As a result, Luo Geng sat directly in Deng Yuxuan's place and began to read his book.

Deng Yuxuan sat next to Qi Qianru, his eyes peeked at her from time to time, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"That... Exactly, the opportunity is rare, Ruru, can you tell me the topic?

Deng Yuxuan took his own book and wanted to use this opportunity to find a topic to chat with Qi Qianru,

so he didn't care if he took the exam tomorrow, he only cherished the time he spent with Qi Qianru now.

"Huh? Why, I have to review it myself.

Qi Qianru raised her head, her eyebrows locked, and her words were not polite at all

, leaving Deng Yuxuan directly speechless, stunned in place.

After all, she doesn't care if she takes the exam tomorrow, she just wants to get along with Luo Geng alone in the self-study class.

As a result, now Qi Qianru's mood is very bad, Deng Yuxuan's interest has also been stunned, only Luo Geng's mood is not bad.

On Wen Shao's side, Bai Yi was very nervous.

"Squad leader, tell me about this question."

Wen Shao took the question book, approached Bai Yi, and pointed to the question above and said.

"Hiss~, it's so close..." Bai

Yi's eyes widened, she was now only a fist away from Wen Shao's face, and she could even clearly see the pores on his face!

"Huh? What's wrong? Is this question difficult?

Wen Shao raised his head and looked at Bai Yi with some doubt, watching her stare at herself in a daze, thinking that it would not be this question

, "Ah, no... It's not..." Bai

Yi saw Wen Shao's eyes, and he was even more flustered, his cheeks flushed with a faint flush, and his speech was also indifferent.

The body also retreated one after another, wanting to distance himself from

Wen Shao, but where could Wen Shao see Bai Yi's situation, saw that her face was a little red, and quickly pasted it with the back of her hand.

"Are you hot?"

"Ah..." Bai

Yi's face turned red to the root of her ears! They were all about to smoke, and the sigh was involuntary.

As a result, in this class, Wen Shao's learning progress was very poor, and

Bai Yi's state seemed very wrong to him, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

Until after class, Bai Yi immediately took his things and fled.

"How's it going?"

Luo Geng returned to his seat, but just sat down, and it felt a little wrong.

Your own chair, it seems a little crooked?

Have a feeling of sitting only on the left side and sitting crookedly?

Could it be that Bai Yi only sat half of the chair?

"It's not great... I always felt that she was not very willing to teach me, was I too stupid.

Wen Shao shook his head helplessly, he could feel that Bai Yi had been far away from him

, and when he gave himself a lecture, he was also far away, poking at the pen and book.

"Then, if you believe me, I can teach you."

Luo Geng looked at his helpless look, and he couldn't bear to let him really fail tomorrow.

"Believe, I believe everyone now!"

"Then I'll tell you about it..." After


school, Luo Geng said goodbye to Wen Shao

and went to the station, and he agreed that he would go home with Chi Xiaoyu after school, so he also went to their class in advance to take a look and found that she had left.

And behind Luo Geng, there were two people following.

Qi Qianru was also going to that station, followed by Deng Yuxuan, who brought her a bag.

Qi Qianru looked at Luo Geng's big stride, and the way she went forward, she felt a little strange,

as if she was anxious to find someone.

Luo Geng came to the station and saw the person he was looking for in the corner.

"Whew, I'm still looking for you, why did you go alone first."

Luo Geng exhaled, walked over, and talked to Chi Xiaoyu.

"I'm sorry..." "

Ah no... I didn't blame you.

Luo Geng quickly waved her hand, she just said, how did she apologize to herself directly

, if her crazy suitors saw it, she would not swallow herself.

Luo Geng stood next to Chi Xiaoyu, he confirmed it again, and found that the hair card he sent was well clamped on Chi Xiaoyu's head,

and he wanted to ask why she didn't accept gifts from others.

"That... Happy birthday? You should receive a lot of gifts, right?

Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head slightly and said, "Happy, but I confiscate their gifts."


"Their gifts are too expensive for me to .... Yes! No... I'm not saying that your gift is not expensive, I like it very much..." Chi

Xiaoyu said halfway, only to realize that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly raised his head and explained to Luo Geng

, but only looked at each other for a few seconds, Chi Xiaoyu did not hold on, and quickly lowered his head again.

Her hand carrying the thing rubbed nervously, she was worried that Luo Geng would be unhappy

, she really wanted to tell Luo Geng that her favorite gift was this gift from him, but the words came to her lips but she couldn't open her mouth.

Luo Geng blinked dumbfounded, and then laughed out loud.

"I know I understand, I will be embarrassed to accept such a valuable gift from others, but I am very happy that you can accept my gift, thank you."

"Nope... If you want to say thank you, it's me..." Chi

Xiaoyu was said by Luo Geng's words in his heart, biting his lips and whispering with a red face.

While the two were chatting softly on the side

, behind the station sign, someone was peeping at them.

"Huh? What's the situation? That's not... Chi Xiaoyu? Do they know? When did it happen? They seem to have a good chat! Okay, Luo Geng, you don't talk to me, turn around and chat so happily with another girl? What does this do? Deliberately angry me? Want to make me jealous?

Qi Qianru hid behind the station sign, like a thief

, poked her head out, and carefully peeked at the two people chatting over there.

At the same time, he was angry, biting his lips

, Chi Xiaoyu's face was shy and rosy, and Qi Qianru's face was angry red.

"Uh... What's going on?

Deng Yuxuan looked at Qi Qianru's reaction like this, a little overwhelmed

, but leaned out his head and saw Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu chatting happily, and seemed to understand.

"So that's the case, it turns out that Luo Geng likes Chi Xiaoyu in the next class, no wonder he suddenly said that he didn't like Qi Qianru, so it makes sense."

Deng Yuxuan nodded, convinced of

Luo Geng's words today, after all, Chi Xiaoyu's appearance, he also recognized very much, not losing to Qi Qianru

, so Luo Geng empathized and liked Chi Xiaoyu, which is also normal.

Qi Qianru's eyebrows locked, and then turned her head to look at Deng Yuxuan behind her.

Then he stretched out his finger, pointed to Luo Geng and the two over there, and said:

"You, go and make trouble."

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