The discussion was fruitless, because the suggestions they made were rejected by

Chi Xiaoyu one by one, even if they had not been together for a long time, but Chi Xiaoyu was almost the person who knew Luo Geng best, she knew that it was not okay to send anything, but she also did not know what to send...

So this matter was temporarily shelved, after all, today is Su Qinglu's birthday, and it is still early from Luo Geng's birthday.

The four of them walked in the mall, talking and laughing and chatting, until they passed a bookstore, Xu Mengnan suddenly said: "Wait a minute..."

After speaking, she suddenly ran in, and then went to the area of comics.

Chi Xiaoyu was a little puzzled, but Su Qinglu seemed to have expected

it, "She is about to read comics, and now the bedroom is full of comics she bought... I don't understand what's so nice about that thing. "

Comics?" Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, after all, when it comes to comics, she is too related, after all, her fiancé is a cartoonist.

The three also followed into the bookstore and found Xu Mengnan holding a comic book in front of the bookshelf and carefully studying something.

Chi Xiaoyu approached her and asked, "Do you like comics?" "

Yes, although I am also painting myself, but I haven't studied it, it's a hobby..." Xu

Mengnan looked at the content inside, thoughtful, and his tone of voice was a little lost.

Chi Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong, so he asked, "Then did you submit it after painting?" Maybe it's a good drawing?

"Didn't... Where do I dare, use my hobbies to challenge people's professional jobs, and when I can draw a work that satisfies me, I will give it a try!

Xu Mengnan put the comics back in place, and then walked out of the bookstore with

Chi Xiaoyu, although she wanted to tell Xu Mengnan that her fiancé was a cartoonist and drew comics, but that might cause trouble for Luo Geng, so Chi Xiaoyu didn't say.

A few people walked around, bought some things, and chatted until about five o'clock in the evening.

"Okay, let's go eat, I ordered a cake."

Su Qinglu beckoned the others to leave the mall, ready to pick up the cake and then go to eat.

Chi Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Luo Geng, in addition to reporting his location, he also asked him if he had eaten.

After all, if you come out to play, you can't cook for Luo Geng.

However, she looked at the text messages on her mobile phone, basically sent by herself to Luo Geng, and there was no message that Luo Geng took the initiative to send herself....

"Luo Geng should be busy... Or maybe it's to make me have fun..."

Chi Xiaoyu said on his lips, but in fact, he was still a little lost in his heart.

Everyone else was talking and laughing, but her mind kept thinking about Luo Geng, wondering what he was doing, wondering if he was thinking about himself...

After that, the four people took the cake and came to the restaurant to eat, the atmosphere was high, but did not drink, the drink that the four drank

, Su Qinglu clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and made a wish: "I wish me a lot of wealth in the future, earn a lot of money, buy whatever you want!"

An Ying supported her chin with her hand and said, "Little Lulu, if you say your wish, it won't work." "

Huh?! So what to do? Can I withdraw it? "

It's okay, it's basically not working anyway..." Xu Mengnan patted Su Qinglu, who was anxious, and said calmly.

An Ying fiddled with the fork in his hand, looked at Su Qinglu and said: "You can find a rich boyfriend, so that your wishes can at least be realized faster and easier." "

Boyfriend? Forget it

, I'm not very interested in falling in love..." "But that Kai brother is very interested in you, he has been talking to you at dinner last time, asking for your phone, and this time he also sent you a birthday gift, as far as I know, you can't tell him your birthday, then he still pays attention to you."

"Then I might as well die..." Su Qinglu thought of Wan Qi, and with a look of disgust, she almost wrote her disgust on her face.

She wondered how she could be so annoying if she wasn't too ugly?

Compared to his shortcomings, his appearance is almost negligible.

Chi Xiaoyu also felt the same way, nodded and said, "That person seems to have some mental illness... It's better to stay away from him as much as possible..." Xu

Mengnan sighed and echoed, "Although I don't know what he has done to all of you, I also agree that just by meeting one meeting, you can be identified as a super weirdo..."

"Aa Aa Aa

Wan Qi in the bedroom sneezed wildly, and Fan Junzhe, who was lying on the bed, frowned and shouted at him:

"Hey! To sneeze out and squirt, spray your saliva everywhere, dirty or not!

"Strange, what's going on, is anyone thinking about me?" Wan Qi arched his nose and smacked his tongue and muttered.

Fan Junzhe also put on a disgusted expression and said: "Pull down, sneeze so much, it is clear that someone is scolding you." "


"You... Have your pleasure..." The

time soon came to night, and the sky outside had already darkened, but Chi Xiaoyu and they were not over yet, and the more they chatted, the happier they became.

"It's not over yet..."

At this time, outside the restaurant, a figure had been paying attention to them for a long time, this person was Luo Geng, he was pacing outside, it seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

He knew that Chi Xiaoyu and they were eating here, and he never replied to her because he wanted her to have fun and not disturb her

, but that didn't mean he wasn't worried, he came here two hours ago, and they weren't over yet.

At this time, Chi Xiaoyu and they seemed to be ready to leave and packed up their things.

And when Su Qinglu stood up, she glanced outside casually

, and suddenly found Luo Geng standing outside, so she quickly patted Chi Xiaoyu and pointed outside.

Chi Xiaoyu looked out the window and looked at Luo Geng who was standing outside

, she was slightly stunned, and then took a step and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant.

"Luo Geng..."

"This is Xiaoyu's fiancé." Xu Mengnan asked in a low voice in An Ying's ear.

"Well, yes, it's very handsome, and Xiaoyu is simply a natural pair." An Ying nodded and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Laughing rain... I'll pick you up and take you home. Luo Geng was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to explain to Chi Xiaoyu that he had been waiting outside here for a long time.

"Pick me up... Go home.

Chi Xiaoyu was originally a little disappointed because Luo Geng didn't reply to herself, but now, it's gone, and

the person in front of her has filled her heart with warmth and happiness again.

Chi Xiaoyu took a big stride, ran quickly to Luo Geng, and then threw herself into his arms and hugged him.

"Have fun?" Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu in his arms, touched her head gently, and asked.

Chi Xiaoyu buried his head in Luo Geng's chest and whispered:

"Happy, but not happy when I am with you."

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