
Luo Geng didn't understand a little, how could there be a relatively normal looking person next to such a strange person, wasn't things clustered and people grouped?

Wan Qi directly bypassed Fan Junzhe, stood in front of Luo Geng and them again, and said seriously:

"Please forgive my stupid behavior, in order to express my apologies, please let me invite you to dinner!" Normal meals, absolutely not strange, I will definitely not do anything, please!

"Ah no... It's okay, no thanks.

Luo Geng quickly shook his head, grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's hand, and wanted to leave.

But Wan Qi stepped forward and shouted, "Please! Let me make amends! I invite you to dinner! Fan

Junzhe was frightened by this voice and took a few steps back, and the people in the class who had not left also looked at them.

"You... What the hell are you going to do..." Luo Geng's face was very ugly, under such a large audience, was this trying to ruin his reputation?

Wan Qi raised his head, his eyes were firm, and he looked at Luo Geng's face especially seriously.

"I really want to apologize and please give me a chance!"

Luo Geng really didn't understand this guy, but if it continued like this, it would cause a riot.

There are more and more onlookers, and he wants to take Chi Xiaoyu with him, but he has been following....

"You don't have to eat, stay away from us, just stop talking to us..." Luo

Geng waved his hand, although he didn't understand why he wanted to make amends for himself, and he didn't offend himself, he

just disgusted himself.

Luo Geng quickly left here with Chi Xiaoyu and fled the crowd, and

when they left, Fan Junzhe asked, "Say, what kind of stupid plan are you?" Wan

Qi suddenly changed his appearance, and he must invite them to dinner, there must be some purpose,

which is already strange for Fan Junzhe.

Wan Qi took out his mobile phone and handed it to Fan Junzhe, which had a text message record with Su Qinglu!

"You asked them out to dinner?"

Fan Junzhe flipped through the records and saw that Wan Qi actually took the initiative to invite them to dinner again and took the initiative to be Kaizi again, which made Fan Junzhe very puzzled.

But the other party didn't seem interested at all, and didn't want to agree, only replied -

[You have a girl named Chi Xiaoyu in your major, the one who is the best looking and has a boyfriend, if you can invite her to dinner with her boyfriend, we will go. ]

"So? Just because of this? This is obviously knowing that you can't do it, so I casually said a condition to fool you? Can't you tell?

Fan Junzhe returned Wan Qi's mobile phone and asked with a surprised look.

What is the difference between this condition and refusal? You can't even invite them, the one who has a fiancé can invite them out?

Fan Junzhe still thought that for what reason, he actually dared to face the difficulties with such a pulling condition?

"Yes, just because of this, she did not refuse directly, but gave me hope, if she didn't want to come, why not just refuse directly?" Why not block me? "

Don't say it, I'm afraid."

Fan Junzhe covered his ears and quickly fled, but he still stood up to help him speak, and thought that he had opened his mind, was it no longer

funny, but the result was still funny, he is now completely in the same league with weirdos, and he is also a complete weirdo....

He secretly swore that he would never care about Wan Qi anymore, whether he was dead or alive had nothing to do with himself....

"What a hell."

Luo Geng finally left the dangerous place safely with Chi Xiaoyu, and he felt that there would definitely be nothing good to stay there again.

"He must have some purpose, otherwise would someone really be so crazy?"

Chi Xiaoyu also feels a little strange, this is a university, not a mental hospital, although there are many weirdos, but they are all different personalities caused by different growth environments, where there is no purpose to directly go crazy.

"What about him, there must be nothing good anyway, the one next to him named Fan Junzhe is quite normal, how can he make friends with someone like that..." Luo

Geng and Chi Xiaoyu came to the outside of the teaching building, it was a break time, the two had no classes in the morning, and only had classes in the afternoon.

So this time becomes a time for them to rest and walk.

Under the willow trees fluttering in the wind, there are many couples walking and gossiping here, at least such a scene is certainly not seen in high school.


Chi Xiaoyu's phone rang, she took it out and found that it was a call from [Su Qinglu].

"Uh..." Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng on the side, and found that he was also staring at his mobile phone screen, and found that it was Su Qinglu calling, and frowned slightly.

She didn't know what to do, so she looked at Luo Geng and asked his opinion, if he didn't want to take it himself, then he wouldn't accept it.

"Take it."


Chi Xiaoyu answered the phone and asked, "Hello?" Su Qinglu?

"Xiaoyu, do you have time the day after tomorrow!"

Su Qinglu's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"The day after tomorrow?" Chi Xiaoyu glanced at Luo Geng and thought for a while, the day after tomorrow is the weekend, rest

, but she knew that she still had to help in Luo Geng's studio, so she continued: "I don't have much time, do you have anything?"

And Luo Geng saw Chi Xiaoyu's thoughts, knowing that she was for herself, so there

was no time, although he hoped that Chi Xiaoyu would stay by his side, but that did not mean that he wanted to imprison her

, he could give Chi Xiaoyu some space of his own, have his own friends to play with, otherwise only his own words, if he was really busy one day, did not have time to accompany Xiaoyu, and had no friends, then wouldn't she be very pitiful.

"No time... Well, the day after tomorrow is my birthday, and I want to invite you to play together, of course, only girls.

Su Qinglu's tone was obviously a little lost, and said softly.


Chi Xiaoyu blinked, thinking that Su Qinglu had nothing serious

, "You can go, it's okay, occasionally hang out with friends, it's good."

At this time, Luo Geng opened his mouth and said

, after all, he has tedious work, lack of skills, Chi Xiaoyu also in order to cater to himself, all his life compressed into the simplest mode, in fact, her age, should be playing outside with friends.

He didn't want to deprive her of her normal and ordinary youth because of himself.

Su Qinglu on the other side of the phone heard Luo Geng's words and quickly said:

"Eh! Your boyfriend agreed, you will come, I left home for my birthday for the first time, I have no friends at all, you are one of my few friends, if you don't come, I will feel very sorry. Chi

Xiaoyu was a little hesitant, but listening to Luo Geng say so, she was not unable to go,

and she also hoped to make friends and give her some advice on some things....

"This... Well, I can go. "

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