
Luo Geng's mobile phone would ring from time to time, and he would immediately put down the work at hand and look at the information on his phone.

Qin Qiao couldn't stand it on the side, and said: "Teacher Luo, it's hard for people to go out and play, there will be nothing wrong, don't worry so much."

"Me? Just kidding, how can I be worried, just go out to play, I'm not such a person with such a heart, my heart is big..." Luo

Geng put down the mobile phone, snorted softly to indicate his disdain, turned his head and continued to work, but his eyes would still glance at the phone from time to time.

Qin Qiao sighed, facing Luo Geng's duplicity, she had no choice, so she said: "If you are so worried, just call and ask?"

"I'm not worried, worried about anything, really... Well, don't talk about it, work quickly.

Luo Geng directly picked up the mobile phone and put it back into his pocket, no longer looking at it.


At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Luo Geng and Qin Qiao looked up together, looking at the direction of the door suspiciously, wondering who would come at this time.

Qin Qiao stood up and went to open the door, and after opening the door, it was Jia Mo who stood at the door.

"Cousin? What are you doing here? Qin Qiao blinked, a little surprised, although he had told Jia Mo the address here, he had not said in advance that he was coming.

"Is Teacher Luo there?"

"I'm here, come in." Luo Geng shouted inside.

Jia Mo walked into the room, still holding the draft that Qin Qiao had handed in last time.

Qin Qiao went to pour a glass of water for Jia Mo and made him sit down.

"What's wrong? What's the matter? Luo Geng glanced at the drawing in Jia Mo's hand and asked suspiciously.

"That's right, Mr. Luo, I went to the editor-in-chief and the president last time with the manuscript, and the editor-in-chief's opinion is to suggest that you publish the book directly, and the president's idea is to open a separate weekly magazine, which is this type that is more oriented to women, so I want to ask your thoughts."

"Ahhh... I understand. Luo Geng nodded and thought for a while, their president's suggestion is nothing more than to make more money, the influence of their last work is still there, they open a weekly magazine at this time, they are equivalent to a free advertisement.

"What do you have in mind?" Luo Geng looked at Jia Mo and asked his opinion.

Jia Mo was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "Uh... I think you can serialize it first, and then say the things of the single book later, just like the previous work, after all, you don't have to publish the book at your own expense, it is more guaranteed.

Luo Geng did not speak, looked at Qin Qiao on the side, and asked, "What about you?"

Qin Qiao thought for a while and said seriously:

"I think this work weekly serial is not very appropriate, because it is not as much as the previous work, lack of stickiness, belongs to the slow hot type, it is very likely to read the first issue, the second issue of the sense of expectation can not be pulled, if not coherent, even if there are wonderful points, it may be because the serial time is too long, forget the previous emotional foreshadowing, and bring about the effect is general."

"Lao Jia, did you hear that?"

The corners of Luo Geng's mouth rose slightly, looked at Jia Mo, raised his chin and said.

"Well, I understand." Jia Mo scratched his head a little embarrassed, he was not as good as Qin Qiao, which made him very embarrassed.

Luo Geng nodded and said: "Then according to the suggestion of your editor-in-chief, it will not be serialized, you go back and calculate the cost of buying ISBN printing and publishing, and then tell me."


In the mall, Chi Xiaoyu and several people are visiting clothing stores, for them, trying on a few more sets of clothes is the fun

, and unlike others, Chi Xiaoyu does not seem to focus on choosing clothes by himself, but looking at men's clothing....

"What do you think of men's clothing? Oh~, you're going to buy clothes for your boyfriend, right?

An Ying came to Chi Xiaoyu's side, patted her shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Well, but I don't know much about picking..." Chi

Xiaoyu undeniably said that he didn't choose men's clothing at all, and he couldn't tell the difference between good and bad when he looked left and right

, because even if he imagined that this dress was worn on Luo Geng's body, the conclusion he got was the same, the same good-looking!

It seems that it is not the clothes that look good at all, but Luo Geng, who can make Chi Xiaoyu unable to open his eyes.

"I've seen your boyfriend, I'll pick it out for you according to his dressing style."

An Ying nodded, and then began to help Chi Xiaoyu choose men's clothing together, Chi Xiaoyu glanced at her and said softly: "Thank you."

"It's okay, they're all friends, No... These pieces are quite in line with your boyfriend's dressing style, the price is also good, and the quality is good.

An Ying took a few clothes and handed them to Chi Xiaoyu, smiling slightly.

Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, she didn't expect that she hadn't picked a reason for so long, An Ying could actually be so skilled

, she did hold a problem in her heart, she wanted to find someone to talk to, but she couldn't find the right person, but

she looked at An Ying in front of her at this time and found that she was particularly suitable!

"That... Sister An Ying, I have something I want to ask, I want to hear your suggestion. "

Huh? Talk about it. "

My boyfriend... Belch... My fiancé, he has a few months to celebrate his birthday, and I don't know what gift to give, so I want to hear your advice..."

Chi Xiaoyu remembered Luo Geng's birthday, it was the end of the year, that is, in winter, when the New Year was about to pass

, she had prepared a lot of gifts that she wanted to give to Luo Geng, but they all failed because of escaping, and whenever she wanted to give it out, she would think cranky, what if Luo

Geng didn't accept it, What if Luo Geng doesn't like it....

But now it's different, they're already together, and Chi Xiaoyu wants to prepare a birthday present for Luo Geng.

"What are you talking about?" Su Qinglu and Xu Mengnan also came over, and when they saw Chi Xiaoyu and An Ying chatting about something, they showed great interest.

"What a birthday present... It's easy to give a birthday gift to your boyfriend, but it's really not easy to decide for your fiancé

..." Xu Mengnan pouted and muttered: "How come it seems that the boyfriend and fiancé are not the same person, it's a little scary..."

An Ying looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked, "What did he give on your birthday?" "

Issuing cards... But we weren't together yet, and he probably didn't like me yet.

Chi Xiaoyu quickly helped Luo Geng defend, because when he was talking about issuing cards, he obviously saw the three people showing doubtful expressions.

An Ying thought for a while, and said lightly: "I think that what to give is actually similar, and in the end, it must be to go to bed, it is better to directly say "the gift is me", and then buy a few sets of fun..."

Su Qinglu quickly covered An Ying's mouth, revealing a terrified look, afraid that she would continue.

Chi Xiaoyu blinked his eyes, confused, and did not react to what An Ying meant.

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