On weekends, there are very few people left in the men's dormitory, some go out on dates, some go out to surf the Internet, and some go out to find their own encounters.

And Fan Junzhe was lying in the bedroom, reading comics.

"A-Zhe! You help me see! I can't do this gift! Wan

Qi broke through the door and rushed directly to Fan Junzhe's bed, taking out a box of well-packaged small gifts.

Fan Junzhe closed the comic, sat up and looked speechless, and asked, "Huh?" What gift?

"Oh, today is Su Qinglu's birthday! I worked part-time to save money to buy her gifts! What do you think? Wan

Qi opened the box, and there was a lipstick lying quietly inside.

"Huh? Dude, are you coming really? That's expensive, right? Fan

Junzhe took out the lipstick and pumped the corner of his mouth, he took time to go to the part-time job in the past two days, even the food was not delicious, he could save the province, originally thought that he would not be a demon, but it turned out to be a big demon!

"What's wrong with Gui, doesn't this reflect my sincerity? Can she feel sincerity?

"I don't know, what color?"

He opened the lipstick cover and looked at the color inside.


Fan Junzhe's frown twisted into a dead knot, picked up the lipstick and put it in front of his eyes, stared cross-eyed, and wrote a question mark all over his face.

"Pink, don't girls like pink things?"

Wan Qi shrugged his shoulders and said something he took for granted.

Fan Junzhe tilted his head back, as if he heard something that shocked his three views, his eyes widened, and

then he trembled and closed the lid and returned the lipstick to Wan Qi.

"She... I will definitely feel your sincerity... I firmly believe..." Fan

Junzhe lay down and opened the comic, as if nothing had just happened, nothing was his business.

"Really?! I said, how can anyone not be impressed by my sincerity! Good brother, wait for my good news! Wan

Qi smiled when he heard this, his eyes flashed with excitement, picked up the lipstick and left here

, Fan Junzhe shook his head and muttered: "This really can't be scolded, the supreme version licks the dog, the psychological quality is too strong

..." ----

"Cross the street and look at the car, walk to see the road, don't go to any unorthodox places, in addition, don't mute the mobile phone, you must call me if you have something, ah yes, and..."

Luo Geng stood at the door, looking at Chi Xiaoyu, who was about to go out, and kept instructing

, he felt like a child's first time going out to play with friends, and he was not at all at ease.

And Chi Xiaoyu stood in front of Luo Geng, with a smile on his face, just quietly listening to Luo Geng's nagging, after a while, Chi Xiaoyu hugged

Luo Geng's neck, and kissed Luo Geng's lips with soft and thin lips,

making him stop abruptly and unable to speak....


" Luo Geng blinked, then grabbed her shoulders with both hands, took a step back, narrowed his eyes and said

, "Why, think I'm nagging, let me shut up?"

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and smiled gently and coquettishly: "No, I just like the way you looked just now, and I can't help but kiss it."

"Okay, okay, let's go play."

Luo Geng stroked her head and said.


Chi Xiaoyu walked out the door, carrying a gift for Su Qinglu in her hand.

She hasn't given Luo Geng's gift yet, because she feels that there is no gift that can enter Luo Geng's eyes, and people give themselves very expensive things, and she doesn't feel good about sending such a cheaper thing herself.

On campus, Chi Xiaoyu went to the agreed place that Su Qinglu told her.

There, there are three people, all of them are girls without exception, Chi Xiaoyu knows, that is, Su Qinglu, and An Ying, a junior.

There is also a little girl, not too tall, similar to Su Qinglu, green and cute, skin as white as ivory, eyes watery, like a pool of autumn water.

"Laughing rain!"

After Su Qinglu saw Chi Xiaoyu, she quickly ran over and hugged her!

"Uh..." For this intimate act, Chi Xiaoyu was startled, and his head involuntarily moved back.

"Okay, little Lulu, didn't you see that people were scared by you?" An Ying stepped forward and patted Su Qinglu's shoulder.

"This... Give your gift, happy birthday.

Chi Xiaoyu handed the gift she was carrying to Su Qinglu, she let go of Chi Xiaoyu, and after receiving the gift, her eyes lit up,

"Thank you Xiaoyu!" As a result, he hugged her again and was still bouncing.

The girl next to An Ying stared at Chi Xiaoyu, and then whispered in An Ying's ear: "She is so beautiful."

"yes, and people seem to be engaged."

An Ying pointed to the diamond ring on Chi Xiaoyu's finger, because today was Chi Xiaoyu going out alone, so she naturally put the diamond ring on.

"Huh? Her boyfriend is amazing... But it's also a blessing to have such a beautiful girlfriend.

"By the way, you don't know this one yet, it's a roommate in the same bedroom as me." Su Qinglu let go of Chi Xiaoyu and stood next to the girl, ready to introduce Chi Xiaoyu.

But she didn't wait for Su Qinglu's introduction, walked forward directly, stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, my name is Xu Mengnan." "

Well, my name is Chi Xiaoyu, hello."

Chi Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and shook her

, and when several people were still chatting, someone was already hiding behind a tree in advance and staring at them....

"I rely on... Beauty is like a cloud... I already knew that I should buy more gifts, and everyone should give one away..." Wan

Qi looked at the lipstick in his hand, still worried that he lacked consideration, even if it was a birthday gift for Su Qinglu, he should buy more gifts for those beautiful women!

Except, of course, the one who is already engaged....

He can't hang from one tree, he hangs from every tree! What is the skill of licking one? He Wan Qi is the supreme version of licking dogs, if you want to lick, you should also lick a group!

"Calm down... Whew-"

Wan Qi took a deep breath to keep himself calm, thinking in his head about how to appear brightly for a while.

"Is it as good as pretending to pass by and suddenly offering a gift for surprise?" Or walk over and get down on one knee to give gifts? It's so tangled, will she be moved and let herself go to her birthday too? So many beauties around... Die without regrets!

Wan Qi muttered something, glanced in the direction over there, and found that the four had already walked towards him!

"Here it comes!"

Wan Qi's eyes widened, then straightened his chest and walked out directly

, he walked towards Su Qinglu, his heart was drumming, thinking about how to give gifts gracefully.

"That... This is me..."

Wan Qi took out the gift in his pocket and stretched out his hand to hand it to Su Qinglu

, but as if those people ignored Wan Qi together, they passed by him directly...


Wan Qi turned his head and watched Su Qinglu walk over, completely ignoring himself....

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