“OK! I'll call you the day after tomorrow!

Su Qinglu's tone returned to its original state, and after speaking, she hung up the phone.

After Chi Xiaoyu hung up the phone, he looked at Luo Geng and asked, "Is it okay?" I think you seem to hate her very much..." She

could see that the relationship between Luo Geng and Su Qinglu was not very good, and

they were average to themselves, but their attitude towards Luo Geng was more general.

"How could I possibly compete with a woman."

Luo Geng shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, as if these things were nothing to him.

"And she has a birthday and invites you to go, so you should also have to prepare gifts."

Luo Geng took out his wallet and gave Chi Xiaoyu some money, he didn't know how much money there was, but that pile was certainly not a small amount.

Chi Xiaoyu waved his hand and said anxiously: "No, no, no, I have, I have living expenses."

"Take it, you can buy her any gift you want, keep the rest, how can you go out and play without bringing more money."

Luo Geng still stuffed the money into Chi Xiaoyu's hands, not allowing her to object,

and then touched her head, her eyes were full of ambiguity, and said: "The money belongs to you, anyway, you belong to me." Chi

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, feeling a heat rushing straight to her cheeks, breathing suffocated, the whole person was hot from the inside out

, she lowered her head, gently "um", and then stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed Luo Geng's lips.

This sentence made her heart move, and now her mind was full of liking for Luo Geng.


Wan Qi followed Luo Geng and them after coming out of the classroom, hiding behind a tree, and when he saw this scene, there was only envy in his eyes.

Whether it was the wad of bills that was taken out casually, or the beautiful girlfriend offering a fragrant kiss, it was a scene that he could never dream of.

"But... Birthday, Su Qinglu's birthday! Why didn't she inform me? Haven't you had time to notify me?

"What gift should I give her?"

Wan Qi knew that he had followed them to get the information he wanted the most, that is, Su Qinglu's birthday.

He now really wants to buy a crazy and cool birthday gift to impress Su Qinglu's heart, but it is obvious that the wallet does not support this operation.

He now only has two hundred yuan in his hand, which is his living expenses for the next half month....

"No time to waste! Part-time! Part-time! Wan

Qi turned around and left directly, scrappy, ready to work part-time to make money

, he brought hundreds of yuan from home for living expenses, only two days after the start of school, it will be gone.

After the afternoon class, Luo Geng and they went back and came to the studio.

"Good afternoon, Teacher Luo."

When Qin Qiao saw Luo Geng's arrival, he raised his hand and said hello.

She is now very satisfied with her work, although not as high as before, but at least now she likes this work, and it is very convenient to go to and from work, sleep when you enter the house, and go to work when you leave the room.

Sometimes I go out for a spin at night after work.

"Well, how about it, you should go and hand over the manuscript to Lao Jia today, right?"

Luo Geng asked her, this work has not been seen by Jia Mo, so he asked Qin Qiao to find Jia Mo today to read the manuscript.

"Well, I gave it to him, but he didn't say anything, but said to show it to the editor-in-chief and president first..."

Luo Geng frowned slightly and asked, "Is it?" What's wrong? Is it impossible to pass the draft?

Qin Qiao shook his head and said, "Ah no... I asked, it seems that the comic style is not suitable for publication in serial weekly, so Jia Mo wants to strive for a direct single book, that is, a direct book.

"Really? Does Jia Mo still have this realization? If he can win it, I have to treat him to a meal."

Luo Geng was a little surprised, if he wanted to find Jia Mo to do something in his previous life, it would be difficult, but he

didn't expect that those who were now being trained by themselves would take the initiative to fight for themselves?

"But Mr. Luo, this kind of non-serial direct book operation, even if my cousin wins it, it will definitely have to pay for most of it, and my cousin's publishing house should not have the ability and guts to publish books at full public expense."

"Well, it's okay, it's okay at your own expense."

Luo Geng didn't care about the cost of publishing, although there was no guarantee that he would earn it back after publication, but Luo Geng had that guts.

He does not know too much about the current market, but he still has a good understanding of the future market, which is not very suitable for the future market, but it should be more than enough now.

Rely on the last popular work to do free publicity, and do a good job in publicity, you are not afraid of being buried.

Luo Geng came to his work place and looked at the drawings on the table.


He picked it up and looked at it carefully, a little surprised, because these drawings were not drawn by himself?

"You drew this?"

Luo Geng asked Qin Qiao on the side,

and Qin Qiao scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Yes... It's just to try it, because you have been following Teacher Luo for a while, and you have finally learned something, so I want to give it a try, like handing in homework, please check it and pick out the fault.

"Not bad..."

Luo Geng nodded and continued to look at her drawings

, and after Qin Qiao received the praise, a joyful smile bloomed on his face.

"Hmm... Except for some flaws, it is completely usable as my official draft... And this flaw does not matter, the pattern is fine, but it needs to be adapted, a common problem for newcomers.

Luo Geng studied carefully, and had to praise Qin Qiao's talent, in the style of painting, it can be said that he completely imitated

himself, if not for Luo Geng knowing that he had not painted these, he would really think that he had drawn it himself.

"Really?! Thank you, Mr. Luo!

Qin Qiao stood up

and bowed to Luo Geng excitedly and said, she has been working with Luo Geng for a while, it can be said that in the past month by Luo Geng's side, she has learned much more than she has learned in school, and it is also much more practical.

"Very good, it seems that this comic is your professional counterpart, then you will make a little more effort, if the sales are good, your commission will be indispensable, accumulate more experience, and then you can also become a cartoonist on your own."

In addition to Luo Geng's praise, he did not forget to draw a big cake for

Qin Qiao, and Qin Qiao knew that the cake was unpalatable, and nodded directly and agreed: "Good!" No problem!

Luo Geng nodded in satisfaction, it seems that employees of Qin Qiao's age

can still accept the painting cake willingly, after all, the batch of rectification workplaces has not yet grown up....

Luo Geng is also very happy that Qin Qiao can have such a level, at least he can be much easier, which is what he wants to see most as a boss, that is

, the employees are capable, reduce the pressure for the boss and not raise the salary.

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