In the following class time, Qi Qianru let herself stop paying attention to Luo Geng

, "When he finds that he didn't notice him at all and feels lost, I'll tease him again, hehe."

Qi Qianru's heart had already simulated the scene at that time, as well as Luo Geng's lost

state, she felt very proud here alone, and Luo Geng sat at the back table, not noticing Qi Qianru's state at all.

He was just listening carefully to the class, occasionally discussing topics with Wen Shao, and didn't even look at the back of the front table.

This was Lao Yan's class, and when he was about to end the class, he scanned the students below, and finally stared at Luo Geng for a few seconds.

"Okay, we will have a math mock test tomorrow, there is no range, I hope you go back and review well, don't fail the test!"


The students below all let out a

lament, but the lament here is not known how true or false

, like those top students, they are eager to take the exam, show their strength, say that they don't want to take the exam, easy to fail, but roll better than anyone.

Scumbags, it doesn't matter for a long time, the exam will be examined, delay them to go back to play games? Can't delay a little!

This kind of courage to play games as if they knew they were about to go to the execution ground, and then fail with a normal heart, this is what they do!

And those who are really worried and lamenting are only the students in the middle of the grades.

Wen Shao is one of them.

"Rub! Luo Geng, what to do, tomorrow's exam, if I fail to go home, I will suffer from a small leather whip and cold water!

Wen Shao covered his head, looking helpless, he belongs to the kind of student who has middle grades

, plays well, can take a high score, does not play well, hovers on the edge of the passing line.

"What are you afraid of, it's just a mock test, just review it well."

Luo Geng was not too worried about the exam, or rather, he needed this opportunity to test his current grades.

Anyway, listening to the class in these two days, there is no big problem, and I think it is very simple.

"Alas, if only someone could help us, there was a self-study class in the afternoon, and the two of us would find someone to talk to us."

Wen Shao worried about himself, and at the same time worried about

Luo Geng, because he knew that Luo Geng's grades were not as good as his own, even if he really didn't chase Qi Qianru now, his grades would not rise so fast.

Knowing the situation in Luo Geng's family, Wen Shao also wanted to help him as much as possible.

Qi Qianru has been listening with her ears upright, and after hearing this sentence, she straightened up

, after all, she is the second highest grade in the class, and it is very simple to give lectures to others

, "If Luo Geng comes to beg me to help him, I will consider it."

Qi Qianru's inner abacus began to fight again, already expecting Luo Geng to ask herself.

However, after Luo Geng was silent for a few seconds, he slowly spoke:

"That's better, when the self-study class is over, I will change positions with the class leader and let her teach you, she is very good, and she is willing to help her classmates, and she should agree to help you."

"Huh?!" Qi Qianru's abacus was in her heart: "Boom! "Bang, collapsed

, originally thought that asking for the second place in their class was already their unattainable existence,

but I didn't expect Luo Geng to actually set his eyes on Bai Yi? It's true that she's the first in the class, but she's not much worse!

"Huh? Then you don't need it? Wen Shao heard Luo Geng say that he wanted to change seats, and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, I like to review alone, then when lunch is over, I'll talk to her about it."

Luo Geng waved his hand, he didn't need others to give him lectures, it was better to review it himself more efficiently.

Soon the bell rang at the end of class, and it was time for lunch.

Luo Geng and Wen Shao also went to the cafeteria together.

Bai Yi came over and prepared to ask Qi Qianru to go to the cafeteria together.

"Ruru, let's go eat too."

However, Qi Qianru stood up and said, "Wait a minute, Yiyi."

She patted Bai Yi's shoulder, then passed her and turned her head towards Bai Yi's position.

Bai Yi's table mate is a very non-existent boy, a very typical nerd.


Qi Qianru just wanted to call him, but suddenly found that... I don't seem to know what his name is!

It had been three years since she realized that she didn't know the names of some people.

"Uh: How... What's wrong? For the sudden conversation of the school flower, the boy looked flattered

, "In the afternoon self-study class, change seats with me?"

Qi Qianru told him his thoughts

, and the boy didn't think much about it, after all, Qi Qianru and Bai Yi are good friends, and it's normal to want to sit together in self-study classes,

so the boy nodded directly and said, "No problem." "

Thank you."

After getting the answer, Qi Qianru turned around and returned to Bai Yi.

"Okay, let's go."

"What did you say to him?" Bai Yi looked puzzled, how did she go to talk to her tablemates?

"Nothing, nothing, don't care."

Qi Qianru took Bai Yi's arm, and then went to the cafeteria with her.

This time, they did not sit with Luo Geng and them, but ate their own food.

The two sides do not interfere with each other.

But Qi Qianru's side came to a person.

"So, can I eat here?"

Deng Yuxuan held the dinner plate and asked Qi Qianru with a smile

, in fact, he was very apprehensive in his heart and afraid of rejection.

Qi Qianru raised her head, looked at Deng Yuxuan's restrained appearance, and said: "

This is a public place, not my territory, if you want to sit here, you don't need to ask my opinion."

"Good guy copied Luo Geng's words..." Bai Yi almost didn't stop listening to it, isn't

this what Luo Geng said to her yesterday... What a typical food chain....

"Ahaha... Yes, yes.

Deng Yuxuan smiled awkwardly, then sat down and sat next to Qi Qianru.

"Didn't you go with Luo Geng and them? Aren't you on good terms?

Qi Qianru looked at Deng Yuxuan and asked.

After all, when she and Luo Geng were playing together before, Deng Yuxuan always came to talk to Luo Geng, and she thought they were good friends.

But how did she know that Deng Yuxuan was uncomfortable in his heart, so she came to deliberately talk to Luo Geng and

pretend to have a good relationship with him, so that she could get closer to Qi Qianru's relationship....

"Uh I... Recently, Luo Geng and Wen Shao have a good relationship, I can't intervene ah, to be honest, I'm a little jealous, Wen Shao snatched Luo Geng away.

Deng Yuxuan opened his eyes and began to say nonsense

, for the current situation, he usually prayed for incense to happen, he

was still jealous? He thanked Wen Shao before it was too late.

"I feel the same way."

Qi Qianru nodded and agreed with his statement

, she also felt that the relationship between Luo Geng and Wen Shao had become much closer recently, and their previous relationship was obviously not so close.

However, Qi Qianru also suddenly thought of a possibility,

"Huh? Luo Geng is indeed different from before, there is such a change, is it Wen Shao and what he said? "

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