"Huh?! It's true?

Xu Mengnan widened his eyes, his face was full of horror, and he looked at Luo Geng with a face full of disbelief.

How could she have thought that in such a popular work now, the author and herself are also first-year students? And still Chi Xiaoyu's boyfriend?

"Xiaoyu never talked about it... It turns out that her boyfriend is

a cartoonist..." Xu Mengnan still couldn't believe it, because looking at Luo Geng's appearance, he didn't look like a cartoonist at all, which should be the so-called people can't look.

And the painting is still so powerful, the work is so popular, no wonder Chi Xiaoyu's precious jewelry, the big diamond ring, it turns out that his boyfriend is very rich....

"You're here to....?"

Luo Geng asked her, I don't know why I can see Xiaoyu's friend here, is it Lao Jia's relative or something?

"Oh... I'm here to... Yes! Nothing, nothing. Xu Mengnan just wanted to take the drawing in his hand and hand it over, but he reacted and quickly hid behind him

, these things he painted, don't take it out and embarrass people.

However, Jia Mo said: "She came to see me to see the drawings, and she also drew some drafts."

"Really? Would it be convenient for me to show it? Luo Geng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that his peers actually drew comics, which in a sense, was more powerful than himself.

"This..." Xu Mengnan was a little embarrassed, she didn't dare to take it out after she understood that her drawing was very poor.

But Jia Mo didn't think so, and kept helping Luo Geng speak

, "Just show it to Teacher Luo, maybe I can point you out and help you."

"This... Well, then don't laugh at me after you read it.

Xu Mengnan took out his drawing from behind and handed it to Luo Geng.

After Luo Geng took it, he took a look and came to a conclusion: there is talent but not much....

This seems to be that he has not received systematic learning, and it is completely a hobby that drives him to imitate the style of major works, and the stitching monster that is put together from east to west.

"Come on, come on."

Luo Geng put the drawing on the table and beckoned Xu Mengnan over, Xu Mengnan

was a little dare, and thought that his painting was too bad to talk about himself, so he was a little timid.

As a result, after walking in front of Luo Geng, he began to point to the problems on the drawing, and began to explain to himself: "Here, at a glance, the handling method is not right, the visual sense is not good, it is too stiff, it is slightly softer, and here..." Xu Mengnan listened to Luo Geng seriously explain the problems on the drawing,

and was a little stunned.

She was a little suspicious of Luo Geng just now, but now, there is no doubt at all, whether from a professional point of view or drawing ability, Luo Geng is indeed a very powerful cartoonist.

"Lo... Teacher, you really deserve to be a "teacher", too professional, are you really the same age as me?

Xu Mengnan couldn't hide his surprise, and his eyes were full of admiration for Luo Geng.

"It's nothing, you still have talent, with more practice, you can become a cartoonist, of course, if you are not interested, just want to use it as a hobby, your level is almost the same, there is no problem in drawing and playing."

Luo Geng shook his head, took a sip of coffee, and said lightly.

"That... Can you teach me more! Teach me to draw comics! "

Huh?" Luo Geng looked at her a little sluggishly, and the serious look made him a little overwhelmed.

"I... I don't teach students, and you don't have anything for me to teach, just practice.

Xu Mengnan blinked, did not give up, and continued: "Then, you are not a cartoonist, right? Can I practice under you? Cartoonists should need assistants! "

Ahem! Teacher Luo already has an assistant! Jia

Mo suddenly opened his mouth and coughed twice, after all, Luo Geng's assistant was Qin Qiao, no matter how it was his cousin, how could he sit idly by when it threatened his cousin's position.

"I don't want wages!"


Luo Geng's eyes widened, and he suddenly came to his senses, sat up straight and stared at Xu Mengnan in front of him.

An assistant who willingly works under his staff and does not want a salary ?!

Although her painting skills are not very good, Luo Geng now does not need to be a good painter, as long as she does some simple work that does not require painting, it is also regarded as practice.

shared the pressure of himself and Qin Qiao, solved the matter of recruitment, moreover, did not want salary!


Xu Mengnan nodded, now in front of the author of the current very popular work, she likes comics very much, but her family does not agree to learn it by herself, and no one will teach herself, now with this opportunity, how can she not seize it?

Luo Geng nodded and said: "Okay, well, I really have some opportunities for you to practice now, it is this work, you will personally participate in the production of it, I believe that your painting will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!"

"Really?! That's great!

Xu Mengnan smiled when she heard this, her eyes flashed with excitement, she didn't expect that she actually had the opportunity to make the current hot works, moreover, there is no need for tuition!

"Let's go, I'll take you to my studio, Xiaoyu is also there."

Luo Geng stood up and prepared to leave, Xu Mengnan quickly nodded and followed.

Leaving Jia Mo standing in place with a blank face, a little overwhelmed,

didn't he come to find himself? How did you get here and find a small assistant and leave?

In the car, Xu Mengnan looked at Luo Geng and asked, "Teacher Luo, is this your first work?" Why have I never heard of you before?

"This is not, the last one was serialized in a weekly magazine, and it's normal that you don't know."

"Then your current popularity is too low, the work is very popular, but people are not hot at all."

Xu Mengnan had never heard of Luo Geng before this, and suddenly appeared to create such a work, which made her a little puzzled.

"Isn't it okay to make a fire? Why do people fire? "

After the people are popular, they will drive the work, and some fans will watch your work because they like you, and look forward to your next work, which must be beneficial."

Luo Geng thought about it and made some sense, and asked, "Oh? So how do I fire? Enlarge the author's name? "

Hmm... I want to think... Signing?


Geng thought that although someone suggested that he start a signing party in his previous life, he did not accept it, because he did not want to show his face in front of the public and was not interested.

But now you may think about it, not only to drive your own fame as she said, but also to accelerate a wave of sales and drive the fame of your work.

"Makes sense, it can be considered..."

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