Fan Junzhe frowned, thinking that Wan Qi didn't hear clearly, and said,

"Huh? No, didn't you hear clearly, I said that they are missing a kaizi, and you are going too?

Wan Qi looked like a matter of course, straightened his chest, and said,

"Yes! Why not go? There are so many men here, why don't they find others to be Kaizi, shouldn't this opportunity be seized?

"Groove! Listen to Jun Yi, read ten years less!

"Even if it's what kind of licking dog you said, then I will make the supreme version of licking dogs, some licking is good, what kind of bicycle!"

Wan Qi resolutely walked out the door in a state of Fan Junzhe's stunned state, and changed his face with a sincere smile in seconds.

"Obedient... I really underestimate you.

Fan Junzhe grinned, looking at Wan Qi's back as if he were looking at some kind of monster.


morning class the next day, everyone sat listlessly in the classroom, but Wan Qi was completely different from them and extremely excited.

"How's that, buddy, is it coming to the phone? Both are coming, the cow is not the cow!

Wan Qi patted Fan Junzhe who was lying on the table on the side and said proudly.

"Yes, you spent half a month's living expenses, and it's not easy to ask for two phone numbers... This is still people's hearts are not careful, and if you don't stop you, you will spend all your living expenses..." Fan

Junzhe was still the first time to see girls frightened by Kaizi's stupidity, and they were so scared that they couldn't care less.

"You manage the process, the result is good, this is the first step of my success, the so-called everything is difficult at the beginning, I must seize the opportunity!"

Wan Qi does not feel sorry for money at all, maybe in his eyes, money or something, he is already very satisfied with spending it on women.

Luo Geng took Chi Xiaoyu's hand, walked into the classroom, and sat in the front row.

For both of them, the first experience of taking classes together can bring them some freshness.

Wan Qi stared at the backs of Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, and said: "Zhe, you said that chasing a girlfriend of that level, how much does it cost..."

Money is not so important, after all, how much money is spent will not help..." Wan

Qi's face turned dark, and he muttered: "It's too hurtful, I admit that I'm not that handsome, but I'm not the type that makes people want to vomit at a glance, right?"

Fan Junzhe quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, you don't understand, compared to your other shortcomings, handsome or not handsome is secondary."

"Cons? Have it? Fan

Junzhe's brows frowned slightly, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Yes? I always thought you were playing the fool at first, but I didn't expect you to be really stupid, if it weren't for the close relationship between our families, to be honest, I really don't want to admit that I know you..."

Fan Junzhe thought that what he said was still so heavy, Wan Qi could go to his heart

, who knew that he lowered his head, began to study the phone number in his mobile phone, and muttered: "Eh, which one do you say I chase?" The female classmate of the same age is very cute, and the senior sister is also very feeling, I am so entangled..."

"You... Your ability to be big-hearted and thick-skinned is quite bullish. After

class, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu planned to leave here, and Luo Geng

casually glanced at it and saw Wan Qi and Fan Junzhe sitting in the back row!

"I wipe? Allergic neuropathy!

Luo Geng suddenly widened his eyes in shock, he didn't expect that these two people were actually in the same profession as himself, he still didn't understand what the guy's weird behavior yesterday meant.

"Ahhh... That

weirdo..." Chi Xiaoyu also saw Wan Qi, and thought of the weirdo who came to talk when he was shopping for vegetables,

"Weird? That one? It's him, that perverted neurotic, it turns out that the weird person you said is him, he is really weird.

Wan Qi sat in place, looking at Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him staring at him, whispering and not knowing what they were saying

, he poked Fan Junzhe on the side and asked: "Zhe, do you see if they are discussing me about something, what is the situation?" Am I so compelling?

"Are you really not able to see their contempt, disgust, and contempt in their eyes, or are you pretending not to see?" Have you forgotten what you did to them all? Fan

Junzhe moved his body to the side, away from Wan Qi, after all, staying by his side was automatically classified as a weirdo.

"Eh! At this time, it should be better to go directly to say hello, I am really a social genius!

Wan Qi clapped his hands, then stood up directly and walked straight towards Luo Geng and them.


Fan Junzhe's eyes almost fell out, and the corners of his mouth twitched, what kind of brain circuit is this? People are obviously despising you, you went to say hello to people?

"How did this man live to this point... Wasn't it such an exaggeration in high school? Fan

Junzhe shook his head helplessly, in high school, Wan Qi seemed to have been suppressing himself because he couldn't fall in love, and concentrated on studying

, good guy After going to college, those repressed hearts all burst out.

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu watched Wan Qi walking towards them, with a weird smile on their faces, and the two trembled!

"What's the situation, what is he going to do?"

Luo Geng's eyebrows were locked, his throat moved, his hands were clenched into fists, and his mind was concentrated to maintain a state of vigilance.

Chi Xiaoyu also hid behind Luo Geng, she was not afraid of some gangsters and fierce villains, but she was really a little timid about this kind of weirdo.

The devil knows what they'll do....

Wan Qi walked to Luo Geng, cleared his throat, and then bowed slightly, and said: "Hello, my name is Wan Qi, I'm sorry for the facts yesterday, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to make friends with you." "

Huh? He actually speaks normally? Fan Junzhe was really stunned, a little unable to understand the current Wan Qi

, originally thought that he would definitely walk over and say some stupid things like "what a coincidence, you are also a professional",

but he did say normal greeting language.

"Huh?" Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other, their faces full of doubts.

Luo Geng is even more confused, making friends with himself? How could anyone make friends like that? I'm afraid this is not playing tricks on yourself?

"You... What the hell do you want to do.

Luo Geng blocked Chi Xiaoyu with his hand, he was not afraid of what Wan Qi would do to him, after all, he couldn't hurt himself, he was afraid that it would be harmful to Chi Xiaoyu.

"Eh... Buddy..."

Fan Junzhe quickly ran over, blocked Wan Qi behind him, looked at Luo Geng with an embarrassed smile, and said:

"Hello, my name is Fan Junzhe, please don't pay attention to this fool, he has no emotional intelligence at all, but he has absolutely no malice, and this classmate, he saw you in the mall one day, he really wanted to talk, but after seeing the ring on your hand, he braked in time, rest assured, he will definitely not harass you again."

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