
months have passed since Luo Geng and they went to college, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu live together, and they feel that the time of each day passes very quickly.

And Luo Geng's new work has been published, the response is very impressive, although the popularity is not as popular as the previous work of Luo Geng to make money, but the income is not comparable at all!

Serialized in a weekly magazine, no matter how popular it is, it will be siphoned off by the publishing house for a large part, but this one is Luo Geng's own book, and the income is almost several times that of the previous one.

"Not bad..."

Luo Geng stood in front of the ATM, checked the balance in his card, and was happy in his heart, at least the most he had earned in recent months.

He took out tens of thousands of dollars, put them in his wallet, and walked out of the bank.

"Qin Qiao is doing well, give her more bonuses."

Luo Geng secretly thought, after all, the most contributor to this work is Qin Qiao, and his pressure is much less, but indeed, after such a repercussion, the work pressure of the studio has become greater, even if he and Qin Qiao hurry to catch up with the draft, there is not enough time.

"Isn't it time

to recruit..." Luo Geng saw the recruitment on the side, and thought to himself whether he should also recruit people, otherwise the manpower is really a little insufficient, this book is different from the workload of the weekly serial, a whole book to the weekly magazine nearly 20 issues of content, even if it is a month, 20 issues a month is still a little pressure.

"Go and ask Lao Jia."

Luo Geng thought that the branch of this publishing house had not been there, and since they had all come out, they would go for a spin.

Luo Geng took the car according to the address given by Jia Mo and went to the publishing house.

After walking in, I saw the front desk lady in charge of guidance.

Luo Geng walked over and said, "Hello, I'm looking for Jia Mo."

"That, Jia Editor is currently busy, please wait on the side."

"Busy? This guy is still busy..." Luo

Geng was a little confused, but he still sat down on the sofa on the side, casually picked up the weekly magazine on the table and read it.

At this time in Jia Mo's office, he looked at the drawing in his hand, and in front of him, stood the owner of the drawing.

After Jia Mo looked at it, he raised his head and asked, "Hmm... Little sister, you should be a college student, right? "

Well, me me I... I'm just a freshman this year. "

The owner of the drawing is Su Qinglu's roommate, Xu Mengnan who likes comics.

In these two months, she drew a manuscript, and then prepared to take it to the publishing house to take a look, after all, she saw that what she drew was very pleasing to the eye, and she still had to be judged by professional people.

"Freshman... Same as Mr. Luo... Sure enough, it is impossible for peers to have someone who surpasses Teacher Luo.

Jia Mo muttered, then put the drawing in his hand on the table and spread it out.

"Little sister, I took a look at your drawing, well... It can be seen that you have a bit of a foundation, but according to the standard of being serialized in a weekly magazine, it is still a lot worse, of course, you are already very good at this age, and you can definitely become a qualified cartoonist slowly. Jia

Mo said it more tactfully, the implication is that this thing cannot be published and is not very qualified.

"Hmm... I understand. Xu Mengnan nodded, she was not surprised by this result, after all, she just liked, hobbies, let professional people see, or can't enter the eyes.

"You can take a look at other excellent works first, such as..."

said Jia Mo, taking out a comic book from his drawer with the title "Luo Yu" on the cover.

Xu Mengnan pointed to the book, widened his eyes, and said: "Ah, I know this one, this one has been particularly popular recently, and many of our classmates have read it now."

"yes? Have you seen it then?

"Uh-huh, I've seen it, especially the story described in it, it's really unforgettable, and the characters are well drawn, there is a kind of... The style of painting that does not belong to this era..."

As a comic book fan, Xu Mengnan will of course have read the recent popular books, and this book has brought her a greater influence,

and even the drawings she draws are influenced by this book and imitated and drawn.

"Yes, yes, this is the work published by our publishing house, the author, and the most powerful god author I have here."

Jia Mo said and straightened his chest, he is now completely stained with Luo Geng's light, bringing him up

, he now especially admires Luo Geng in his heart, and has created two hot works in succession, and the market is almost monopolized by male and female consumers!

"The author... Luo Geng?

Xu Mengnan looked at the author's name on the book and was a little puzzled, because she had also paid attention to many Great God cartoonists, but she was very unfamiliar with this Luo Geng's name.

"Bang-bang-" The

door of Jia Mo's office was knocked, and the front desk lady poked her head over and said softly: "Jia Wei, someone is looking for it outside." "

Oh? Okay, I know, I'll go out right away.

Jia Mo nodded, then stood up, packed up Xu Mengnan's drawing, and handed it to her.

Then he walked out of the office with her and came outside.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Luo Geng sitting on the sofa, holding Erlang's legs, drinking coffee, and looking at the weekly.

"Teacher Luo! Why are you here! Jia

Mo was stunned, and quickly trotted over, revealing a smile on his face, this action was quite like a eunuch.

"Ah, I'll go out and do something, and I'll stop by to take a look at you."

Luo Geng put down the coffee, nodded and said.

He raised his head and looked at Jia Mo in front of him, and Xu Mengnan standing behind him.

"Ah! You are... Are you Xiaoyu's boyfriend?

Xu Mengnan pointed at Luo Geng and shouted in surprise, attracting Luo Geng's attention.

"Huh? You are? Luo Geng was a little surprised, looking at the girl in front of him, she really didn't have any impression

, but she said Xiaoyu, which proved that she knew Chi Xiaoyu and knew herself.

"My name is Xu Mengnan, I am Xiaoyu's friend, and we often hang out."

"Oooh, got an impression." Luo Geng nodded, thinking of the girls next to Chi Xiaoyu in his memory, it seemed that there was indeed her

, because the girl in his eyes was only Chi Xiaoyu, and his friends who saw her almost never remembered their faces, so even if Luo Geng had seen her a few times, he might still have no impression.

Jia Mo turned around, looked at Xu Mengnan and said, "It turns out that you are Xiaoyu's friend." "

Eh... Do you know Xiaoyu too? "

Xu Mengnan is a little confused, just now this editor seems to be Xiaoyu's boyfriend called Teacher Luo....

"Teacher Luo?" Xu Mengnan suddenly thought of something, picked up the comic book in her hand, and looked at the author's name-Luo Geng.

Jia Mo scratched his head and said, "

Don't you know that you are Xiaoyu's friend? Xiaoyu's boyfriend, Teacher Luo, is the author of this work, Luo Geng. "

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