"Perhaps... My gift is cheap? Small and convenient? So it doesn't matter if you receive it?

Luo Geng began to question himself, after all, he may

not be a gift, there is no packaging, and it is not expensive, just an ordinary issuing card,

I am afraid that a hundred issued cards are not worth as much as a gift from others.

Luo Geng also saw the silhouette sitting in the first row in the classroom, still so elegant and beautiful

, her desk and desk were empty, indeed did not ask for any

gifts, but most of the boys would not take the gifts back, they would feel very embarrassed, so they simply threw away their gifts.

Luo Geng saw that the hair card he sent was still clipped in her hair, it

seems that he didn't use it to cope with himself in the morning.

If Luo Geng in the previous life was smiled by Qi Qianru, he would lose his soul and think that "she must like me".

If it was my self at that time, seeing the current scene, Chi Xiaoyu refused other people's gifts and only accepted his own,

then he would definitely think that Chi Xiaoyu was not interesting to himself?

But now Luo Geng, will not make such a low-level mistake again, he does not want to be a school flower licking dog in the previous life, the next life to be another school flower licking dog

, will no longer feel good about himself, people a casual small action, can make themselves do reading comprehension.

So, without full evidence and certainty, he wouldn't have that idea.

If you want to ask him if he is interesting to Chi Xiaoyu

, it's not nonsense, this look, which boy is not moved?

But for the time being, it also stays in the place of appearance, other places that make Luo Geng's heart move, have not yet been

found, and the appearance of this kind of thing, Luo Geng does not care much, before the vision was too small, mistook Qi Qianru as a treasure

, was made by her half of life, after going to college, I saw more, and found that there were more people who looked better

than her, kinder than her, and people with good character also abounded

He doesn't care about appearance anymore, he just wants the person who really cares about himself.

Therefore, if it is really confirmed that Chi Xiaoyu is the one who cries for herself in the ward, then he will definitely be moved by her.

Luo Geng thought for a long time, how to confirm whether Chi Xiaoyu was that person?

Quite simply, he is very sure that he and Chi Xiaoyu have not intersected for more than ten years in his previous life

, and she can still find herself and cry for herself, that must be quite concerned about him, must

have been paying attention to herself in high school, or even junior high school.

Therefore, as long as he is sure that Chi Xiaoyu is interesting to himself and likes himself

, plus the clue of the hair card, then he can be sure that that person is her.

"Alas, in the end, I am still exploring this kind of thing, and I hope that I don't have to repeat the mistakes of the past."

Luo Geng sighed, turned and left, it was not good to stand at the door of the class all the time

, he had bet on Chi Xiaoyu in this life, so, he only hoped that he would not lose.

Originally, when he died, that person did not appear, then he will definitely not fall in love again after he is reborn, just concentrate on studying and take care of the family.

As a result, in just a few minutes, I let my heart throb again....

Luo Geng wanted to laugh at whether he was in love with the brain....


"Uh: Ruru: You are... What's wrong?

Bai Yi looked at Qi Qianru beside her, sitting on her seat, as if she had something on her mind, looking like she couldn't give up.

She supported her face with her hands, and when she heard Bai Yi's voice, she eased her senses.

"Ahhh... Yiyi, it's you, really, don't scare me..." Qi

Qianru blinked, and couldn't help muttering.

"I've been standing in front of you for a few minutes... What are you thinking, why are you so out of your mind?

Bai Yi looked helpless, he had been calling her in front of her for a long time, but she seemed to be out of her soul.

"Gee... Oh..." Qi

Qianru stood up and pulled Bai Yi out of the classroom.

The two walked in the corridor, Bai Yi looked at Qi Qianru's side face, the sad look, she guessed one or two.

"Is it because... Luo Geng? Bai

Yi also saw Luo Geng's earth-shaking changes, it was simply two people, Qi Qianru would react, and it was normal.

"Yiyi, do you say that I am from the Appearance Association? I said I didn't like Luo Geng before, saying that he was not handsome, but after seeing him today, I still feel a little..., do you say I'm not normal?

Qi Qianru was a little worried, she didn't want to hide her psychology, she had a great reaction to Luo Geng's change, and she also confessed.

But did she think she was moved when she saw that it was her own dish?

This feeling is the first time

, "Actually, the appearance association of this said, it doesn't matter, I really like handsome guys, what's wrong with this, everyone has the right to pursue beauty, and liking faces is also a kind of thing."

"But I don't like Luo Geng at all... Hiss, eh? By the way, you say, did he suddenly change his image to get my attention?

Qi Qianru showed a smile and looked at Bai Yi proudly, and seemed to find a reasonable explanation for all this in her heart.

"This... I... No opinion... If you think so, it's that good..." Bai

Yi said for a while, really didn't want to expose her, people's attitude was actually very clear

, if Qi Qianru really liked Luo Geng, then tell people, while hanging him, he also said that he didn't like him, and now he thought he was attracting his attention....

In fact, Bai Yi's heart is almost a little eyebrows, although the evidence is insufficient

, but looking at Qi Qianru, who always pays attention to Luo Geng, although he says that he doesn't like it, he actually cares very much in his heart....

Maybe she didn't subconsciously notice how much she cared about Luo Geng.

Otherwise, after Luo Geng made his attitude clear yesterday, wouldn't it be good for the two to keep their distance...

"That is... Ruru actually... Is it Tsundere?

Bai Yi thought of this possibility in her heart, and she, a bystander, saw it very clearly.

"Then if that's the case, then I don't have to think about these things, I want to get my attention, I just show a look that I can't see, what kind of expression will he have then... It's fun to think about!

As if she had figured it out, Qi Qianru smiled and nodded with satisfaction, and then walked straight back into the classroom.

The corner of Bai Yi's mouth twitched, looking at Qi Qianru's back, shook her head wordlessly, and muttered:

"What kind of typical fool is this..."

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