Qi Qianru's impression that Luo Geng would never make such a change

, changed her attitude towards herself, and deliberately changed her image,

so she thought that there were other people blowing around Luo Geng.

Now Luo Geng and Wen Shao are so close, that is, Wen Shao is the one who blows the wind?

"Deng Yuxuan, let me ask you, do you know Wen Shao?"

Qi Qianru even asked Deng Yuxuan directly on the side

, although Wen Shao was Luo Geng's table mate and was also behind him, but because he didn't care, he didn't know anything except his name.

"Wen Shao... I don't feel like I have any sense of existence, I don't know much about him, my grades are midstream, my appearance is average, I don't know my family background, it's an ordinary person.

Deng Yuxuan didn't take Wen Shao seriously at all, didn't care much, after all, there was no threat to himself

, Qi Qianru didn't pay attention to him, and he wouldn't steal his limelight.

"The grades are mid-stream but very hard, the family is relatively good, it belongs to that kind of high-quality family, loves sports, strong in sports, as for appearance, I think it's very good."

Neither of them could say anything, but Bai Yi said his opinion.

As soon as these words came out, Qi Qianru and Deng Yuxuan both looked at Bai Yi with a surprised expression

, they thought that people like Bai Yi would not pay attention to anything else except studying, how could they have an understanding of a boy?

But when she says this, it's not clear to a good friend at all, right?

Bai Yi was stared at by the two of them, a little uncomfortable, and quickly said:

"I... I'm also a class leader, I know my classmates, this... Is this weird?! "

Qi Qianru is still the first time to see Bai Yi's state like this, in the past, she had the impression of being in a relatively mature and stable state,

but now... How do you feel a little like a little girl with a girl's heart?

So she poked her head out and asked in a low voice,

"Yiyi... Shouldn't you be, like Wen Shao? "

Nonsense! What do you like to say I testify to him? "

“... You can't tell a good friend...


"Huh?!" Want... Do you want me to give a lecture to Wen Shao?

Bai Yi's eyes widened in horror, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Hearing Luo Geng's words, there was a feeling of disbelief.

Luo Geng nodded and continued: "Well, please, he is not confident in tomorrow's exam, so, I want you to help him, of course, if you don't want to, it doesn't matter, after all, you also have to study..."

It's okay, it's the class leader's responsibility to help your classmates.

Bai Yi agreed, lowered his head, and whispered in a low voice,

but he didn't know whether this last sentence was said to Luo Geng or to himself.

"That's great, that afternoon self-study class, you come to my seat, that's it, thank you."

Luo Geng clapped his hands, he was ready for

Bai Yi to refuse, after all, Bai Yi and Qi Qianru are good friends, and now he and Qi Qianru deliberately distance themselves, so he thought, maybe Bai Yi will firmly stand on Qi Qianru's

side, biased towards her and hostile to himself.

Since she agreed, it would be easy to do, although she could also

teach Wen Shao, but now her grades are still downstream, Wen Shao may not be able to let herself teach at ease, and the professionalism of the topic is best handed over to Bai Yi.

Afternoon study hall.

Bai Yi sat in Luo Geng's seat

, looking at the front table that should have been Qi Qianru, but now it has become his own tablemate...

"What's the situation..."

The corner of Bai Yi's mouth twitched, looking at her seat, Qi Qianru sat at the same table as her.

At this moment, she seemed to understand everything

, no wonder before eating, she went to find her table and said something, it turned out to be premeditated....

And Luo Geng's side

, holding his own things, originally wanted to sit in Bai Yi's seat, but saw Qi Qianru sitting at the same table....

"What's the situation..."

Luo Geng was the same, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he ambushed a Qi Qianru for Mao here?

Qi Qianru looked down at the book, her eyes glanced at Luo Geng standing on the side, and secretly said in her heart: "Hmph, it's hooked." "

Oh, Luo Geng? What are you doing here? What about Baiyi? I'm here to find her?

Qi Qianru looked surprised, smiled and looked at Luo Geng, as if she was completely unaware of Luo Geng's arrival

, the current situation, in the eyes of outsiders, is Qi Qianru's self-study class to find

Bai Yi, and as a result, Luo Geng wanted to be with Qi Qianru, and then changed seats with Bai Yi

, she came to this position early, occupied sovereignty, and completely reversed her position!

Luo Geng also noticed this

, although he couldn't believe it, but he seemed to be really trapped, and

sitting down now was equivalent to admitting it.

"My approach is still too tepid, and I am still too kind to her!"

Luo Geng narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and stared at the proud Qi Qianru in front of him

, originally wanted to keep his distance from her like this, as an ordinary classmate, just forget it

, but she made these means again and again, really bore herself!

"Ahem... That, Deng Yuxuan... Come here.

Luo Geng looked directly at Deng Yuxuan's position and beckoned to him.

And Deng Yuxuan was also watching this scene just now, he thought that Luo Geng was lying to himself, telling himself that he didn't like Qi Qianru, and then he wanted to sit next to her in self-study class?

So he stood up and walked towards Luo Geng.

"What's wrong?"

"Come on, buddy, sit here, I'll go sit there for you."

Luo Geng directly patted him on the shoulder and pressed him to the seat next to Qi Qianru.

"You!" Qi Qianru was stunned, stretched out her finger to point at Luo Geng, and frowned.

Unexpectedly, he actually came to this hand and directly moved Deng Yuxuan here.

And Deng Yuxuan was still a little confused, sitting next to Qi Qianru, and he didn't react much

, but looking at Luo Geng's eyes, he was full of gratitude.

"Oops? What's wrong? Is there something going on with you?

Luo Geng raised his eyebrows, hooked his lips and smiled meaningfully, Qi Qianru's smile did not disappear, but transferred to Luo Geng's face.

Anyway, she is also looking for Bai Yi, then it is not Bai Yi next to it, it doesn't matter who sits on, right?

She said that, can't she say now, she sat down to sit with you, right?


Qi Qianru's expression suddenly sank, and then turned her head over

, now a little regret appeared in her heart

, just now in order to take a breath, she deliberately said that, wanting to tease

Luo Geng, of course she wanted to sit with Luo Geng, but now she can't stand up high.

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