"Aa Well? Dust in the nose? "

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