Qin Qiao was working on the drawings left by Luo Geng in her studio, and she was more interested in this comic compared to the previous comic.

"Speaking of this heroine, why is it so familiar?"

Qin Qiao picked up the drawing, looked at the heroine on the drawing, and fell into deep thought.


At this time, the sound of the key turning the door lock sounded, Luo Geng opened the door, and walked in with Chi Xiaoyu.

"Teacher Luo, you're here."

"Hmm." Luo Geng came to Qin Qiao and said, "That... You bring laughing rain and let her help too, as before.

Luo Geng pointed to Chi Xiaoyu behind him, but Qin Qiao was stunned for a moment, and then picked up the drawing on the side and compared it.

"Oh - I said how is it so familiar, it turns out that the heroine is next to me."

Qin Qiao muttered, only to realize that this heroine was based on Chi Xiaoyu.

Luo Geng sat down and began to work, while Qin Qiao and Chi Xiaoyu on the side processed the drawings that had already been drawn.

Chi Xiaoyu had previous experience, and she didn't need Qin Qiao to teach anything, and her work was also very simple and not difficult.

Luo Geng asked Qin Qiao: "Have you told Lao Jia the location of the studio, is he busy?" Did you say when it would come?

"I told you, he has been busy with the affairs of the branch recently, and he should not be able to come for the time being."

"This way." Luo Geng thought to himself, this draft has not been shown to Jia Mo, and the matter of serialization has not yet been decided.

The affairs of the branch are also busy, plus he also has some authors, and now that he has transferred here, the follow-up processing will be more complicated.

Qin Qiao suddenly asked, "Teacher Luo, how is your university?" Are there any handsome guys?

Luo Geng raised his head and looked at Qin Qiao suspiciously, looking at the expectant look in her eyes, a little puzzled.

"How do I know, will I keep staring at a handsome guy? Besides, there will definitely be, there are so many students, handsome guys don't have it yet.

Qin Qiao poked his chin with a pen and muttered, "It's so good... I also want to go shopping when I take a break, if only I could meet handsome guys..."

Old cows eat tender grass?

"I haven't graduated for a long time, and my age is not much different..." To

be honest, watching Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu show affection every day, she thought that she had seen it strangely, but in fact, only more affection, no most affection, being in such an environment every day had a great impact on her state of mind.

Originally, she was not interested in falling in love at all, how could it be interesting to go shopping with her sisters?

But when I was resting some time ago, I wanted to ask my sisters out shopping, and they all ended up going out on dates!

She also has to admit that she really wants to fall in love now!

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Qin Qiao, who was still fantasizing, and asked, "What type do you like?" Why don't I help you keep an eye out?

"Really? It's better to laugh at the rain! Qin Qiao hugged Chi Xiaoyu and rubbed her face

, Luo Geng looked at it like this on the side, squinting his eyes, and looked like he was going to give her a knife.

"First of all, I must have a little money, because I spend a lot of money... But I know that college students should not have any money, this is not discussed for the time being, as for the appearance, I like it I think he is handsome, so there are not too many requirements, personality ... I like it... More clingy.

Luo Geng nodded and said: "Your request is okay, just a little money, and then you can see it, and then it's sticky, and it feels quite easy to find."

"Not sticky! It's clingy! Sticky... Why does it sound so dirty...,"

Qin Qiao said helplessly, and then turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu, looking gossipy, and asked, "Xiaoyu... Do Teacher Luo usually stick to you? Chi

Xiaoyu glanced at Luo Geng, she didn't know if Luo Geng was sticky, at least she knew that she was particularly sticky Luo Geng,

and she couldn't wait to stay with him all the time.

"Ahem! And then what? That's the requirement? Isn't that a big grab? Luo Geng interrupted the conversation between the two of them, he didn't want Qin Qiao to gossip.

"It's best to also like comics and shopping, and I have a topic to talk about, in addition, I don't have a good temper, a little grumpy, I like a better temper, if his temper is not good, then it is estimated that we will quarrel every day."

Luo Geng sighed and said: "Also, your stinky temper is not comparable to ordinary people, and your ability to detect words and colors is really bad enough, do you know how much trouble you have caused me?"

Qin Qiao smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and said, "Hey, hey... That's all gone, it was a little stupid at the time, my cousin has already scolded me, and I have deeply reflected..."


"Hard work, guys."

In the evening, Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe got off work and received their hard-earned wages,

but Wan Qi's attention was always on Su Qinglu's body.

After they changed their clothes, Su Qinglu put her arm around An Ying and said with a smile: "Let's go, Sister An Ying."

"Well, well, I know there's a good one, let's go there."

The two left here, and Wan Qi anxiously patted Fan Junzhe's shoulder and said, "Zhe! They're leaving! Didn't you say to help me get my phone number! "


Fan Junzhe frowned, then walked out, looked at Su Qinglu and An Ying who left, and followed.

He stretched his brows, ran up, and called softly: "That, excuse me..."

Su Qinglu and An Ying turned their heads suspiciously and looked at Fan Junzhe behind them.

"I'm sorry, that, classmate, can you give me your number?"

Fan Junzhe looked at Su Qinglu and asked, he was particularly helpless at this time, helping Wan Qi to get a phone, this kind of thing he can help.

"Phone? Ah, no..." Su

Qinglu just wanted to say something, An Ying immediately pulled her and signaled for her not to speak first.

She approached Su Qinglu's ear and whispered, "Kaizi..." Su Qinglu

was stunned, looked at An Ying with wide eyes, and blinked blankly.

An Ying, on the other hand, smiled slightly, looked at Fan Junzhe, and said: "It's no problem to call us, we're going to eat now, do you want to go together?"

Fan Junzhe was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and said, "Eat? Yes... My friend is still waiting for me..."

An Ying raised his eyebrows, and quickly said: "Then call your friends to come together, it's more lively to play together." "

Oh... Oooh, well, then I'll go call him. Fan Junzhe nodded, then turned and went back to the restaurant.

Su Qinglu looked at An Ying and asked, "Is this good?" Sister An Ying?

"It's okay, little Lulu, you just went to college, you don't know much yet, we never force it, but someone volunteers to be Kaizi..."

Fan Junzhe returned to the restaurant, Wan Qi immediately took the mobile phone and asked

: "How much phone number?"

"Wait first, those two are going to eat, lack a kaizi, tell us to go, you can't go."

Wan Qi's eyes lit up instantly after hearing this, and he quickly nodded.

"Go! Why not go! Definitely go! "

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